Beck turned the last corner and started pulling slowly into his parents' driveway just getting back from his trip to Canada. It was fun and the scenery had been beautiful but he felt like something was missing the entire time he was up there because he was away from Jade.
Damn he thought I'm getting down right addicted to her. He chuckled, that was just fine with him. Most people couldn't understand why he stayed with her, after all she was just the scary goth girl who like to hurt people.
But to him he was someone different. To him, she was the girl who yelled and made cutting remarks to hide the pain she felt. Who used sarcasm to hide the feelings she didn't want others to see. To him she was the girl who cried when they first made love, and who drove herself crazy trying to get him back the one time he made her mad enough for her to call it all off.
Beck grimaced at that particular memory. That short time he had spent without her was not something he liked to remember. He hated not being around her and being able to kiss her whenever opportunity struck.
It nearly killed him when he kissed her and all she could say was "You love me again." With that wondering and vulnerable look in her eye.
And the only thing he could think to say in response had been "Who said I stopped."
Beck shook his head to dispel the memories, dwelling on the past wasn't going to change it. He turned the corner of the house carefully, trying not to nick it with his trailer again, that was not a conversation with his dad he wanted to relive.
He was just looking up from checking his mirrors as he parked it in his usual spot when he saw something that chilled his blood. Jade was sitting on a crate underneath the tall bush plant at the rear of his trailer and she had streaks of mascara running down her face from where she must have been crying.
Shit, he had know she wasn't happy that her performance had to be cancelled because of Toris' stupid Prome, but he never would have guessed that she had been this upset. He threw his truck into park and ripped his seatbelt off, jumping out the cab he rushed around the front of his truck and hurried over to Jade.
When he got in front of her he knelt down so his face would be level to hers and cupped her chin gently, forcing her to look him in the eye.
"Jade, baby, what happened."
Her lips trembled almost imperceptibly, "Tori stole the night I had for my performance and then she called me a freak demon in front of everyone, with a bullhorn." She took a shuddering breath and let it out slowly and carefully.
Beck shook his head slowly, "Oh baby, oh come on, come here." He reached out his arms for her and she slowly leaned forward into them as fresh tears started coursing their way down her cheeks. She was so much thinner than her layers of dark clothing let on. He could always feel her ribs whenever he held her and her hips bones jutted out far more than he thought was safe.
Slowly opening the door of the trailer and stepping up into it carefully so as not jostle her he reached behind him to close it again then moved to sit on the bed. He sat carefully with his back leaning up against the wall and just held her, his left hand gently massaging the back of her neck.
She finally stopped crying what seemed years later and sat up, looking at him with watery eyes, "You shouldn't date me, who wants to date a freak."
He sat up abruptly, he would have dumped her on the floor if he hadn't had firm hold of her face with both hands, "You listen to me Jade, and listen carefully 'cause I don't want to have to say ever again, you are not a freak. You are not a demon and you are not what they call you. You are beautiful and smart and kind and you are the only girl I want to be around. Do you understand me?" he finished shaking her slightly.
She nodded, giving him a weak smile and started to move closer, but he held her back, moving her off his lap and onto his bed, gently urging her head onto his pillow. Jade gave him a questioning look.
"I'm going to go have a little talk with our so called friends, I want you to stay here and get some rest okay? I'm gonna be back soon." She nodded, closing her eyes in exhaustion. He kissed her forehead lingeringly and stood, pulling off her sneakers before pulling the covers out from under her and draped them over her.
He turned off the lights as he left and locked the door. He walked over to the house and went in through the kitchen door, marching past the family cook and into the den where his father sat reading the newspaper and his mother was working on her latest novel.
"Dad, can I borrow your car keys?"
His curt and controlled tone made his dad look up, "What about your truck?"
Beck gritted his teeth he really didn't want to waste time answering his dads questions right now, "It's still hitched up to the trailer, and I don't have time to unhitch it because Jade is in the trailer asleep and I need to talk to our friends about some things they said to her while I was gone and I need to do it now." His angry tone and ominous stress on the words friends and now made his dad realize that saying no to his son in this particular point in time would not be a very good idea. He dug into his pocket and tossed Beck a set of keys.
"Thanks Dad." His brief word of thanks was none the less sincere for the hurried manner in which it was spoken. As Beck marched to the garage he pulled out his cell phone and hit speed dial two.
"Hey Beck! Man when did you get back in town, 'cause if it was last night, man you missed one heck of a party!" André's cheery voice did nothing to lighten Beck's dark mood.
"André I need you to call Cat and Robbie and I need you guys to get over to Tori's house like now."
"Yeah sure man, is everything okay?"
"No, everything is not okay, I'll explain when I get there." He snapped his phone shut as he climbed into his dad's 2011 Jaguar XKR convertible.
Fifteen minutes later Beck was pulling into Toris' drive way behind André and Robbie's cars. He slammed it into park and pulled the keys, climbing out of the car and slamming the door, leaving the ticking engine behind him in a few swift strides as he stormed up to the front door.
Banging his fist on the closed door, he silently seethed in the short amount of time it took for Cat to answer the door. He pushed past her ignoring her surprised squeak, briefly wondering which boy gave her a ride. He stopped about five feet in the room and said in a slow controlled voice, trying desperately to not lose his temper.
"Would anybody care to explain to me why you felt the need to shanghai Jades' performance date out from under her to hold a silly prom, when Hollywood Arts has never had one before?"
The bewildered looks on his friend faces only fueled his anger, "'Cause, oh I don't know, did it ever occur to any of you that she had the night booked first and that she worked hard on her play?"
"It was a Prome." Toris's soft comment, said in a manner like that should explain everything made Beck's tenuously held control snap, making him say some things he wasn't proud of.
"A Prome? Are you serious Tori? And then calling her a freak demon in front of God and everyone, using a bullhorn? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think it's funny to say shit like that to Jade cause let me tell you it's not, okay? It's mean and it's cruel." He stalked forward as he said it until he was right in Toris' face, his fury evident in the wild look in his eyes.
"Hey man, don't yell at Tori." Robbie said, only making it worse.
Beck whirled to face Robbie and spat out, "I just spent an hour holding Jade while she sobbed her fucking eyes out, so don't even start with me Robbie." He sighed, calming slightly, just enough to realize that if he didn't leave now he would say some things that could not be unsaid, "You guys just stay away from Jade, okay, I don't want her upset like that again."
He turned and started walking towards the door and he was just pulling it open when Cat made her first comment of the night.
"But Jade never cries."
He turned his head slowly, saying over his shoulder as his hand squeezed the doorknob in a death grip, "Yeah, I know, that's why I'm worried." He walked out, pulling the door shut behind him.
When he pulled back into the garage he simply left the keys in the ignition as he went straight to his trailer.
He unlocked the door and stepped in carefully, not wanting to wake Jade. He shouldn't have worried though 'cause she was huddled in the corner of his bed against the wall with his pillow clutched to her chest and her bare legs pulled up to it. Her jeans, bra and jacket lay on the floor, discarded to make sleep she wasn't getting more comfortable.
Beck shrugged out of his jacket before moving to take off his pants and shoes before finally lifting his shirt over his head. Jade sat watching him the entire time he disrobed. When he was down to nothing but his black silk boxers he walked over to the bed, sitting next to her he pulled the pillow from her grasp and put it behind him. He then scooted further down in the small twin bed, pulling her with so that she lay on top of him under the covers.
The rest of the night Beck held Jade to him gently as she slept, his heart breaking with every time she shuddered and whimpered in her sleep.
The next day she had the mask back in place and the sarcasm turned up to full force at school, and no one but him could see just how hurt she was.
I just watched the new Victorious episode and realized that Jades side of the story needed to be told. Don't read it if you don't like it, review it if you don't and remember, just because you can't tell someone is upset doesn't mean they aren't. And yeah, I realize that it was really long but I wanted it to be a oneshot so just deal with it, Watching Happiness Burn out.