A/N: A Doctor/Master(Theta/Koschei) story inspired by a Skillet song, because this isn't by third like that or anything. I got the idea a while ago but couldn't think of a way to write it, plus I planned for it to be a one-shot but the story disagreed, but updates will probably be slow because I have three other fics on the go and exams coming up. It was inspired by 'Monster' and the title is a line from the song. Please R&R.
Ly Lyrics.

The Darkness Just Begun
Chapter 1

He could feel the anger burning up inside him, an anger he couldn't explain much less control. It was there with the drums, taptaptaptap, taptaptaptap, taptaptaptap, taptaptaptap, steadily growing, steadily getting worse. He tried to ignore it, he tried to push it down, he tried focusing on what was in front of him. Theta was stood in front of him in the forest where they always met, he was smiling, his pale brown eyes glistening happily. He couldn't help but see beauty when he looked at Theta but then that was Theta all over wasn't it? Practically perfect, perfect grades, perfect family, perfect damn smile. And as the son of Dr Sigma, one of Gallifrey's finest, what else could be expected? How he'd like to wipe that smile off his face.

No! He didn't think that, this was Theta, he cared about Theta, he loved Theta. He didn't want to hurt him. Theta who was now wrapping his arms around his waist, his touch so soft and gentle and yet so strong. Theta who would never let anything hurt him. Theta who felt it was his place to protect him. Theta who always knew best. Theta who could do no wrong. Theta who was everything he would never be.

He wrapped his arms around Theta, pulling him close and resting his head against Theta's shoulder, trying to ignore those thoughts. He stayed there for a moment, safe in Theta's arms, before moving to kiss him. He moved his arms from Theta's waist to play with his hair as he kissed him. Theta's lips were soft as was his slightly curly thick brown hair.

"I love you, Theta." He whispered between kisses, trying to convince himself that that was still true as the anger returned. Theta was so beautiful, how much more beautiful would be if he cried?

"I know," Theta whispered back. There was something smug about that, wasn't there? Theta knew he had him. No. That wasn't right. It was just an innocent comment "I love you, too." That sweet smile of his was still there. He ran a hand over Theta's cheek and forced himself to smile back.

Theta kissed him again, a long, deep passionate. A controlling kiss, Theta's arms pulled him closer forcing him to move. He pulled away and punched him in one quick movement. Theta yelped in shock and pain as his fist made contact with his jaw.

"Koschei…?" Theta whispered, his eyes wide, his expression shocked, his hand flying to his jaw, rubbing it gently. There was something even more beautiful about Theta in pain.

"That's not my name." He told him, the dangerous edge to his tone caused Theta to step back "I am the Master."

"No, you're not!" Theta said determinedly. He stepped forward again, "You're Koschei." He placed his hand gently on his check. "You're my Koschei."

"I'm not your anything." He retorted bitterly, slapping Theta's hand away.

"Koschei…" Theta's face portrayed the heartbreak he was feeling.

"Look at you" his voice continued bitterly "you think you're so perfect. Your perfect life, your perfect family, your perfect body, your perfect personality, all so damn perfect."

"I never claimed to be perfect, I'm not perfect." Theta said "Why are you being like this?"

"Oh but you are, aren't you? You can't do anything wrong." He hit Theta again.

"Koschei stop it!" Theta tried to sound angry but he couldn't keep the panic out of his voice. His lip had split and was bleeding, he wiped it away.

He went to hit Theta again but Theta caught his fist and kept hold of it. He didn't let it stop him though, hitting Theta in the rib with his other hand. Theta automatically let go of his fist and backed away, holding his rib.

"This isn't you" Theta insisted. "Why are you doing this?"

He smiled "It's good to see you hurt. Mark your oh-so-perfect face."

"Koschei stop it. Calm down. Look at me" Theta told him. "Look at me, you don't want to do this."

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore, Theta. I am the Master"

"No! You're Koschei" Theta insisted. "You're Koschei and I love you."

"Theta…" He said, his voice was still bitter but his fists slowly unclenched. This was Theta, his Theta, his love. He did what he asked and looked at him properly. Theta's lip was no longer bleeding but a bruise was already forming on his jaw. Theta's eyes were wide, his expression that of a rabbit in headlights. What power there was in that, a strong, brave guy like Theta was scared of him. Brilliant.

No! It wasn't. It wasn't brilliant. Theta was hovering a few steps away from him, scared to step forward but too in love to leave him. He could do whatever he wanted and Theta probably wouldn't even try to stop him. No! He didn't want to hurt Theta, he'd never wanted to, not really. But look at how beautiful he was scared. No!

"Theta…" His voice was softer now, a level of desperation entering it. He needed help and he knew it and he knew Theta knew it. And Theta would help, would always continue to help no matter what he did, that was the great thing about Theta. "Help me!"

Theta was confused, of course he was confused, but he stepped forward and pulled him into his arms. Theta touch was so gentle and familiar, how could he ever have wanted to hurt him? How could he ever have actually hurt him? He found himself crying into Theta's shoulder.

"Kosch?" Theta asked gently. "What's going on?"

"I'm scared, Theta, I'm so scared," he whispered. He hated himself for admitting it, he hated that he was scared, he knew he needed to toughen up and deal with it. He knew he had to stop being so pathetic.

No. That wasn't him. He wanted Theta's help, he needed Theta's help. He didn't want to hurt him. "I'm so sorry, Theta."

Theta shook his head. See, Theta didn't even care, he could do anything and a simple apology would make it better. No. No. No. He was sorry, he didn't want to hurt Theta, he didn't.

"What's going on?" Theta asked again.

"I don't know." He admitted helplessly. He should let himself be helpless, he should be stronger, strong enough to deal with it, strong enough to take control. He looked at Theta's worried expression, he didn't need control, he needed Theta. "I can't control it."

"Can't control what?" Theta asked.

Koschei pulled away from him, his hands against the side of his heads, "The drums…" he tapped on the side of his head along with the beat taptaptaptap. "So loud. So angry. So…" he closed his eyes tightly, he was aware that Theta was watching him. "I don't know who I am anymore, Theta."

Theta took his hands and gently pulled them away from his head. "Look at me, Kosch" he ignored the part of him which said Theta was trying to control him and he had to stop that and slowly opened his eyes. Theta met his eyes, taking his face in his hands to stop him looking away "You're Koschei, you're smart and funny and loving and-"

"I love you, Theta." He whispered, placing his hands on Theta's face. "and I don't want to hurt you but I can't control it." he pulled away again, stepping back from Theta. "It's like there's this… other me locked away deep inside and he's dark and angry and violent and he just wants to hurt people and I can't control it. I can't stop it because part of me… part of me doesn't want to. Part of me wants to let him out. But he hurt you, I hurt you, we hurt you. And I can't let that happen, I don't want to hurt you…"

Theta smiled, there was something reassuring about the sight. "It's all right, Kosch, you can fight it."

So naïve, but then with such a sheltered life what else could be expected? In Theta's perfect little world everything bad could be fought off and everything would end up all right. He should be shown that sometimes it wasn't all right, he should be shown that things went terribly wrong.

No! He wasn't going to hurt him. He didn't deserve to be hurt. He wasn't naïve, he was just positive. He tried to smile positively back but he couldn't force himself too. "Theta, I mean it. I can't let that happen. I can't see you anymore."

Theta's smile faded into horror instantly, "Don't be silly, Koschei…" but he'd already ran away.