I got the plot and idea from CherryRoadHouse =) Vampire Academy is not mine.


I stand there by the window watching as the pieces of the picture fall down to the ground three floors below. 'She could be you. She should be you. She was you.' I refuse to cry. I do not cry anymore. I was taught better than that.

'Don't let your emotions over take you.'

I won't. Not now. Not ever again.

I walk to the mirror and stare at the girl looking back at me. She has a scar going from her right eye brow down to her chin. (Describing herself in 3rd person). Eyes blank, unwilling to show any emotion. Dyed black hair that reaches mid-back. A body with many scars. 'Scars you've inflicted upon yourself...' The tiny voice tells me. I reach up to trace the scar on my face.

'Look at what you have done to your self.' There's that voice again. The voice that never leaves me. The voice that's always nagging at me. It's been there for three years now. Ever since that night... The night that destroyed my life. My hand instantly reaches down to my stomach.

I closed my eyes, take a deep breath, and calm my self down.

'Just kill yourself already! There's nothing left for you in this world!'

I want to. So bad. I want to end this. This pain that consumes me like flames. I'm in my own personal inferno. I wish everything would go back to the way it was before...

But I know now... That's impossible.

I breathe, yet I'm not alive. I haven't been for a while.

I sigh once again. I tell myself I'm ok. Tell myself I don't need help.

I'm in denial I know.

I keep telling myself, everyday, that I don't hurt. But I know I'm slipping away.

I can do this by myself.

I am perfectly fine.

Such a beautiful lie.