You Give Me Butterflies: Chapter 2

Authors Note: Wow, I just wrote this entire chapter in one sitting. Dang. Anyway, thanks for the reviews I recieved for the first chapter; I loved the feedback :) I don't really care for this ending much, I kinda debated how to do it, but decided with this. So, let me know what you guys think!

The day goes on as usual; teachers ask me questions I don't know the answers to, and then are assholes to me because of it, which is stupid in my opinion. Maybe they should consider the possibility that it's their own fault I don't know the answers. After all they are the ones that are supposed to teach me this shit.

Anyway, things go as usual until I start making my way to forth period English, which is taught my Mr. Garrison. I don't understand why he keeps following us through the grades. It's like, leave me the fuck alone. And he always asks me the hardest questions and yells at me for everything. It's just like fourth grade where he used to call me retarded because I was bad at math. How was I supposed to know what five times two was?

Back on topic, Craig catches up with me before I walk into our shared English class. It's pretty sweet because me, Craig, and Token are all in the same class. And as a bonus so is Tweek.

Of course Wendy is also in our class.

"I finished putting music to these." Craig says handing me back my lyrics.

"Gee, thanks Craig, I don't know what I would do without you." I say shoving them quickly into my pocket.

"You're welcome." He says it in a completely serious tone, but I still have a feeling that he knows I was being sarcastic.

"You did finish quick, I'll give you that." I say as we walk into English class together.

"It wasn't hard." He says with a shrug, sitting down in the seat beside me.

Craig and I sit near the back of the room, side by side, while Token sits in front of Craig. Tweek is sitting in the front row, a row over from Craig, giving him the perfect view of the Spaz. And Wendy sits beside token on the opposite side that I do.

I nod, not having much else to say to him.

"So, are you ever gonna make a move or are you gonna let Wendy take him?" Craig asks bluntly. Luckily we're here early so the room is practically deserted.

"Psh, as if you're one to talk. At least I make conversation." Seriously, why does he feel the need to lecture me? It makes me want to punch him in the face, but I would never do that because I could sooo kick Craig's ass and I wouldn't want to hurt him.

"No one's after Tweek." He's got a point. This is probably surprising, but Tweek isn't exactly everyone's dream guy. I know. I think it's shocking too.

"Doesn't change anything." I say, and I totally, one-hundred percent, DO NOT pout when I say that. And anyone who says different is a liar.

"Sure it does. You could always just show him your song." Yeah, that's a great idea. Not.

"Yeah, if I want him to think I'm a thirteen year-old girl." I whisper as more people start to spill into the room.

"Hey, Justin Bieber lives for the thirteen year old girls creaming their panties for him."

"Dude. What the fuck is with you and Justin Bieber today?" Seriously, get a new joke.

"If the shoe fits." He says shrugging, as Token sits down in his seat seconds before the bell rings and Garrison walks in.

"Way to cut it close." I hear Craig whisper to him.

Token doesn't reply.

Class starts and Garrison starts talking about the effect glitter has on whores, and how Ke$ha will probably die prematurely. I zone out not long into the lesson and spend my time looking at Wendy.

I can see her looking at Token, and it both pisses me off, and makes me sad.

Just to clear things up, I didn't hate Wendy until recently. I mean back in, like, seventh grade when I dated Bebe I thought she was perfectly nice. I mean, we weren't really friends or anything, but we got along pretty well. But now that we like the same person it's hard to like her.

I mean, it's not like you're supposed to like the competition. And it's not like I blame her for trying to get Token away from me all the time, I do the same when I can manage it, but I still hate it. And if I could slam her head against a desk without getting in trouble, I totally would, simple as that.

I see her smile his direction and glare a little, of course she sees and shoots me a twin look when Token isn't looking. Bitch.

I switch my gaze to look at Token and I see him writing something. I have to raise an eyebrow at that. Why would anyone take notes about this shit? Ke$ha has absolutely nothing to do with English. Besides, no one really pays attention in this class. All you really have to do is stay awake and keep quiet in this class. Oh, and occasionally answer a stupid question.

I then see him fold his piece of paper and realize that it's a note.

Please don't be to fucking Wendy. I look over at Wendy and see she's looking back at me. We're both obviously wondering where this note is going. Then something awesome happens. The note gets passed back to Craig and then to me.

Hell yeah, bitch! I smirk at Wendy before quickly opening the note.

Hey, never got a chance to ask if you wanted to hang this weekend? We can play Xbox at my house.

I smile before quickly scribbling down my reply.

Sure, supply pizza. You'll want comfort food for when I kick your ass.

I fold the note back over and make sure Garrison isn't looking before I pass it to Craig, who is keeping an eye on Tweek out of the corner of his eye.

I watch Token and see his shoulders rise in a way that tells me he's holding back a laugh. He scribbles back and takes a little while to pass it back because Garrison decided to face us instead of the board for a little while. Note passing in this class is seriously risky; if Garrison sees you he makes you stand in front of the class while he reads the note out loud to everyone.

He once read an entire note out loud of what Kenny wanted to do Butter's ass. It was an awkward rest of the class.

I open the note again.

Whatever, I'll totally pound you into the ground Donavan.

He wishes.

You can try bitch.

I send the note back, and it comes back just as quickly.

Whatever, at the end of the night you'll be my bitch.

I have to read that one twice. I think this is going to be a fun weekend.

Kinky. ;)

He looks back and smiles at me. I did not blush. I didn't!

You know it ;) So what were you and Craig talking about before I got in here?

Oh, ya know my crush on you. The usual.

Eh, the usual. Tweek, Justin Bieber, and Craig wrote some music.

Once I've sent the note I wonder if I should have mentioned that Craig wrote some music. It probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but there's a possibility he won't ask if I wrote lyrics for it.

Lol, I'm sick of Craig and Tweek already. And I don't even want to know why you guys were talking about Bieber. Did you write him lyrics or do we have another repeat of his last song?

Ahh, Craig's last song. Let's not go there.

Don't diss Bieber. And I wrote the lyrics, let's not speak of his last song.

I quickly take a look at Garrison who is explaining the difference between whores who sing and sluts who sing, before sliding my note to Craig, barley managing to get it there before Garrison turns to look at me.

"Clyde, would you say Ke$ha is a whore or a slut?" Told you he always calls on me.

"Uh, a whore?" I guess.

"No, you dumbass, Ke$ha is a slut. Haven't you been listening to a word I say?" Garrison yells in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, I, uh, am just a little confused." I stutter out.

"That's because you're a dumbass Clyde. Now let's go over this again class…" Thank God I'm off the hook. I'd be embarrassed about being called a dumbass, but this is pretty much an everyday occurrence. I'm just glad he didn't catch me passing notes.

Sorry, forgot you had a boner for Bieber. So what's the new song about?

Should I tell him? I mean at some point I'm gonna have to if I want anything to happen, but do I want to do it in note form in English class? Eh, what the hell. At least it'll get Craig off my ass.

Funny. And, I kinda wrote it about you..

I don't get a note back for a little while, and I start to think he's not going to send one back, but then I see him hand it to Craig, and I sigh a little in relief. I get the note from Craig and take a deep breath before I read it.

Are you gonna tell me how it goes? :)

A smily face? Okay, good sign, but it took him forever to respond. Maybe I should wait until later to show him.

Eh, maybe later, they're kinda lame.

I write before sending back the note. This time he writes back really fast.

Ah, come one, tell me! Nothing about me can be that lame.

I take a deep breath before taking the lyrics out of my pocket. I'm slightly scared to do this. I mean I don't wanna make our friendship awkward if he doesn't like me back, but at the same time I only have so long before Wendy will make her move. Shit I'm actually gonna do this.

I pass the lyrics to Craig and the second I do Garrison turns around and catches me.

"Clyde! You know the rules about passing notes in my class! Now get your ass up here!" Oh fuck. I think I might be better off eating this note. I wonder if I could swallow it in the time it takes me to walk to the front of the room? Probably not.

I feel like I'm taking a walk of shame as I make my way to the front on the room. I look over my shoulder once and see Token mouth 'I'm sorry' meanwhile Craig is also mouthing something.

'Sing it.' And I want to tell Criag he's fucking nuts. I am not singing this shit in front of our entire class.

I shake my head, but Craig just mouths 'I'll back you up.' In the grand scheme of things, I guess singing it will only be a little more embarrassing than letting Garrison read it out loud.

I make it to the front of the room and Garrison sticks his hand out for the lyrics, but instead of handing them to him I turn toward the class and start to sing, with my only backup being Craig beating on his desk, which in all honesty does sound pretty cool.

"You give me butterflies deep inside
You give me butterflies
I don't know where to run, run, run from you

So I gotta say you give me butterflies deep inside
You give me butterflies
I don't know what to do, do, do without you
Boy, you give me butterflies"

The song managed to be finished up with Craig doing a desk solo, and once it was done I just paused and waited. I heard a couple of snickers, but no full on laughs.

"Well, Clyde that sounded like a thirteen year old girl wrote it, but overall I'd give you a C+." Mr. Garrison managed to say right before the bell rings.

As people walk out of the room I try to ignore the looks I'm getting, but overall I think it could've been worse. Some people actually thought it was good.

Finally Token walks up to me smiling. "So, I give you butterflies, huh?"

"Uh…" I start rubbing my neck nervously; it's kind of my go-to thing. It's better than Stan Marsh grabbing his nose all the time.

"I'll buy you pizza any time man." Token says putting an arm around my shoulder.

"I deserve more than that after pulling off that shit." And I totally do.

Token shrugs before grabbing me and kissing.

"That a start?" he asks.

"A pretty good one." And I will admit, that kiss made my fucking head spin.

Of course out in the hall, there was another event taking place that kinda made my head spin.

Token and I both hear Tweek's voice at the same time from right outside the door, and immediately shush each other so we can listen.

"Hey-uhg-Craig!" Tweek says louder than he probably needs to.

"Hey." Craig says, and I think I might almost hear some emotion.

"Um, I-I just wanted to-gah! Say that was c-cool to backup Clyde l-like that." Well, I can't believe Tweek just said that. I guess miracles happen.

Token and I move closer to the door so we can look out into the hallway and see them.

"Thanks." If he doesn't say anymore than that I swear to God I'll kill him.

"W-well! Jesus Christ! I, uh-" Thankfully Craig interrupts Tweek before he can finish his sentence and take off down the hall.

"Your eyes remind me of the Green Racer." Craig says completely serious. I have to hit Token to make him stop laughing.

"Gah! This is too much pressure! I-Isn't that Red Racer's l-love interest?" Tweek asks.

"Yeah." I wish Craig was slightly less blunt, and slightly more vocal.

"Jesus Christ!"

"We should watch it together sometime." Yes Craig! Bust a fucking move! …That makes no sense.

"O-Okay. You can-gah-come to my house this weekend and w-watch it, i-if you-ugh-want." Tweek offers.

"I'll see you at 11:30 then." Craig says with a slightly happy tone.

"D-do you-ugh-know where my house i-is?" Shit.

"Of course." Craig says, despite having never gone to Tweek's house. Well, at least not that Tweek was aware of.

Tweek looks freaked as fuck, but he doesn't say anything and Craig takes that as a sign to wave goodbye and head to lunch.

"That could have gone a lot worse I think." I say looking at Token.

"True. Think we should invite Tweek to sit with us at lunch?" Token asks me.

"Eh, why not. He should learn what he's in for." I say before stepping out the door, only to get pulled back by Token.


"Nothing." He says before lacing our fingers together. I snicker before we head out together hand-in-hand to invite Tweek to lunch with us.

All-in-all I'd say this has been a great day.