Olivia: ...

Desirae: Oh come on, you're not still-

Olivia: I hate you.

Yami: What's her problem?

Olivia: I'll tell you what it is. A certain someone stole all my popsicles, ate as much as they could (with the help of two certain tri-colour hair anime characters) and left the rest on the table so now they're all melted :(

Desirae: Oh cry me a river! As if you're seriously angry about that. Just do the disclaimer and-

Olivia: No! I refuse.

Desirae: *sigh* Olivia does not own YuGiOh, nor will she-

Olivia: Nor will I ever.


Olivia: :) I feel better now.



"mind link"

Ament walked toward the warehouse she came from while Yami followed silently. With each passing step, he became increasingly anxious. Ament looked back at him once she made it to the door and winked. He furrowed his brow as she crossed through the threshold.

He walked in and looked around. It was just an ordinary warehouse. Gigantic wooden crates were stacked on top of each other, creating a sort of maze of wood boxes. The wall closest to the door seemed to be the only space without crates. Instead, there was a desk with a fold-up chair in front of it, a full-length mirror to the right, and a large, empty looking purse lying on the floor.

Ament walked over to the desk and waved her hand. An ornate glass vase of water appeared on top of it. She placed the lilies in the vase and turned to face Yami. He stood with his arms across his chest and intimidation emanating from him. Ament hardly batted an eye.

"So," she said with a coy smile, "How about we start the game? I'll explain the rules. There are seven clues you need to find. Technically six, as the first clue is given to you. Solve it, and the location of the second clue will be revealed. Solve that and the third clue is in reach, and so on and so forth.

"You have a time limit of half an hour to solve each clue and get to the location. Make it there in time, and you'll be awarded a point. If you go over the limit," she paused as her smiled widened and her head tilted back, "let's just say, a penalty will be awarded." Yami uncrossed his arms and stared her down.

"What's the penalty?" Ament crinkled her nose at Yami, "My goodness Pharaoh, you're so cute when you're impatient. But you'll find out when the time comes, so don't worry your handsome face over it. In any case, the goal of the game is to receive more points than penalties. Get four or more points and you win and get to take part in the final challenge to save your little light. If not, I win and I get what I desire." Yami's eyes narrowed.

"And what is it you desire?" Ament raised her eyebrows at him a couple times and laughed. She took the puzzle in her hands and turned it over so that it was upside down. In other words, it was now a right side up pyramid.

"Such an extraordinary trinket isn't it my Pharaoh? So complex in its own design, that only the one it chooses can solve it. Not to mention the magical powers it gives to its possessor. Simply marvelous, I think it is." Yami rolled his eyes. Of course this would be about the puzzle.

"You desire the puzzle," he stated with annoyance. To his surprise, Ament laughed. She flipped her hair back as she began to speak again.

"Oh please my Pharaoh, don't insult me! I really don't need any more jewelry, and I have enough magic of my own. No, this puzzle is simply a tool with which to bring my true desires into reality." She waved her hand lazily in the air and a sort of door-sized window to the shadows appeared.

Yami looked in through the window and froze on the spot. Yuugi lay limply on the ground with his eyes closed. From what Yami could see, he had dark circles under his eyes, like he hadn't gotten any rest before now, and his breathing was shallow.

The jacket he had been wearing before lay cast off in the corner and several dark bruises and cuts were visible on his pale skin. The darkest bruises were around both his wrists, probably from the chains Yami had seen in the vision earlier, and his right shoulder.

Yami shook his head to break himself out of his stupor and ran at the window only to have himself thrown backwards by the barrier. He got back to his feet before turning to Ament.

"LET HIM GO!" Yami shouted at her. Ament shook her head and brought her finger to her lips, "Shhh, you'll wake him up. It took me forever to get him to fall asleep."

More like knock him unconscious, Yami thought as he turned back to Yuugi. It looked like he was in the Shadow Realm. Every time they went there together it was different, whether it was Pegasus' game of draining his Aibou's energy or Marik's version of actually dismembering Yuugi.

This time seemed to be like when they were dueling Pegasus. That was odd in itself. The only reason Yuugi's spiritual energy had been drained in that case was that it was being used to keep the monsters' forms on the field. What in the shadows was draining his energy now?

Now that he thought about it, didn't you have to lose a Shadow Game to actually be trapped in the Shadow Realm? Did that mean Yuugi lost a game? Or worse yet, did Yami lose and did Yuugi take his place like with the Orichalcos? He shuddered. He didn't think that would be true. He didn't want that to be true. But how could he be sure? He couldn't remember anything about what happened.

"He looks like such an angel when he sleeps, doesn't he my Pharaoh?" Yami's train of thought was broken but his eyes never veered from Yuugi as he listened to Ament. "It'll almost a shame when the time comes to have him awaken. Then again we could always fix that." Yami clenched his fist but still refused to move as Ament continued.

"Do you know why I brought up the puzzle? I discovered something about it today. Originally, I planned to just take it to cut off your link, but there's a hidden secret." Yami was taken aback. Seeing Yami's reaction made Ament giggle.

"Sorry my Pharaoh, it's a secret separate from your ancient past. This secret is a modern day one." Ament's voice lowered to a whisper as she spoke, "Do you want me to tell you it? Do you want to know the secret?" Yami glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and didn't say anything.

"Hmm," Ament said snapping her fingers. The window started to fade and Yami's eyes darted back to it to catch one last sight of Yuugi before he disappeared. He growled and turned back to Ament. She shrugged.

"You didn't answer right away so you're going to have to wait! Now, do you want to start the game?" Yami sighed and stared at the floor, knowing the sooner he started the game, the sooner this would all be over.

"What's the first clue?" he asked in a resigned tone. Ament backed away and Yami turned to look at her. She pointed to the desk.

"The clue's there. I'll be waiting at the finish line, my Pharaoh. Don't forget, keep to the time limit. I've got my eye on you." She blew a kiss at him before waving her arms in front of her. In a wave of air almost reminiscent of Shadi's way appearing and disappearing, Ament was gone.

Yami walked over to the desk and started opening drawers until he found a folded piece of paper similar to the one he had found in the alley. He opened it and read the clue.

A heart can be lost or forgotten in the mind.

Friendships at stake, care gone, compassion left behind.

To regain what is lost, best friends must sometimes fight.

Go to where Darkness was locked and what shone was Light.

Good Luck!

Yami furrowed his brow, the answer was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't seem to grasp it. He looked down at his watch. The clock was ticking.

Olivia: Can you guess where the next clue is? Review if you think you know!

Desirae: Or just review anyway. You know, whatever.

Yami: I want Yuugi back! Also, Ament is really beginning to creep me out. O.o

Olivia: Oh come on Yami, you're used to having girls call you 'cute' and stuff.

Yami: Yes, but it's still very unnerving to have my Aibou's kidnapper do it...