Chapter 4

Link saw Oni, watched as the deity paced toward him. His voice was deep and clear as he spoke, "Link, you have done well… I will lend you my power. You need it more than ever now."

Oni took Link's face in his hands, tilted his head to face him. He kissed Link's forehead softly, with the delicacy of feathers. His muscular arms wrapped around Link, murmuring something incoherent as Link closed his eyes, holding onto Oni, feeling power penetrate his being…

The deity opened his eyes to a cloudy gray sky. He lay on his back as the sound of metal clashing against something unnatural reverberated in the air. He stood to find Dark on the ground, propped up by one arm while he parried Zelda's furious onslaught. His tunic was ripped, the skin underneath visible, his body littered with cuts. Pure rage mingled with hatred fueled Oni. He gripped the double helix blade that he knew would be on his back, charging in as Zelda raised her weapon, catching the blade by its edge before it collided with Dark.

Both Dark and Zelda gasped as they gazed upon Oni. He snatched Zelda's sword and tossed it aside as it dissipated, his hand dripping with thick silver blood. Zelda's dainty, angular face twisted with anger as she dashed up to Oni; he feinted to the right as his sword swept through the air, gouging her left side. Her bloodcurdling shriek pierced the air as almost black blood stained the white fabric of her dress. Oni helped Dark to his feet, pecking his forehead lovingly. "Run back," Oni instructed. "Get out of this fray. I'll handle her." His voice was deep, though Link's tone of voice seeped into his words.

"No!" Dark cried. "I lost you once! I'm fighting for you this time around!"

Before Oni could react, Dark bolted toward Zelda and tackled her, straddling her and gripping her wrists, slamming them to the ground. She jerked and fidgeted against Dark's grasp, his fingers cutting into her wrists. "Oni, now!" he shouted, grunting as he tried to control Zelda.

Oni tracked over, motioning for Dark to move as his foot came over Zelda's stomach, pushing her into the ground. He raised his sword above his head, its point directed toward Zelda's chest as he drove his blade through her. Her scream haunted the heavens as dark blood saturated the soil underneath her.

As soon as he felt her lie still, he left his blade plunged into the ground as he rushed over to Dark. Dark lay on the ground, his body weary and battered. Oni dropped to his knees as he scooped Dark into his arms. He softly traced the scratch across the bridge of his nose, examined his dozen other gashes along his chest and stomach, visible through the ripped fabric of his tunic. His breathing came in pained, rapid bursts, his chest shuddering. He raised a hand and cupped Oni's cheek, smiling widely. "I'm glad you made it back, Oni."

Oni smiled weakly. "For now, I co-exist with Link until the goddesses decide to give me a body of my own. It's better than nothing, though."

Dark nodded, leaning up enough to slide his arms around Oni's neck as their lips met. A single tear streamed down Dark's cheek as their tongues waltzed before Oni pulled back. "I'll always be here with you," Oni murmured softly, moving Dark's raven hair out of his garnet eyes. "When you call for me, I will come."

Dark grinned; he momentarily forgot about his wounds as Oni stepped to his feet, setting Dark down in front of him. "Fill Link in when I leave for now—he needs to know what happened." Oni laced his fingers through Dark's as he began to change, his complexion gaining color as his clothes reverted back to blue, his armor and markings disappeared, his hair turned dandelion and his cerulean irises returned. Link stood there now, holding onto Dark.

His knees buckled from fatigue; Dark buffeted his body before he hit the ground, cradling him. Link stared up at Dark, his clear eyes unfocused. Everything that had happened poured out of Dark as he wove a few strands of Link's vibrant hair around his finger. Link listened intently, nodding every so often. He spoke as Dark finished, "So… Oni is back, but he resides within me which explains why I hear his voice in my head, Zelda and Ganondorf are gone so peace can return to Hyrule, and I'm stuck with you because you love Oni."

"Essentially," Dark replied. "But it's not like I'm using you solely for Oni. I like you too, Link."

He lifted Link's face to his own and kissed him. Link wrapped his arms around Dark, pulling him closer, his heart skipping a beat. Dark smiled as he pulled away, standing and hoisting Link to his feet, sliding Link's arm across his shoulders. He slid an arm around Link's waist to steady him, holding him close. "Where to?" he asked.

Link glimpsed Dark, held his crimson eye contact as he replied, "Time to tell everyone peace has returned to Hyrule. Kakariko Village is our first stop."

They trekked away from the remains of Ganon's castle. Oni's double helix blade stood upright amidst the rubble, the ground saturated with blood, a silent testament to the battle that ensued. Zelda was nowhere to be found.