Author Note: I own nothing. Also this has nothing in common to or with my other story A Hidden Past. Also Mort might be a little out of character- or alot.
It was any "ordinary" night at central park zoo. The penguins were either sleeping(Private & Kowalski) or doing night recon(Skipper & Rico) while everyone else ('cept for some nocturnal animals) were sleeping.
Well everyone other then the lemurs who were having an all night dance party. Thank goodness for the ear plugs that the penguins had distributed to everyone! King Julien, Maurice, and Mort were all dancing to a Ke$ha song. Julien was making his usual oddball coments while Maurice had to off and on stop dancing to cover Mort's ears during the more inappropriate parts. Mort squirmed in his grip each time. "All right now my loyalist subjucts it is being time for the King to be having the stage now," he bagan doing alot of random fancy-foot work that looked rather silly and strange and...actually fitting to the song Tic Tock. Maurice, grateful for the king hogging the floor, flooped down on the ground trying to catch his breath. Mort on the other hand was getting more and more excited as he watched the king's feet do strange and nearly impossible things. To him in his strange sick little head those feet were the most amazing things in the world. Oh how much he wanted to touch those feet. Finally, unable to take it, he lunged forward gripping onto King Julien's feet for dear life.
"Aaahhhhh! Mort let go of the royal feet!" and with that Mort was kicked of of Julien's feet and sent flying toward the otter habitat. Mort landed with a thud and skidded across the ground of Marlene's habitat sliding into the small pond which helped sooth his ground burn. Unfortunatly Mort isn't that good at swimming. The little lemur was panicing as water climbed in to his throat and wind pipe. He chocked and was beginning to feel very sleepy and heavy. He fell under the water.
Suddenly grabbed him and began to drag him up. At the contact of something grabbing him he opened his eyes under rthe water. It stung for a few moments and his vision was blurry but what he saw shocked him so badly that he blacked out.
The next thing he knew he was on the wall of the fountain with all the zoo's residents surrounding him. They all looked worried(except for Julien, of course).
"Hmmm... where am I?" Mort was still slightly dizzy and when he tried to get up he fell down imediatly.
"You're at the fountain silly Mort." Julien was ticked because the attention was not directed at him.
"Yeah after King Julien kicked you off his feet you landed in Marlene's pond and almost drowned. Good thing Marlene was still up or you would've drowned," Maurice explained.
Mort suddenly remembered what he head saw in the water. "Where is Marlene?" He looked around. She wasn't anywhere around.
"She went home. She was really worked up after she got everyone up so we told her go home and rest. She was really worried about you. Typical cute and naive Marlene " Skipper started Mort from behind.
Mort could still picture what he had seen before blacking out. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. He wasn't sure he had seen what he thought he saw. He believed in alot of magical creatures monsters but he thought these came only in humanish form.
He looked up at the full moon in the sky and began to accept what he saw was real.
What he thought he saw was Marlene with a fish tail. A mermaid?
Please reveiw. What did you think about it? And yes I had a Ke$ha song stuck in my head as I wrote this. Reveiw! Poette Out!