A: Alternate Universes

Disclaimer: Don't own Fringe...Peter would be in existence if I did.

Spoilers: All Seasons

Olivia found herself surprised one night at dinner when Peter sets down avocado and all she can do is stare at the bowl for what seems like forever before his hand on hers breaks her.

"Sweetheart, are you allergic? I'm sorry I should have known…"

"No I'm not," she smiled and reached up, touching his cheek and kissed him. "Thank you but I've eaten enough of them to last a lifetime." She looked at the rest of the food, "but everything else looks delicious, what is it?"

They began dinner and Peter asks her a question that she was somehow was surprised by. "I've never seen you eat avocado so how could you eat enough to last a lifetime?"

She put down her fork and looked at him before biting her lip and sighed, "when I was on the other side, in the other universe…I had her memories forced on me as you know, well she had this boyfriend who was an absolute sweetheart. Anyways, the cover story was a mental breakdown and when I came back to her place under the belief I was her he made dinner for me…her favorite avocado salad. Anyways, I remember clearly eating that for days and after I saving their team, one of the team members sent me a basket of avocados as a thank you for saving his ass. Anyways, I ate enough of them on the other side that I don't want to touch them again…tea neither."

Peter nodded, "I shouldn't have pushed, I'm sorry."

"No, its fine…honestly, I don't talk to anyone about it and you aren't being pushy…just curious."

Peter laughed, "and curiosity got the cat where?"

Olivia placed a hand on his arm and smiled, "you can ask me about alternate universes any time just not my experiences in them…that way I can't tell you anything that you haven't told me, I'd just be feeding it back to you."

He chuckled and shook his head, "finish your dinner, I'm not giving you the new bottle of whiskey I bought today till you've eaten."

"New bottle?" She looked at him, "how new?"

"You're a borderline alcoholic you know that right?"

"And you're borderline insane."

Peter eyed her before he smirked, "well know what they say about genius and crazy, there's a fine line."

A/N: I started this to help my cowriter cope with my leaving for a few days and it morphed into the entire alphabet. Each letter responds to a topic and some are funny, some are cute, some are happy and some are tragic. I hope you enjoy these.

Next up: B for Boyfriend