Yay! My first story ^_^ I hope you like it...


Russia slowly opened his eyes, and was nearly blinded by the harsh morning light. He lifted his hand and rubbed his violet eyes childishly, then covered his mouth as he yawned. He winced as he sat up. The sheets fell from his slim body, the one that he kept hidden with his large coat, and revealed vicious bruises and cuts. There was no smile on his child-like face, as a matter of fact he look sad. He exhaled sharply as he stood up and stumbled his way to the bathroom. He turned the hot water on full blast, with enough cold water to where he wouldn't scorch himself, and waited for it to warm up by brushing his teeth thoroughly, and taking care of his business.

He gently removed the rest of his clothing and gingerly stepped into the shower. He yelped slightly as the burning water pelted his tender wounds, that were slowly closing up, on his back and legs. He didn't do anything about it though because the heat was a pleasant difference from the usual cold he was force to endure. Russia gabbed the soap and began to wash his battered body, revealing old and pale scars in the process. He washed of carefully and cleaned his light beige hair before he stepped out. He shivered harshly as his feet hit the sold tile, but he ignored it as he dried himself off. He swiftly grabbed the bandages from the first aid kit and bound his wounds.

He walked into his room and grabbed his normal clothes and put it on, careful of the tender wounds that were already trying to close completely, and once again hid his beautiful body from view. Russia smiled fondly as he put on the pinkish scarf that Ukraine had given him when he was very little; doing so resulted in hiding the brutal scars that covered his neck. It had been so long since then; the times were cruel and unforgiving but he felt like he would be fine so long as he had his sisters…all that had changed though. Russia frowned; they were separated and cracked by time. He bit his lip and shook his head to expel such thoughts. He walked out the door, a fake smile on his face as always.

He entered the building that the meeting was going to be held at and walked through the main doors. He was the first one there and he knew it. He always was. He winced unnoticeable as his shoulder hit the door. His bit his poor lip again as he sat down, the chair was irritating his open wounds. The others would arrive soon, and as usual they would be afraid of him. He didn't like the fact that they were so scared of him. Russia wanted everyone to become one with him so they could be a big family, and he could protect them. For some reason the others didn't see it that way, and he had long ago given up trying to explain that fact to them.

The sound of footsteps and talking caused Russia to look up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Moscow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Moscow woke up with a killer headache, and she wasn't clear on why. She remembered going to the bar with Vanya to drink so healthy vodka, and she remembered arguing with Prussia over if bier or tekila was better. The last thing she remembered was taking a shot of hard vodka with a chaser of so good 'ole bier, but that's it.

'проклятие…что случилось? чувствует, как грузовик ударил меня…' She groaned in pain. She stumbled out of bed and quickly staggered into the bathroom. Without even bothering to check in the mirror, she turned the shower on as hot as it could get, and hopped into the scorching heat. She sighed in content as the water pelted her body, relieving all the tension in her muscles. She dragged her sharp, black nails down her face, careful not to poke her eye out. Moscow grabbed the scentless shampoo she brought, and scrubbed he multicolored hair down. She gently washed her scared body, most of which were self-inflicted, and let the burning water crash down on her. After making sure her body was officially clean of any and all bubbles she walked out of the shower and dried off in her room. The woman never was one for modesty.

She carefully wrapped her hair in a towel, and strolled over to her large closet. On her way to the closet she easily pulled on a pair of black undergarments that had splashed of red. Firstly she wrapped a black strip of silk over her mismatched eyes(the right was dark violet and the left is neon green). Without much thought, she grabbed were a skin tight black and green striped shirt, which she easily slipped on, despite the towel on her head. Next, she pulled out a black shirt that had BCx3 written on it in blue, pink, and some other color. While not much for the color pink, she slipped it on anyways. Following this she deftly pulled out black NYC Tripp jeans with neon green paint splattered all over them. The jeans slid up her legs easily enough, the problem was, the were big. To solve this she grabbed a black stubbed belt, and a black and green belt as well, and put them on to where the made an 'X' shape. Lastly she pulled on black knee high combat boots with neon green strings.

"Fuck this shit, it hurts to even walk." She grumbled, still having a major headache. A spiked dog collar seemed to appear her neck, with a dog tag that said:


If found, please return to Ivan Braginski at:


Then she slipped a long chain over her head that had an upside down triangle in the middle of a circle(Hidan's necklace). Finally(I swear this is the last thing) she put on a heavy coat that looked like Russia's, but definitely more feminine. She dried her hair(which was black with a red tint with icy blue bangs that covered her left eye) a little before she left the room altogether, not bothering to grab her cell, money, wallet or anything; though she did grab a bottle of vodka, and stashed a wicked set of tonfas and sais under her coat.

She walked in through the front doors and got many strange looks because of her thick coat, though she ignored them all in favor of getting to Russia and asking him what in the ад happened to her. She calmly walked to the large room for no apparent reason, though she knew that her Vanya was already there. Moscow walked through the back door and sat in the chair beside Russia, careful not to destroy his concentration. All her hard work went to waste when someone barged in the door, successfully distracting both Russians from what they were doing.

Both looked up and realized that it was…..

bier- beer(German)

tekila- tequila(Russian)

'проклятие…что случилось? чувствует, как грузовик ударил меня…'- Damn...What happened? Feels like a truck hit me...(Russian)

ад- hell

Tell me how it is, should I continue, rewrite it, or just forget it?

Oh, who should be the rude person that interrupts Russia and Moscow? Anyway please tell me what you think...