Here's a new story, I hope you like it :)

Disclaimer: In case you thought I was Kazuki Takahashi posing as an 18 year old girl, I am NOT and I do NOT own YuGiOh... :(

Enjoy and please review! Constructive criticism welcome.



"mind link"

Yuugi cheerfully waved goodbye to his friends as he left the arcade. That was a lot of fun, he thought to himself, I can't believe how fast time went by. It's already gotten so dark out. He was a little late getting home, having lost track of time in the fun of playing. As he made his way down the street toward the game shop, he heard a scream coming from a nearby alley.

What was that?, he thought as he ran to the alley to see what was going on. He sped around the corner and before he could process what was going on, the world went black.

Yami opened his eyes to find himself lying in between two buildings. His head was pounding and his vision was blurry, but from what he could tell, he had been there a long time. The sun was just rising and he could hear someone opening the shop in the building to his right.

The shop, he thought, we never made it back to the shop! Yami tried to remember what happened since he and his hikari left the arcade, but he could not seem to recall. The last thing he remembered was his hikari running to the alley after hearing someone scream.

"Aibou, what happened? Are you okay?" Silence.

"Aibou?" Yami questioned again, worried by the lack of response. He sat up abruptly, feeling sick from moving too quickly. Something was off about the way he was sitting. He brought his hand to his chest and was struck with fear by what he found, or more accurately what he didn't find. The Millennium Puzzle was missing.

Yami was panicking now. Where was the puzzle? Why couldn't he contact Yuugi? Why couldn't he remember what happened? He looked around at the ground, trying in vain to find some kind of clue as to what happened. Finding nothing, he cursed and stood up. He was about to walk out of the alleyway when he noticed a neatly folded note taped to the brick wall on his left.

Hoping to find some sort of hint as to where the puzzle and his friend were, he pulled the note down and opened it. He was shocked when he saw it was addressed to him. Yami began to read the letter.

Dearest Pharaoh,

Missing something?

If you want to see your precious little friend and your puzzle again, wait for my phone call. Don't tell anyone of this, or your little light will be extinguished indefinitely.

I can guarantee this.

With love, Ament

Yami was filled with rage. How dare this person do this to him, his hikari, his friend. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. All he wanted to do was unleash the full power of his wrath on whoever was doing this, but he was no closer to doing this than he was to finding the truth of his past. He knew he had no choice but to listen to this person's demands.

He opened his eyes and started running toward the game shop. Yuugi's grandpa must be worried by now. The two of them had been gone all night. But now only one is coming back, Yami thought sadly as he continued on his way. Why couldn't he remember what had happened?

Aibou, he thought, please be alright.