South: Child's Play

Six Years Later

"Again? You've got to be fucking kidding me, Kid."

The boy's body was covered with bruises and cuts. His flaming red hair was a mess and he was caked in dirt and blood. His clothing was tattered up, half of shirt appeared to be torn off. And even though he had black left eye, there was a cheerful smirk plastered on his face. The older man wearing a dark brown robe shook his head disapprovingly at the 6-year-old child.

"I fought three of them today," bragged Kid, holding up three fingers in pride.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We need to keep a low profile," growled the older man, pulling Kid by the ear.

Mace silently cursed the day he ever agreed to come out of hiding with Mary and her troublesome little brother. For the last six years they were successful in living on top of Thorn Head Mountain. Fortunately for them, they went unnoticed by the Marines living on this largely populated island. Recently Mary was confident about venture out, convinced that after all that time, the World Government no longer had any interest in looking for those baring the Eustass name. But they should've known that Kid was going to get them into a whole mess of trouble once again.

"I've told you time and time again, you need to stop getting into these fights," warned Mace, shaking the boy's head. Kid wrestled the older man's arm, resisting the temptation to bite back. It was quite a sight to see, a 47-year-man losing to a 6-year-old in arm wrestling. Mace painfully regretted the day he taught the boy how to fight. The skillful moves he taught Kid were meant to be use for protection against the wild beasts living on the mountain, not used for means of entertainment. He should've known better, it was in this child's nature to be so brutally competitive. All this fighting, it was merely child's play to a Phobos boy.

"You're just jealous cause I'm able to even kick your ass now," jeered the roughed up redhead. Mace's face was getting hotter by the minute. Steam was blowing from his nose in rage.

"Watch your tongue, you piece of shit!"

Kid was finally able to free himself from Mace's sizzling grasp. The little warrior spat some blood from his mouth onto the ground and brought up his fists into fighting mode.

"Try and make me, you old fart! Come on!"

"What's going on here?"

Kid and Mace turned to see Mary returning from the village bellow. She lifted her hood off her and rubbed her sweaty bald head. She got one good look at her little brother and instantly knew what had happened.

"Kid keeps getting himself into these boxing matches," complained Mace, rolling up his sleeves. "It's no good, Mary. We can't be risking this kind exposure so soon."

Mary quietly walked up to her younger brother, shoving her hands into her robe's pockets. The 26-year-old woman bent down to his level, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Is this true, Kid?"

Kid crossed his arms and fought back with his own glare. There was a cloud of electricity forming between the two siblings.


An intense wind was hitting them but both of them refused to blink during this stand off.

"So, how much money did you make?"

After hearing such a question, Mace immediately fell on his face.

"That's not the point, Mary! He shouldn't be getting into fights to begin wi—"

"100 beli," interrupted Kid, pulling out a wad of cash from his back pocket. The little fighter had look of triumphant all over his face. His older sister let out an impressive whistle.

"Oh really," mocked Mary, pulling out her own roll of beli from her pocket. "I made 300."

"No fair," whined Kid, throwing his money onto the ground. He hated that his older sister always won on their little bets. Mary chuckled as she picked up her winnings from the ground. For a month now the two had competed against one another to see who could make the most earnings. Winner takes all was the name of the game. So far Kid was losing every round.

"Come on, Kid. Let's get you all cleaned up."

There was a natural hot spring deep within one of the caves they often settled in. Kid peeled off his tattered clothing and hopped into the spring, not caring how the hot water irritated his wounded flesh. Mary followed after him not too far behind with a towel and a bundle of bandages.

Mary couldn't help but let out another heartfelt chuckle when she saw the glaring look her little brother was giving her from the surface of the hot spring. She knew he was still upset about losing to her. That boy, he is so competitive!

"If you keep giving me those looks, your face will be stuck like that forever."

Kid just blew angry bubbles in the water in responds.

"There were a lot of tourists on the island today," explain Mary, unraveling one of the bandages. "I just got lucky."

Mary, wearing her dark robes and sporting a bald head, was often mistaken for a local high priestess or holy monk by many of the villagers and out-of-towners in the area. She couldn't help but advantage of her new found respect in the local villages, especially if meant earning a profit from desperate believers. Every day she would travel down from the mountain to perform religious prayers and 'divine' acts to cast out of the evil spirits in the area. There were times when she was also willing to perform some darker acts, such as fortune telling or placing curses onto the foes of her company. This all was done, of course, after she collected "generous donations" from her seekers. Although the locals were catching on fast on her falsehoods, the fresh tourists visiting the towns were being suckered in all the time.

This time Kid let out a taunting laugh.

"Those people are such idiots," cackled Kid, sitting up right in the hot spring. Mary came behind him and hit him hard on the head. Kid hollered in pain as a giant bumped form on his already injured head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You shouldn't laugh at people's hopes and dreams, Kid."

"But that fucking hurt," declared the redhead, rubbing his bump sorely. Mary sat on a rock next to him and started wrapping a bandage around her little brother's forehead.

"Let that be a lesson to you."

Kid just stubbornly crossed his arms, fighting the little boy pout forming on his face. He was put in his place and he knew it. Mary decided to share some good news to lighten up the mood.

"I think we have enough now to buy a decent size boat. I'm sure we can leave by the end of this week."

Her efforts work, Kid turn towards her with a beaming shine in his eyes.


His older sister smiled and gave him an assuring nod.

"Yes," cheered the boy jumping up and down in the pool of water, splashing a little onto Mary. "Finally! We're going to sail the high seas and be pirates!"

Ever since Mary could ever remember, her brother wanted to become a pirate. Mary loved his enthusiasm when she told him pirate tales, especially the ones involving the notorious Pirate King himself, Gol D Roger. Kid couldn't believe that his sister actually saw the Pirate King once in person when he was venturing around South Blue.

"I'm going to be the Captain," proclaimed the little rogue, jumping out of the hot spring. Mary covered him with a fresh towel and placed a band-aid his injured left cheek.

"Says who? If anything, I'm going to be the Captain," teased Mary, pinching him on the face. Kid wrapped the towel angrily around his waist, pulling away from his sister's grasp.

"No way!"

"Yes I am, and guess what? I'm going to be the first to find One Piece too."

"No fair," whined Kid, throwing his fists in the air. "I'm going to find it! I'm going to be the Pirate King."

Mary brought her hand up to her chin, stroking it back and forth mischievously.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," declared her confident little foe. "Of course!"

"Well there's only one way of telling for sure," she declared, bending down to his level.

Kid brought his fists down and blinked confusingly at his sister's sudden calm demeanor.


"By looking at your fortune," Mary said wickedly, bringing one of her palms her out. "After a honorable donation of course."

Kid's face was now beaming red. In one swift move, he angrily crossed his arms over his naked chest.

"No way! I'm not falling for that trick again!"

Awwwwww sibling love XD Hope you guys enjoyed this warm and tender scene…I'm afraid there won't be many more in the future :,(

A thanks to all that reviewed :3

crimson-plasma: I'm glad you loved it so :3 Thanks for the encouragement! I will write on!

sarani sayonara: Your comments always make me laugh XD Yes, indeed those bells will be ringing loud and clear these chapters coming up.

mandarina: I can't help but say nice things back to you :D you are always so supportive in all your comments! I made you blush again, huh? -_-' Sorry! I'm glad you like where I'm going with Law…wasn't sure what kind of feedback I was going to get in connecting his past with the World Government (Law and the World Government? WTF? Lol.). Yes, Law was once a innocent little baby…a sleepy, innocent baby :3 enjoy it while it lasts XD

Jessangel249: Oh yes, it's a battle of the "darkest past" between these two. I'm curious to hear your opinion on the matter :3 so please do tell on the following chapters to come! I'm kind of curious what would happen if Law's father was alive too…he probably take little Law to his lab during those "bring your child to work" days :3

Fishy-Neko-Fangirl: Yes, it looks like Kid gets a little more loving…but don't fret! You'll see that Law has someone that cares dearly for him :3 but chances are it's not his mother XD

Someone: Thank you! Oh, are you by chance the same 'someone' that reads and comments my "The Piece in the East" fic? It makes me happy knowing my "Piece in the East" readers are enjoy this fic as well :B I'm a big dork, I know.

Hollowedarm: Oh thank you very much :3 I'm happy you like where I'm going with Law. The World Government doesn't know what kind of monster they're bringing under their wing :x

I loved all your comments about Law's mom XD So you guys don't like her? If you hate her now, you're going to hate her even more in the chapters to come. Get your pitchforks and rocks ready!

And just a quick note to those that are reading my "Piece in the East" fic, I apologize on the delay. I really want to get "North and South" onto its feet, so it may be a little while before I can get a new chapter up -_-' sorry! I will update it once I get a little more free time. Thanks for your patients!

Thanks to all that read and review!