
Rachel walked down the steps to her basement. Every one looked up and noticed she wasn't alone. They all paused and stared at Grey. No one knew how to act towards him, did they hate him did they like him, did they hate him, it was very confusing. There was an uncomfortable pause.

"Hello…everyone." Grey spoke up. "I know I'm the last person you all want to see to night. I can't blame you." He nervously shifted, know one said a thing. "Last night I said some cruel things and Kurt slapped me."

"Told you it would work." Lauren whispered.

"After that I began to reflect on who I was and then Finn said something." As Grey said this Finn became more intensive. "Finn said he loved me." Everyone looked at Finn briefly." Know one has ever said that to me in my entire life. The only real affection I got was a roll of cash to do with as I pleased. I thought money and power was love and it made me see people with ought it as small and inferior." Everyone seemed affected by this speech.

"Finn you think I'm so lucky with all the money I have when the truth is you are the lucky one. Your mother is married to a terrific guy and you got a brother out of it, my mother has had several husbands who are all dead beats and penny pinchers." Grey felt like he was getting emotional. "Then when I helped Sam it felt so good do something for someone else and after he hugged me I started feeling those nice happy emotions I had never really had, I want to say I'm sorry and I don't want to be like this anymore. " Kurt's eyes were filled with tears including all the girls.

Kurt outstretched his arms with a huge smile. Grey ran into his step cousin who tightly hugged him. Finn then wrapped his arms around both of them. Grey was crying into Kurt's shoulder.

"Shhh Grey its ok we love you so much." Kurt whispered into his cousin's ear. That's when every one in Glee all got into a huge group hug with Grey in the center. There was enough love to fill all the years of emptiness that Grey had. Grey had the greatest time with the Glee club that night laughing and watching movies. The next morning everyone was in Rachel's kitchen eating breakfast.

"How would you like your eggs Grey?" Quinn asked. Grey thought for a moment.

"Actually, do you have pop tarts?" he asked. Kurt and Finn looked at each other. Mike handed one to Grey. He bit into it chewed then swallowed. His eyes flared. "This is the greatest thing I have ever tasted." He declared. Kurt and Finn laughed loudly much to the confusion of the others.

The end

Authors note: hoped you like this story because it is one in a trilogy but the others wont be here for a little wile do to the fact I have other ideas and stories to finish. And check out my other cousin story which is separate from this one called "Cousin Dante" It is about Blaine's eccentric cousin.