By Kalmalinga aka Kalnaman and Malinga
A/Ns: Sorry but we couldn't help to start a new story. We think that there should be some downsized stories with Danny and Adam. Since we couldn't find any we had to write one ourselves. Do you know some other than the story Danny Taylor? If you do please let us know.
Warnings: Kidfic. Spanking of minors, don't like? Then please don't read it. Not beta'd.
Summary: Mac has his hands full with his two downsized CSI investigators Danny and Adam. Double trouble ahead.
Disclaimers: We don't own anything from CSI NY. But we wish we owned Danny and Adam sigh.
Chapter 1
Danny ignored Adam's warning about not touching the strange object in the lab. Danny needed to find out what that button would do if being pushed. There was a bright light and Danny felt strange. The lab got bigger and bigger. His glasses fell of his face. He looked back to see if Adam was ok, but instead of Adam there was a young boy. "Hey what are you doing in here boy?" Hmm Danny thought his voice sounded funny.
Adam jumped and turned around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, swiftly, his eyes wide with confusion and slight disorientation, he stared at the blond boy in front of him. "Who are you?"
"I'm Danny Messer. I'm a CSI investigator. How did you get in here? This is not a place for a kid. And who are you?"
Adam's eyes became impossibly larger then, his eyebrows raising high on his brow as he stared back in shock, his mouth moving but no actual words making it out of his mouth as he waved his index finger in the boy's direction, finally settling for a nervous smile instead.
"What are you smiling at kid? Tell me who you are so I can find your parents."
Adam blinked back at him, shaking his head. "Look, kid. It was really funny for a while, but that's enough with the jokes, okay? Your parents must be worried, so why don't you tell me your name now so we can get you to them, okay?" Adam reached out for the boy, and that's when he noticed, for the first time, his hand didn't exactly look the way it should and held it up in front of his face in shock. "My God!"
Danny looked worried at the kid, "what's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Adam's head shot up to stare at Danny, just now realizing this kid was actually taller than him. "Um..." He coughed; trying to clear what he'd previously thought was just the starts of a cold, with no luck. "You're..." He frowned at the kid, his voice sounding just as funny as before. "You really are Danny Messer, aren't you?" He asked, dreading the answer.
Danny helped the kid up from the floor. "Yes I am," just then Danny noticed his own hands; they were awfully small as small as the other boy's was. When Adam stood beside Danny, Danny noticed they were about the same height, "o shit."
"You can say that again..." Adam swallowed hard, "what are we gonna do? I mean..." He shook his head vehemently, flailing his arms around madly, "how did this even happened? It's not even possible... it... it goes against every biological, natural law there exists!" He darted his eyes around the room, realizing, to his horror, just now how bigger things actually looked.
"I-I don't know, but one thing I do know that we are in deep trouble when Mac finds out."
Adam visibly paled at this, only now remembering Mac and what his reaction to this new set of events might be and gulping in dread as suddenly some not so very pleasant images started popping into his mind. "Maybe he won't notice."
"Riiigghhttt. It's Mac we're talking about."
Adam scrunched up his face in response.
Danny stiffened when he suddenly felt being held firmly by the scruff of his neck, he looked over at Adam and he was being held firmly too. Danny looked up and noticed and firmly looking Mac. "H-hi M-Mac." Danny said and gulped.
"What's going on here?" Mac demanded to know, only having heard half of the conversation upon entering the room.
Danny shrugged. "Halloween?" Danny looked with innocent blues ayes at Mac.
Mac frowned, confused, "Danny?"
"In the flesh," He then pointed over at speechless Adam, "And this is Adam. So do you think we'll get the winning prize of the best Halloween costume ever?" Danny asked excited.
Adam gulped, throwing Danny an incredulous look, had his friend suddenly lost his mind?
"So what do you think of our costume Mac? I think we're gonna win a big prize. I hope we'll get some nice expensive wine." Danny said dreamingly.
Mac stared shocked at the two kids. "How is this possible?"
Adam promptly shook his head and jumped in hurried speech, all wide-eyed, baffled and more than a little bit disturbed. "It's not! That's I was just telling Danny here... this is totally crazy... physically and biologically impossible!"
"What is the last thing you remember before this happened?" Mac asked.
Danny pointed at the strange object on the lab table, "This thing started to give a strange light and then BUM! We were in this size. Probably because the button was pushed."
Mac let out a frustrated sigh, "Who did disobey me and pushed the button."
Danny gulped and pointed at Adam, "It was Adam." Danny lied.
Adam's jaw went slack and his eyes grew twice their normal size, speechless with indignation as he threw his "friend" an indignant look and then a distressed look up at Mac, shaking his head from side to side.
"Is that so?" Mac asked. Danny nodded, "Uhuh yes."
"No it's not!" Adam objected, finally finding his voice.
"It is!" Danny lied.
"It's not!" Adam screeched back.
"Well the security cameras will give me some answers." Mac said firmly.
Danny gulped, "Security cameras?" 'Shit I'm in heap of trouble'
Adam for his part, sighed, thankful for technology coming to his rescue. He knew there was a reason he loved computers and electronic gadgets.
Danny pouted, "I don't think it's a good idea to watch the security recordings."
"Why? Because you'll get busted, huh?" Adam threw back; still mad his friend had tried to pin this on him.
Danny pulled out his tongue at Adam.
Adam scowled back and was about to rebuke when Mac intervened. "That's enough, the both of you! Unless one of you wants to step forward and own up to it, I'm going to check out the security cameras." He paused, drilling both of them with a look, "but let me warn you, it would be better for you to just come clean and tell me the truth." He added meaningfully.
"Adam told me to push the button since he's a scared little girl he didn't dare to do it himself." Danny said.
"Hey!" Adam jumped, fuming, "I did no such thing!" His brows drew together in a murderous scowl. "And I'm no little girl!"
Danny pulled out his tongue at Adam again. "It was too! And yes you are a little girl."
Taking both Danny and Mac by surprise, Adam suddenly threw in a wild kick in Danny's direction, hitting the other boy right in the knee.
Danny then jumped on Adam and started a fight.
Adam screwed his eyes shut and covered his face with both arms, kicking madly at Danny who was now on top of him, he suddenly regretted his rash thinking, Danny was by far stronger and sportier than him, God knew he was not the fighting kinda guy so he really didn't know what possessed him to do that in the first place. This didn't really bode well for him and just when a particularly solid punch connected with his head and he was about to start sobbing like that little girl Danny claimed him to be, he felt two strong hands pulling them apart roughly.
"Hey! Put me down old man!" Danny yelled while kicking and screaming.
Shocked by Danny's words and out-of control actions, Mac immediately reacted the only way he could think of at that moment, he planted a firm smack to the seat of Danny's butt. "That's enough, Daniel!" He reprimanded suddenly, to get the boy's attention.
Danny stopped in his tracks shocked. He had a hard time to keep tears away from his eyes.
"Now I want you to stop that non-sense right now or there's more where that one came from, understood?" Mac demanded.
Danny nodded while he gulped.
Mac nodded briskly; glad his new, improvised approach seemed to have worked on this new incarnation of his friend. "Now I'm going to check the security cameras, if there's something you guys want to add before I do that, I'd advice that you say so now."
Danny bit his under lip. He shook his head slowly. He hoped the strange object had destroyed the recordings.
"I just want to add that I'm innocent." Adam replied, rubbing the side of his face where a nice bruise was developing now.
Danny didn't dare to say anything.
Mac then nodded and proceeded to check the security recordings, not pleased at all by what he found. He shot Danny a stern look.
Danny backed away from Mac making sure his bottom stayed as far away from Mac as possible. He hurried to run for it as soon as he got out of the door.
It took Mac only a few strides to catch up with his runaway, shrunk friend and he then grabbed him firmly by the upper arm, went to collect mini Adam and proceeded to march the both of them to his office where he gave Danny a lengthy lecture about lying and disobeying orders, accompanied by a series of well-placed smacks to his little behind before confining him to a corner in his office with firm instructions to stay put until he told him he could leave, before he turned to deal with a now very nervous and squirming Adam whom in turn he gave an ear full about kicking other people and then placed him in the opposite corner with similar instructions.
And an ice packs for the bruise on his face.
"This is all your fault!" Adam directed a whispered complaint at Danny on the other corner.
Danny was sniffing while he rubbed his sore bottom. Stupid child hormones. They'd gotten him in trouble his first childhood and he so didn't want to go through that again. This sucked big time.
Danny looked over at Adam, "s'rry. I blame it on the stupid childish hormones."
Adam scowled back at him and upon seeing his friend's puffy, tear-streaked red face he softened his eyes, the remaining of his anger evaporating and feeling a little sorry for Danny, he smiled back at him. "That must've hurt, huh?" He added, sympathetically.
Danny nodded while he dried his face with the back of his shirtsleeve.
Adam stared back at him, a twinge of guilt twisting his stomach at his friend's sad demeanor. "I'm sorry I kicked you, too." He added, truly remorseful.
"It's me who should be sorry I started it with my words."
Adam shrugged, smiling in return. "Guess we both were in the wrong, huh?"
Danny nodded. He let out a frustrated sigh. It was embarrassing standing in a corner like a little kid, but luckily Mac had pulled the blinds or Adam and him would have been in display since the corner was made out of glass. He was bored. He looked back over at Mac, "Can I leave the corner now? I'm bored."
Mac threw him a warning look from where he was talking to Hawkes on the phone, as he firmly pointed back at the corner.
Danny pouted. He reluctantly faced the corner again, but from time to time he checked to see if Mac was occupied when he finally was he hurried out of the office. This place was too boring he needed some adventures and besides there was no way he would let Hawkes poking and prodding on him. Afraid that he would find the scars his father had caused him. Being so small he forgot that the CSI labs had glass walls so he ran into one. He then landed on his bottom and his forehead hurt and there was so much blood. He felt sick and he started to sob like a little baby.
One of the lab techs working at the time ran to Danny's aid, surprised to see a little boy in the building but pushing the shock aside to tend to the boy's injury. "Hey it's okay," the tech girl soothed, "it's not too bad, honey." She reassured, glad to see it wasn't a nasty cut and the bleeding had soon stopped after a few minutes, so she dressed the wound and grabbed a chocolate bar from a basketful of muffins and candy inside the lab, handing it to a still sniffling Danny. "Here you go." She smiled sweetly.
Danny sniffed. "Thank you Jessie." Danny didn't notice the surprised look she gave him since he knew her name.
Right then, Adam came bustling through the door, screaming after his friend. "Danny! Why did you run off? Mac said..." His eyes widened at the sight of his friend with a bandage on his forehead and the blood marring the glass wall and the blood stained cloth in Jessie's hand. "Danny? Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling beside his friend.
Jessie frowned, not only was there a little boy in the CSI building but two!
Danny hurried to place his right hand to his mouth. He felt so sick. If there had been a mirror in front of him he would have been able to seen his green face.
Seeing his reaction, Jessie quickly grabbed for a bowl and placed it under Danny's chin, gently rubbing the boy's back as he emptied his stomach. "Maybe that candy bar wasn't such a good idea." She thought to herself, wincing.
"I don't feel so good." Danny said. "Why are there two of you Adam?"
Hearing that, Jessie picked him up and promptly carried him to Hawkes' office.