-2:07 PM, Hagakure Akademī, Naruto's Meeting Spot-

Everyone looked over towards the gap in the wall and saw a slightly older teen girl. Her hair was blond like Naruto's but had a hint of brown, making it look much darker in contrast to the young teen in question. She had on a simply black kimono, with a red obi and around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into four ponytails. She smiled as she looked over the group of younger students in the room with her piercing green eyes.

"Temari-nee-chan, is that you?" Naruto cocked his head to the side and gave the girl a funny look. She nodded and started to walk towards Naruto as the others just watched. "As I said, I may be able to explain why Kankuro is with that jackass Sasuke." Shikamaru looked over at Temari and raised an eyebrow "Really, what can you tell us about your brother joining Sasuke?" Naruto looked at Shikamaru and nodded in a agreement, "Temari-nee-chan, why would Kankuro-nii-san go to Sasuke?"

She cleared her throat and smiled as she turned to Shikamaru, "If I wanted to talk to you of all people you lazy son of a bitch I'd say so." She kept her smile as she raised her hand to smack him. Naruto grabbed her hand, "Temari-nee-chan, Shika is my second in command, to raise a hand to him would be the same as to raise it to me. Stop, just tell us why he did it." Kiba, Sakura, and Shikamaru stood there dumbfounded at Naruto. "Naruto, why would you protect him from your sister, you just met him." asked Sakura. He looked at her with a smile "It's simply, you're all part of this with me, so you're all my family now."

Temari smiled at Naruto "He hasn't changed one bit in the last 6 years He's been away." "Naruto-otōto-kun, he joined, because he felt powerless to protect Gaara, he wanted to be able to protect the ones he cared about. He saw Sasuke's group as a way to do that." Naruto looked down to the ground before speaking "He joined Sasuke as a way to protect Gaara?" he clenched his fist "He is that stupid, Sasuke's just using him. Can't he see that?"

Temari shook her head "He's blinded by his goal to protect Gaara he'll do anything it takes." Naruto looked up at Temari then over to Shikamaru and grinned "Then I guess I have to remind him, he's not Gaara's only brother." Everyone but Temari looked at Naruto with a questioning look on they're faces.

"I think he means he'll beat it into him." Piped up a voice everyone knew "Hinata-chan, when did you get here?" Naruto asked as Hinata climbed through the gap. "Just now, I was talking to Moegi a little bit ago." The blond leader looked at her "Moegi? Who's that?" Shikamaru walked over to Naruto and whispered in his ear "It's Konohamaru's girlfriend, she's part of his little group trying to fight against Sasuke." Naruto nodded and silently said "Oh." And then turned back to Hinata "What did she have to say?" Hinata cleared her throat and took out a notepad "Let's see, she basically said Konohamaru is looking to join us, as well as Udon and herself." She opened the notepad to the page she was writing the information Moegi gave her then handed it to Naruto. "What's this?" he took the notepad and started to read it aloud "Konohamaru, age 12 years old, hobbies sparring, training, and physical education. Udon, age 13, hobbies keeping an eye on Konohamaru?" Naruto looked up from the notepad and gave Hinata a questioning glance "hai, Konohamaru has a habit of getting into trouble, and Udon keeps an eye on him." Naruto shook his head and kept reading "Moegi, age 12, hobbies reading, cooking, watching Konohamaru, and training. Well at least I know Konohamaru has the drive to do what I need him for. Kiba, come here."

Kiba stood up and walked over to Naruto "Yo, what's up Boss?" Naruto took out the notepad that had the measurements in it and looked back at Hinata "I hate to ask you this with everyone around Hinata-chan, but what are your measurements?" she started to blush and whispered in his ear, he nodded and wrote it down, then handed the notepad to Kiba. "Take this and find Konohamaru and his group, if they're serious about joining, get they're measurements, oh and Temari's as well."

Kiba looked over at the other blond and shook his head "Oh fuck that, she was gonna smack Shikamaru for asking a question." He turned to leave the area and almost ran into Temari, who smiled as she moved out of Kiba's path. "Yo Boss, it's your sister, you can ask her. I don't have a death wish." He tried to smile as he watched Temari, he slide passed her and cringed as the look on her face was the same as when she went to smack Shikamaru "I think I'll just go find those three." He took off running to the exit as Temari grabbed his shirt collar "Temari-nee-chan, are you going to join us, or not?" asked Naruto, she looked over to Naruto and let go of Kiba.

"Hmmm, I think I'd like to be able to put that bitch Tenten in her place, so yes, I'm joining you." She said with a kind and wicked smile as she replied to Naruto. He took out a pen from his pocket and tore out a piece of paper from Hinata's notepad then handed it to Temari. She took the paper and pen with a questioning look, "I'm not asking your measurements either." Naruto answered the unasked question "Oh, and write down what you want made, and the materials you want it made with." She nodded and looked over at Shikamaru and Sakura who had they're backs turned to her "Why doesn't he remember anyone of them. Do they even remember him?" she shrugged her thoughts off and wrote down her information and a number to get a hold of Gaara then handed the paper back to Naruto. She pulled him into a hug and smiled as she whispered in his ear "Gaara's been a bit, well under the weather lately. He knows you're attending the academy, but he wants you to contact him." She let him go and turned to leave, Naruto waved as she left "Thanks, Temari-nee-chan, I'll be sure to do that." Hinata walked over to Naruto and tapped his shoulder "Naruto-kun, I know where you can find your brother at the end of the day."

-3:24 PM, Hagakure Akademī, Student Parking-

A teen dressed in light desert nomad clothing was walking to his car as he heard someone calling his name "Kankurō, hey Kankurō!" he turned around to see a blond running at him. "Hey, so it's you, what do you want?" he said to the blond. She looked up at him bent over and panting, "H-hin-hinata was spying on you earlier, and that Naruto guy from this morning is looking for you." He cocked an eyebrow at her "You don't say, where is he now?" she stood up straight and began to talk but was cut off "I'm right here." He turned back to his car and smirked. "Naruto, it's been a while, little brother. Ino, go tell Sasuke that I'll be delayed will ya?"

She nodded her head as she started to leave "Little brother? I thought his brother was that strange Gaara kid." Naruto was leaning against the hood of the car as he watched Ino leave. "So, I heard you were in Sasuke's group, guess that makes sense, seeing as you were with Neji-San, and Bushy Brows." Kankurō started to laugh "What happened to calling him Blinky?" Naruto snickered then suddenly got quiet as he spoke "Hiashi-sama, he helped me remember some things about my past." Kankuro stopped laughing and looked at Naruto with a serious face "Things like what exactly?" he started to walk towards his car and Naruto.

Naruto looked up as Kankurō passed him to unlock his car "Why did you join Sasuke?" he asked ignoring Kankurō's question entirely. Kankurō took a deep breathe before speaking, "When the three of us started to attend this academy, Gaara was always quiet, didn't really talk to anyone." He paused for a minute then opened the driver door "Then Sasuke came along and didn't like how Gaara was ignoring him, he threatened Gaara, and I told him I'd join as means to keep Gaara out of trouble." He sat down in the driver seat carefully as he watched Naruto. The blond teen turned his head then stood up and walked to the passenger side of the car. He stopped and stood there, then looked over towards the academy as Kankuro unlocked the door.

He snapped out of his daze and opened the door with a sigh "I need a ride home, Jiraiya is a teacher here now, and I'm not waiting for him." He slammed the door shut and looked at Kankuro "I guess that means you're asking for a ride then?" he asked as Naruto sat there calmly thinking to himself. "I'll take that as a yes, same place as before or have you moved in the last few years?" Naruto kept quiet as Kankuro started the car and drove off.

-4:18 PM, Naruto's home, Drive Way-

It was a quiet, long and boring drive from the academy back to Naruto's, but the entire time he was thinking of how he was going to deal with the Kankuro Sasuke issue he's facing. Kankuro spoke up as they rounded the last turn and pulled into Naruto's driveway "Hey, we're here. Naruto, we're here." He jabbed Naruto in the shoulder pulling him from his thoughts "Oh, thanks for the ride Kankuro-nii." He forced a smile as he opened the door to get out. Before he could close the door Kankuro opened his and stood there watching him "Naruto, what did you really want? I know the whole "I need a ride" ruse was to get me away from Sasuke." Naruto grinned "Your common sense is back huh? Well you're right, I needed to talk to you about that." He turned to look at Kankuro, and nudged his head towards his house "Looks like it's going to rain, we'll talk inside, come on." He started to walk back to his house, Kankuro sighed and turned his car off and grabbed his bag from the back as he followed the blond inside."

-4:21 PM, Naruto's Home, Living Room-

Naruto took off his uniform jacket and tossed it on the couch as he kicked off his shoes "Make yourself at home, want something to drink, tea, coffee, orange juice?" Kankuro stood in the doorway dumbfounded at the size of the room. "Naruto, who paid for this house?" Naruto looked back at his brother and smiled "This one, it was paid for by Jiraiya-sensei, the one I own that was mom and dad's is about three or four times bigger at least." He said with a bit of sorrow in his voice "Now about that drink, what do you want?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen. "I'll take a cup of tea if you don't mind."

Naruto walked to the refrigerator and nodded "One glass of tea, coming up. Hmm, iced tea, or warm tea?" Kankuro sat at the counter and looked around "Huh, oh iced tea please, this pace is huge Naruto, only you and ero-san live here?" Naruto took a gallon of tea out and nodded as he walked to the cabinet "Yea, it's been that way since mom and dad died. After everything was taken care of I started to travel with Jiraiya for a few years, then Tsunade got a hold of him 3 years ago, and ever since we've been back around here."

Kankuro watched as Naruto sat across from him pouring the tea "Naruto, what's the real reason you came to me today?" he asked as Naruto handed him his glass. Naruto stared into his tea and took a deep breathe "Kankuro-nii, you know you aren't the only one that can protect Gaara, and you know that Gaara doesn't need it." Kankuro nodded as Naruto continued "But that's not why I sought you out, I'm here to ask you, please help me."