My Note: It's been awhile since I wrote for this story and I figured I should update! I still can't believe I wrote this! I'm even more surprised that some of you actually like it!

I give credit for this chapter idea to: Princess Bubblegum11! That's right! She suggested it in one of my reviews. Thank her if you find it necessary. I know I do! Thank you!

Review my story please!

Skipper took a sip of his favorite sardine coffee and looked at the team. "Men. I think you've all earned your rest. Today will be a 'Free Day'." He smiled as the penguins cheered and ran off to their usual places.

"Oh and Kowalski." Said penguin looked up from his notepad. "Yes, Skipper?" "No inventions that could eventually threaten to destroy us all, OK?" Kowalski sighed and replied like a child being told to do his chores. "Aye, aye, Skipper..." Skipper smirked.

"Good man." They both sat down at their concrete table. Skipper simply drinking his coffee and reading an old newspaper. While Kowalski wrote down notes and ideas for later 'projects'.

"Um, Skipper? You do know that's last month's newspaper, right?" He gave Skipper a strange look. Skipper glared at him. "I like to keep up with the past, Kowalski! Before it catches up to the future." Skipper looked back at his newspaper.

Kowalski sighed in defeat and began writing again. "Hey guys!" Everyone but Skipper, looked up at the otter who had entered the room. "'Ey, Marlene!" Private replied and returned his attention to the 'telly' to watch his favorite show, "The Lunacorns".

Marlene smiled cutely and Skipper took his first look at her. "Hey there, Marle-" Skipper's jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

Marlene's motions seemed to be in slow-motion. This wasn't the first time he saw her, it was just the first time he actually looked at her. Her eyes shined with a beauty second to none. The sparkle riding those gentle leaves of brown to the soft brown ground, brought her eyes and face to life.

It was almost like an invisible wind caught her fur and turned slow-mode into wow-mode. Her hips stood out as her body grew more defined. The scarf she wore laid to the side of her chest and swayed like her hips.

Kowalski was the one to break his trance. "Private? Can you shut the door to my lab? It seems to be letting a draft in." Private nodded and did so.

As soon as he shut the door, the slow-mode stopped and the 'invisible wind' disappeared. Skipper blinked several times and was quick to pick his jaw up off the floor.

To distract himself, he replaced his eyes on the newspaper he was 'reading'.

Marlene smiled and walked over to them, placing both paws on the end of their concrete table. "So, what's up?" Skipper replied in a bit of a rush. "Classified-Marlene." She looked at him and laughed softly to herself.

"Oh really?" She walked over to him and placed a paw on each hip. Skipper could feel his heart start to beat faster against his chest.

With eyes glued to the newspaper, he responded. "Yes. Really." Marlene looked at the newspaper. "OK, just making sure. And, um, why are you reading last month's paper?"

" to...keep track of..things." His voice quivered a bit and she knew she had him. Marlene got closer to him, kneeling down a little beside him, and turned his face gently to hers. She looked deep in his eyes knowingly. Softly she whispered so no one else could hear. "Then watch closely. You'll want to keep track of this."

Marlene poked his beak and stood up. "OK, well see you later guys! Gotta go!" She looked at Skipper and winked.

Everyone waved and said goodbye. Except Skipper. He kept his eyes on the newspaper after she blinked at him. Marlene saw this and, making sure no one was watching, turned around to walk away.

She made sure to move slow and rhythmically. Swaying her hips a little and keeping one paw on her hip. The other swung loosely beside her. Her fur shimmered for a moment as her tail followed the movement of her hips.

Skipper took a small peak at her as she walked away. This 'small peak' soon became a full-blown check-out. He dropped his newspaper on the table and stared at the beauty that just walked away from him.

Marlene was right. Every movement she made, every glimmer of her fur that shined, was now imprinted in his mind. He made sure of it.

The others looked at Skipper and laughed to each other. Rico winked at Kowalski and as soon as Marlene left for good, he started to sing.

We hate to see her go

But love to watch her leave

With that Honkytonkbadonkadonk

Rico wolf-whistled and Private just laughed as Kowalski sang.

Keepin' perfect rhythm
Make ya wanna swing along

Skipper replayed the vision of her in his mind. Hearing every bit of the team singing in his ears. He glared at Kowalski, but the tall penguin wouldn't let up.

Got it goin' on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma

He poked Skipper and winked. Skipper had daggers in his eyes at this point.

There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone
Lord have mercy, how's she even get them britches on
With that honkytonkbadonkadonk

"KOWALSKI!" Skipper jumped up and threw what was left of his coffee at the genius. Kowalski stopped but still chuckled. Skipper glared at them all. "Men. Just..Just...Shut up." They did, but with smiles on their beaks and a sparkle of laughter in their eyes.

Skipper stomped over to the ladder that led out of the H.Q. Kowalski spoke up. "Where are you going now, Skipper?" Skipper stopped in mid-climb. "That's classified." Private jumped up. "Oooo! I know, I know!'E's going to-" Rico interrupted. "Marlene..." Rico made kissy sounds and wolf-whistled several times.

Skipper's cheeks reddened. Out loud, Skipper replied, "Negatory! It's a classified mission and I'm going solo." In his mind, however, Skipper spoke truthfully with a hint of something extra. "Affirmative."

My Note: Hahahahahaaa...that's hilarious. This story just keeps getting weirder and more awesome with each chapter! Even though...there's only 2...whatever. Just review please!