Hi everyone! I would like to thank those who reviewed my other two stories I posted! It means a lot! This is going to be rated T for now, but if I decide to add the second part it will most definitely go up to M. As for the setting, I'm going to say it takes place after the series (even though we all don't know what happens yet). I'm just going to wing lol.

And, in case some of you haven't noticed, I changed my pen name again. I just didn't like the old one. Sorry in case it caused any confusion.

I know this has been done quite a bit, but I just wanted to write my take on how these two lovely boys got together (if it were cannon anyway). The title was taken from one of my favorite songs by Late Night Alumni. I hope you enjoy!

Finally Found

The eldest Lightwood stood stock still, looking directly at his golden haired parabatai. Alec's world had just been suddenly and inexplicably turned upside down, and his mind was running about a million miles a minute. Just a little while ago everything was still normal…or as normal as the life of a Shadowhunter could be. But, Jace had just uttered the words that Alec had longed to hear. Alec couldn't count the number of times he dreamed of Jace saying those words. But, as soon as those words left Jace's mouth, Alec was left utterly confused.

"You…you love me?"

Those golden eyes looked up from the floor, looking more vulnerable than Alec had ever seen in his entire life, "Yes."

They were standing in the library of the Institute. After everything that had happened with Lilith and the hordes of demons they had slaughtered, everything was finally settling back to what it used to be. That was until Jace uttered his revelation. Jace was looking back at the floor again, finding an interesting pattern on the carpet beneath their feet.

Thinking back over the past few weeks, Alec should have known something else was going on. For one thing, he and Clary had broken up, which shocked Alec (as well as everyone else). Alec was convinced that Jace and Clary were going to run off, get married, have lots of babies and live happily ever after. Apparently that wasn't the case, and when Alec asked if there was any chance of them getting together, Jace assured him that that was impossible. Plus it seemed like Jace constantly wanted to spend time with him (which didn't bother Alec in the slightest, seeing as things hadn't worked out for him and Magnus either).

"I…Jace, I…don't understand," Alec replied, finding it a little difficult to form full, eloquent sentences.

"I know…god, I know how messed up this and I didn't mean to spring it on you like this," said Jace, trying to quell the unfamiliar feeling in his stomach. It was so strange to feel this unsure, and he thought for a moment he was going to vomit. He really did want to confess his feeling for Alec with a little more finesse, but his brain had other plans. Being around Alec lately had affected him in ways he had never experienced before. Now that he was alone with Alec, a wave of intense emotion swept over him and just sort of…blurted it out. As soon as he let those three words fly, he mentally kicked, punched and maimed himself.

"It's just…you love me. You…love me," Alec said, disbelief laced in his voice.

"I think that's pretty obvious now," said Jace.

"For real? You really, genuinely do?"

Jace looked up into Alec's eyes, trying not to get lost in their crystal blue depths. It had been so difficult to admit to himself that he was in love with the boy standing before him. But once the feeling set it and he embraced it, it was the best feeling in the world. He felt almost giddy and had to stop himself from running around the Institute acting like a love sick twelve year old. Izzy was the first to notice his new behavior, and after a week of incessant prying, he told her what had caused his mood change. Izzy was ecstatic and gave him an overzealous hug, crushing him with more strength than he thought she had.

"You have to tell him," Izzy had said excitedly. "By the angel, I never thought in a millions years this would happen." She hugged him again and let out a weird, girly squeal. "You and Alec! That is beyond adorable."

"Thanks," Jace replied genuinely.

"Oh, this is so wonderful," said Izzy with a smile. But, said smile suddenly turned into a warning glare. "But, I swear to every God in existence that if you hurt him, I will make your life a living hell. Got it?"

"I would expect nothing less."

That conversation with Izzy was nearly a month ago. It took Jace nearly four weeks to pluck up enough courage to tell his parabatai everything that had been swirling around in his mind. Now Alec was looking intently at him, waiting for Jace's answer.

"Things have been weird for me, Alec," Jace began. "Nothing was making sense anymore and I just felt…out of place…that something was missing. I thought I had found that missing piece with Clary, but she was the one that helped me see it. I sat up for days thinking about what the hell was going on with me and how I was feeling. At first it scared me when…when I realized my feelings for you. But everything is crystal clear to me now. I love you…I'll always love you and you're the most important person in my life. I know you've moved on, but I had to tell you…I couldn't keep it in anymore. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot and that it took me so long to realize…though it's too late now."

"No," said Alec, trying desperately to hold back a wave of tears that was dangerously close to spilling from his eyes.


"No…no, it's not too late," Alec replied. "I never got over you. I tried and tried and tried so damn hard to but nothing I did worked. Jace, I loved you for so long…even after being hurt so many times I still loved you. I loved you even though I knew there wasn't even a chance that you would love me back."

Jace stood a step forward, "I never meant to hurt you, Alec."

Alec stepped forward too, "I know you didn't…but, God there was so many times I just wanted to rip my heart out. Every time I saw you and Clary together…"

"I know, and I'm sorry," Jace replied, slowly reaching out and taking Alec's hand in his. "I really am…I'll say it a thousand times if I have to. I'm so sorry."

"But…you really mean it. Because, like I said before, you're the straightest person in the entire world. Girls fawn over you and you love it."

"Well, I'm obviously not. While I do enjoy the attention…the only one I want 'fawning' over me is you."

Alec blushed prettily, which was doing strange things to Jace's insides. Alec unconsciously took another step forward, as did Jace. Suddenly they were only inches apart, close enough to feel each other's body heat. "You're sure? You really, really mean it?"

Jace moved forward even more so they were touching. He took a deep breath, reaching up to cup Alec's face in his hands. The soft skin against his fingertips felt more amazing than he thought it would. He began to wonder what the rest of Alec's skin felt like…

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you, Alec Lightwood," Jace said with conviction.

Hearing those words again from Jace's mouth with such confidence sent Alec's heart soaring. He forgot how to breathe for a moment, only focusing on Jace's handsome face. They were so incredibly close it was like they were breathing each other's air. Jace's eyes were misty, yet unsure and it was so endearing.

It was unknown who moved first, but suddenly their lips pressed together, and the feeling it caused between them was like a spark in the night. It was soft, sweet, slow and oh so perfect. Jace never knew a kiss could be so perfect. He removed his hands from Alec's face, wrapping them around the other boy's back. Alec slowly wrapped his own arms around Jace's neck, pressing himself against Jace's hard body.

Slowly, the kiss morphed into something more needy and heated. Their kiss was filled with a passion that neither of them had known before. They broke apart momentarily for air, gazing into each other's lust clouded eyes. Alec couldn't help notice the almost possessive glare in Jace's golden eyes, making them look even more intense than they normally did. At that moment Alec knew what he wanted and let everything else but Jace disappear.

"I love you too, Jace," Alec said softly, their lips still pressed together. "I always have; more than anything."

They kissed again, conveying everything they felt through their lips. It was the most amazing feeling, being this connected to another human being. Jace lost himself in it, consuming himself in all that was Alec. His Alec; Finally.

I really hope you all enjoyed this! Please review because they inspire me to write more! If I get enough reviews I'll post the second part to this story (which will be lovely and citrusy!)