Hi guys...

I'm sorry this is not an chapter. I have a little request and I hope you guys could help me out with it :3

I see that still a lot of you guys are following this story and reviewing and faving and I am trying my best to write the next chapter. However I can't seem to find the inspiration to write. It is not because I do not know what to write. Because I most definitely know exactly what I want in the plot up until the last chapter. The thing is that whenever I'm writing at the moment I'm not feeling it. I'm not in the story. This is not a problem I only have with this story. It's something I have with everything I write at the moment. I guess it's some kind of writers block.

Anyways... I was wondering if you guys could help me out a little :3 Maybe you could pm me or something, with pictures, amvs, music playlists, maybe start and RP with me.. or just talking about IggyChu would probably help me out :3 getting really excited about the pairing again. (Its not like I don't like them anymore.. I'm just out of it XD) Just anything that could help me to get inspired again :3

I really hope you guys would like to help me out with it :3 And hopefully I would be able to finish the next chapter soon :3

Thanks in advance~ 3