Alright so here is the first redone chapter for Naruto Way of Plasma. I know that there have been a great deal of annoying things that have been done with this story and a great deal of them have been my fault. So here is my attempt at redoing my story I'll start when Naruto is young I won't be going into a great deal of detail of the details, but it will at least set up the back story between Naruto and Hinata and some of the other clans. Oh and to all of those people who don't like Hinata, well tough she will be in the Harem now I know that some people will be immediately turned off by this and I understand why. But consider this she, while not as active in Naruto's life has at least not hatted belittled and beaten him like Sakura has. This added with the fact that we have seen Hinata be a real badass in RTN and in her fight against Pain and in other situations. Yes when she was younger she did after a fashion stalk him but look at it from her point belittled by her family no mother to balance out a very harsh father feelings of inadequacy from constantly being overpowered and then yelled at for not wanting to hurt her younger sister and cousin in all honesty she is probably the one character who is a fucked up as Naruto is psychologically speaking. Regardless just think about some of these things before you just flame a character without just cause or just because she weirds you out a bit. Anyway I will also be explaining how he got the information on his mother and why he has gotten so good from where I started my story last time anyway I'm still looking for a good beta so if anyone is interested and I want to help out just let me know through a pm. Alrighty well here goes nothing and now I proudly present the Revised version of Naruto Way of Plasma.

A young blond was laid out on a couch that was brought into the office of the Hokage bandaged and still bleeding slightly. This young child was named Naruto Uzumaki and he was one of the most hated people in the entire Hidden leaf village otherwise known as Konoha. To most he was just a prankster and village pariah, but for those who are old enough to remember he is the jinjuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitusne. The worse part of this whole ordeal is that this was his birthday and not the first time that this had happened to him.

With a heavy sigh the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, got up from his silent vigil over Naruto and called for his personal guard and made his way to the council meeting that had been called. Five min Naruto's eyes opened up and looked around him. When he realized that he was alone he slowly got to his feet still in pain, but he had to see this through. This was the one time that he had allowed himself to be caught by the mobs knowing what would happen to him just so that he could get into this very office alone. Naruto was a great deal smarter than anyone gave him credit for even the Hokage.

He then looked around him and started to search the office for anything. He knew that the Hokage had to have some knowledge of who he really was, why he was hated, or maybe even who were his parents. He started at the Hokage's desk and the only thing that he could find in there was a book called Icha Icha. He spent a few min reading what little he could but being only 8 he couldn't understand what was the words actually meant and so put the book back and continued his search. After 30 min of searching he finally found what he was looking for in a false wall on the bookshelf.

In it Naruto found many, different documents to different covert operations and other such sensitive information. He then found a scroll that had his family symbol on it, a red spiral. Naruto tried for another five min to try and get it open pushing chakra into it, but that didn't work. Continuing until he got frustrated and tore the bandages off of his cut hands so that he had more dexterity with his fingers while looking for an edge to pull. In doing this he had unwittingly done the very thing that could open the scroll.

As some of the blood from his hands got on the spiral symbol it glowed slightly and then as if by magic an edge appeared on the scroll and the spiral symbol split in half and opened. In it he found several chakra seals and a single line of script above each seal that told what each seal contained. The first said it was a letter addressed to him and his heart gave a thump. He slowly reached forward and pushed some chakra into it and the letter sealed with the same spiral symbol appeared in a puff of smoke. Slowly he slid his finger over the symbol hoping with all his being that it contained the answers that he so desperately wanted.

He popped the wax seal off of the letter and read it and cried. It was a letter from his mother telling him who she and his father were saying why they were not still with him. It told the tale of the Kyuubi and that he was a legacy in a long line that held and protected the Kyuubi from outside sources. That there were eight clans that served in this capacity created and charged by the Sage of ten paths to protect each of the tailed beasts. It then went on to talk about their clan specifically and about their bloodline.

The Hokage got back from the council meeting concerning Naruto's latest attack only to find said boy just sitting in the middle of the floor cry and clutching a scroll and letter to his chest as if his life depended on it. "Naruto? What's wrong and what do you have there?" Sarutobi's questions and voice only brought even more tears and caused Naruto to clench the items that he held even tighter to his chest mumbling over and over again not to take it away from him. "Naruto what are you talking about I'm not going to take anything from you. Now please tell me what's wrong."

Naruto was finally starting to get some control over himself and then in a soft whisper, "you lied to me why?"

Sarutobi was confused, "Naruto what are you talking about I never lied to yo…"

Naruto's voice started out as a whisper but steadily rose in pitch and volume. "shut up….shut up Shut Up SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. YOU LIED TO ME YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHO MY PARENTS ARE. YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE HAT E ME WHY THEY BEAT ME AND TRY AND KILL ME EVERY BIRTHDAY YOU LIED TO ME." As his voice and anger grew so did his anger and as his anger grew chakra started to form a visible shroud around him and quickly went from blue to red. The whisker marks on his cheeks deepened and broadened. His eyes turned red and became slit like.

Just when his anger got the better of him a pair of arms came around him and held him tight to the budding breast of the chest pressed into his back. "Please Naruto-kun calm down don't do this." The voice was one that he recognized one that he associated with the little happiness that he had in this world. The voice belonged to Hinata Hyuuga the one of the only true friends that he had in the world along with her direct family. Naruto stopped trembling in anger until a hand came down on his shoulder. The hand belonged to Hiashi Hyuuga Father of Hinata and current head of the Hyuuga clan.

"Naruto this is not the way let the Hokage give his reasons and then think on them and decide what you wish to do."

Naruto sat there still covered in chakra and time seemed to crawl for all of those in the room. Finally Naruto took a deep breath and slowly let it out and the chakra receded. "Fine I'll hear him out." This was sent with a glare towards the Hokage.

Hinata removed herself from her back but grabbed his arm and held it to herself and Hiashi kept his hand on his shoulder all looked expectantly at the Hokage. He just sighed and sat at his desk and placed some tobacco in his pipe and lit it and took a deep puff. "I did what I did Naruto because at the time we were so weakened that I knew that our enemies were at our throats. We were just starting to recover from the war and the only thing that we had was the threat of the Yondaime Hokage Minato, your father, and your mother were the only to keep the other villages from coming and wiping us off the map. Then the Kyuubi was released from your mother during your birth. I don't know how this happened, but I saw it appear and start a rampage in our village. Your father gave his life to seal the beast in you and your mother died giving you life. Now I was placed in a dilemma what to do our ninja forces were decimated trying to hold off the kyuubi and we no longer had your mother and father to protect us so I did the next best thing I told the people that you were a Jinjuriki and that you had the Kyuubi sealed in you as a threat deterrent for the other villages. I never intended for you to become such a pariah I had hoped that the people would see you for what you are and will be a protector of the village. Obviously I was wrong in that and have been trying to make up for that by sending my ANBU out to protect you."

There was a long silence in which no one moved at all until finally Naruto broke the silence. "I understand your reasoning's Hokage-sama, but I don't forgive you. I don't know if I ever could. I understand why you did what you did, I can even appreciate the position you were and are in. No the thing that I can never forgive is hiding it from me. Not knowing if I was loved or if my parents loved me or just cast me aside like everyone said. I do not wish to have anything more to do with you on a personal level Hokage-sama. I still wish to attend the academy and will be a ninja, but our relationship is now only a professional one. Have a good evening Hokage-sama." With that he turned and left walking out of the Hokage's office with the scroll still in his hand.

"Hinata please go and ask Naruto to wait for me outside and stay with him."

Hinata nodded and rushed out of the office to catch up with Naruto and make sure that he was really ok. "Hokage-sama I'm greatly disappointed in your decisions regarding I am informing you that he will be staying with the Hyuuga clan from this point forward. This is not a request and obviously we are not allowed to adopt him, but I figured that you should at least know where he will be. We will help him train and support him in anything that we can. It is the least I can do for my old team mate and friend." With that he turned on his heel and walked out of the office leaving the Hokage looking even more haggard and old with a single tear in his eye as they all walked away.

Naruto was storming out of the Hokage's office in a fury. He was actually so mad that he didn't even notice that people were giving him a wide berth as some of the Kyuubi features were starting to deepen. He was just reaching the gate that lead into the main downtown sections of Konoha he heard his name being called. He turned to see Hinata running towards him tears in her eyes.

"Naruto-kun I am so, so sorry that you had to find out that information that way." She said as she pulled him into a gentle hug. "Please wait here with me my father has something he wishes to tell you."

Naruto sighed, but nodded his head. They moved off to the side and sat there just looking up at the sky as it faded from dusk into night. Naruto felt Hinata lean her head against his shoulder and started humming to herself a song that her mother sang to her at night. "You know Naruto-kun I don't care what you hold or anything like that. To me you are Naruto-kun and only Naruto-kun. You are the person who saved my mother and sister from death and my best friend."

"Thank you Hinata-chan I…I needed that, and this. You're my best friend too."

"Naruto, Hinata come here please. I need to tell you something. I and the clan have been doing all that we can to try and adopt you into our home Naruto. Unfortunately the civilian council is denying us on that, but I don't care anymore. I must admit that I had my suspicions on who your parents I didn't tell you because I didn't want to give you any false hope that I was correct and then have that taken from you. You will be coming to live with us if you wish it and we will help you in all that we can. Your birth and conception was kept a secret from all of us including your father's beast friends and closest confidants. I was on the same team as your father and while I'll admit we didn't start out as the closest people by the time the war started we were almost inseparable as teammates and friends. So now I am offering you a home a place to grow up healthy and safe."

Naruto was stunned absolutely stunned. A home, a place to grow up and not have to worry about getting mugged and beaten in the middle of the night to have food. There was no hesitation in his answer and the decision was obvious. "I accept Hiashi-sama."

That was eight years ago and in those eight years Naruto had grown and matured into fine young adults and ninja. The scroll that Naruto had found contained information on his mother and her bloodline. Plasma releases a dangerous and destructive bloodline limit. It worked by combining three elemental affinities fire wind and lightning. By combining these three elements you could produce an almost liquid life flame that coated and disintegrated ones opponent. That coupled with the dual elemental release that Naruto had created called hellfire, which was fire and wind combined before even releasing the jutsu, made him a devastating mid to long range type of ninja.

Hinata had matured into a beautiful young woman and a great ninja in her own right. Two years ago she had met a woman by the name of Anko who was a friend of the woman who guarded them on a regular basis (Kurani). Upon meeting this woman Hinata had admired her and after building up her courage had asked Anko, with her father's reluctant permission, to train her in the ninja arts. Anko had at first told her no and that she didn't train wannabe kunoichi, but Hinata's perseverance and determination to be trained by Anko finally convinced the woman to train her. Hinata was now a devastating close range worrier and was trained in poisons and torture techniques as well. Something that her dick of a cousin found out the hard way when she had given him a non-lethal poison but it probably would have been better if I was. The poison that she had used gave him debilitating cramps and the runs.

Today was the final day of the academy where they would be tested on all that they had learned and then they would either be placed on a team or would be placed in an apprenticeship. That, however, was all dependent on if they passed or not. Hinata and Naruto approached the academy hand in hand and went through the gate and headed towards their group of friends. The group included Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and TenTen Higurashi. There was one other who was a member of their group but he chose to keep himself separate as he didn't want people to get any more wrong ideas about him then there already was.

The last remaining member of the group was none other than Sasuke Uchiha. On the surface he was a cold and uncaring person who only wanted revenge for his clan and to kill his brother and he probably would have if it wasn't for Hinata and Naruto. They had wanted nothing to do with him after he had first come back from the hospital as he had already adopted his cold attitude, but on their way home they had found him crying by a small lake in one of the training grounds. They had stopped to see if he was alright and had ended up talking to each other for several hours and had become fast friends.

Most of the class had sped through the tests and had become ninja of Konoha and were not just waiting to find out their team and or apprenticeships. When Iruka finally walked back in from the last test he looked at all of the new faces who were now the new front line fighters of Konoha. Most of the graduating class were from the clans of Konoha, but there were at least two civilians who had stood out though the one not by much. He glanced down at the clipboard in his hands and cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Well for all of you who have graduated this day congratulations. You now are carrying a tremendous legacy on your shoulders a ninja of the hidden leaf village. I will now tell you which teams you will be on." At this all of the former student's backs went straight in excitement. "Team seven will be Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Sai. Team eight will be Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Kaminari Hana. Team 9 is still in circulation. Team ten is the new Ino-Shik-Cho team. Finally we have team 11 which will be Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata, and Higurashi TenTen.

Well here is the first Chapter of the new and revised Naruto Way of Plasma. I do hope that this is better I do really like this version so much better so far and am looking forward to seeing the reviews and what not. Also I know that if you looked at any of my other original story or if you read this one before the revision you will have noticed that the chapters were much, much longer. If you want me to do those longer chapters then I will but the updates will be far and few between or I can do these somewhat shorter chapters and update a little more frequently. Anywho R&R everyone .