
DD: Sorry I haven't been on. I was away as a junior counselor at camp, and I was away on my birthday. And the senior counselor in my cabin had the camp director call me up on stage so the hole camp could sing to me. Then, when I got home, we went to Red Lobster for my birthday dinner, and half the restaurant sang to me. Then my family sang at home. Then half the carnival I was working at (as security) sang. Then another resaurant sang to me... all in a five day period of time...

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. On to the Transformers! (Which I don't own). Oh, and I would like to give credit to EthanPrime21, for the idea of giving all the Autobots a carwash!

Chapter 9: Answers and Carwashes

Lizzy looked down at her lap, and played with one of the rings on her fingers. It was her purity ring, that her mother had given her. It was also her favorite because it looked medieval, with a Celtic knot on either side, and a ruby in the middle. She spun it around her finger, and stayed silent for a long time. Optimus continued to watch her, giving her the time she needed to answer. After a little while, she looked up.

"In the second movie, when you go to save Sam," She said hesitantly. "You fight the Decepticons in the woods. When you chased Dreadbeat into the forest, that scene from the movie kept playing in my head, over and over. It was just… coincidence that Dad and I were heading back from buying a bow and arrows. And providence, or luck, or something that guided the arrows on their course."

Optimus tilted his head. Lizzy nearly laughed. It was an amusing sight. She ducked her head to hide her smile.

"This does not quite answer my question." He said.

"I went into the woods that day… because you've always been my favorite Autobot, and I couldn't stand it if you died and I could help." She said slowly. "You're kind, and caring. You fight with your team. You have a sense of justice, and fairness. You are loyal, and will stand up for the innocent. You fight to protect, even if it means you lay down your life for others. You're quick to listen, and rarely get angry. You are brave, and compassionate, and wise."

Lizzy's eyes widened when she realized what all she had said as she rambled on. She ducked her head, and fell silent. Optimus watched her for a time, something he seemed to do a lot at the moment, Lizzy thought. He leaned back against the wall, and stretched his legs out in front of him. It was a very human gesture. Lizzy blinked, and did the same, if only to have something to do at that time.

"You seem to know much of me." He commented, turning towards her.

"Not that much." She replied.

"Tell me what you do know." Optimus prompted. "What have these movies shown you?"

"Well." Lizzy paused. "You were originally a civilian, named Orion. But the matrix chose you to be a Prime. You don't really like seekers, but they have proven useful for you. Your only real weakness is your compassion towards all sentient beings."

"And yet you say you do not know that much." Optimus said, smirking slightly.

Lizzy opened her mouth, then closed it, and shrugged. A slight blush crept over her cheeks.

"Now, you know about me." Optimus commented. "But I know very little of you. Tell me about yourself."

"Well, what do you want to know?" Lizzy asked, not quite looking at him.

"What ever you wish to tell me." He replied.

"Where to begin…" Lizzy laughed. "My full name is Elizabeth Amelia Carter. I have a younger sister, named Amy. She's five now. I used to ride horses, both western and English. I've got two best friends, Jenna and Amber. Amber moved away a few years back. I like drawing, and reading. I'm a nerd, because I'm really good with electronics, I like science, and math. My favorite movies are Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Chronicles of Narnia, and Transformers. Well, Transformers used to be one of my favorites."

She paused a moment, not sure what else she could tell about herself.

"You have one sibling?" Optimus asked.

"Not really." Lizzy replied slowly. "I have an older brother, but I haven't seen him since I was three. And my parents don't talk about him. The only thing I remember about him, is his name is Matthew."

The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Finally, Optimus stood up, and held out his hand to Lizzy. She glanced up for a moment. Then she took it and stood up. Optimus' holoform disappeared. He brought down his hand for Lizzy to step up. She did so, holding on as he lifted his hand again. She glanced up at him quizzically.

"I believe you promised a certain 'Bot a carwash?" The Autobot Leader said.

Lizzy grinned and nodded. She glanced down for a moment, thinking. She wasn't sure that any of the Autobots had ever had a carwash before. Maybe she should open up a "spa" for them, so they could finally relax. Thinking a little on it, Lizzy wasn't sure they had relaxed… basically ever. Yeah, a carwash would be good for them. She looked back up at Optimus.

"I'm going to need some supplies." She said.

"What kind of supplies?" Optimus asked.

"I'll need some hoses, a large bucket, several sponges, a few bottles of soap, rags, and a bunch of wax bottles." Lizzy told him. "And my special minions."

"Minions?" Optimus questioned.

"Yes, minions." Lizzy answered. "I'll need Jenna, and Zanna, and Scarlette, and Lennox, and Epps."

"For what?" Optimus asked.

"I'm going to give everyone a carwash!" Lizzy replied, smiling. "It will help you all relax."

"As you wish." He answered.

Lizzy blushed, and ducked her head. She was pretty sure the Optimus didn't know what that meant. It was from a book, which was made into a movie, called The Princess Bride, and it meant "I love you". The Autobot Leader had no way of knowing that human phrase meant more than it sounded like. She looked down, noticing for the first time they were moving. Optimus made sure that as he walked, he kept his hand as still as possible. He passed by Major Lennox as they walked, and stopped him.

"Lizzy has informed me she will be needing supplies for a "car wash"." Optimus told him.

"Alright." Lennox replied. "What'll you need Liz?"

"A couple of hoses, a large bucket, several sponges, a few bottles of soap, rags, and a bunch of wax bottles." Lizzy told him. "Jenna, and Zanna, and Scarlette, and You, and Epps."

"Why do you need people?" Lennox questioned, with Lizzy being there a year he was able to understand a lot of Sign Language.

"Because I'm doing a "mass carwash"." She replied. "And I need helpers to wash all the Autobots."

"And you seem to have chosen an elite squad." Lennox commented.

"Yep." Lizzy stated. "Now, onward! We must finish our quest for the Holy Grail!"

Lennox laughed, while Optimus looked a little confused. Lizzy laughed and patted his hand. The Autobot leader shook his head, and walked outside. Lennox went around and found the others, while Optimus called all the Autobots outside. Lizzy was placed back down on the ground, and Jenna walked over. Lizzy grinned at her.

"What's going on?" Jenna asked.

"We're giving the Autobots' a carwash!"

"Cool." Commented Zanna, walking up.

Lizzy nodded and skipped over to Ironhide. He glanced down at her, and she had trouble stopping her laughter. The ribbons and sign had been taken off, but he was still pink and glittery. Chromia had found it very amusing when she had seen 'Hide. Lizzy smiled up at him, and motioned for him to transform down. He grudgingly acquiesced, shifting into his GMC Topkick. Lizzy grinned and pulled a hose, a bucket, three rags, and a bottle of wax over. Ironhide's holoform came out and watched her for a moment. Then she shooed him back into original form.

Turning on the hose, she tested the water herself. Nodding in satisfaction at the warmth, she turned the soft jet on the 'Bot. The truck shuttered slightly at the water. But he quickly got used to it, and his engine purred quietly. Lizzy grinned and ran the water over all of him. Then, she shut off the hose, and grabbed on of her rags. She put it in the warm, soapy water, and got it wet. Lizzy walked over to Ironhide, who's engine rumbled nervously, and started washing him. The pink paint, which had been put on not even an hour before, wasn't quite dry. It, also, was not meant for metal, and was not too difficult to get off. Lizzy had to rub somewhat hard to get it all off, however.

She stood on the top of his left tire, and began washing his hood. Ironhide shuddered as the cloth ran over his hood, and Lizzy glanced at him quizzically. She heard his cooling fans switch on. Another engine rumble sounded a ways behind her. It sounded slightly annoyed. Glancing over, Lizzy saw Chromia, in motorcycle form, watching her. Lizzy rolled her eyes, and went back to washing his hood. She noticed Bumblebee was being washed by Jenna, Ratchet was being washed by Blaze and Zanna, and the Twins were getting washed by Lennox and Epps. After she was finished soaping him up, she turned on the hose and rinsed him off. He didn't shiver as the warm water hit him this time.

She took her second rag, a much larger one, and started drying him off. Once he was dry, Lizzy took the last rag, and poured some wax on it. She took the wax and rubbed Ironhide down with it. An hour after she started, Ironhide's black paint was back, and had a glossy shine to it. Stepping back she admired her work, after a minute she nodded with satisfaction. All pink paint, and glitter was gone. Ironhide transformed up and checked himself over. After a moment, he seemed satisfied as well.

"What did you think of your first carwash?" Lizzy asked him, grinning.

"It was…" Ironhide paused, thinking of what word he wanted. "Refreshing."

"So you like it?" Lizzy coaxed.

"Yes, I enjoyed it." Ironhide relented.

Ironhide began walking away, to attend to his duties. But then he paused, and turned back a moment.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." Lizzy grinned.

He turned back and headed to the hangar. Lizzy turned as well, and looked over who all way left. She was hoping Optimus hadn't been given his carwash yet. Her face fell when she saw he had just finished, Lennox and Epps were standing near him. Lizzy half heartedly glanced around. The only other Bot waiting was Sideswipe. She put on a grin and walked over to him. He looked down at her, and grinned.

"Hey there Lizzy." He said. "I thought I had been forgotten about."

"I doubt anyone could forget you, 'Sides." Lizzy smiled.

Sideswipe grinned again, and followed Lizzy back to where she had her supplies. After half an hour, the silver mech was clean and shiny. It had taken her less time on Sideswipe than it had on Ironhide because she didn't have to work on getting any paint off. After 'Sides was finished, he thanked Lizzy, and headed off to do his own work. Lennox, Epps, and Blaze couldn't stay to help clean up; they had a meeting to get to. So Lizzy, Jenna, and Zanna were left with clean up.

"Why can't we go to special, government meetings?" Zanna asked, to no one in particular.

"We aren't important enough to have special governmental clearance." Jenna replied, shrugging.

"Lizzy should be, at least." Zanna commented. "She knows everything that happens."

"Yeah," Jenna agreed. "Why aren't you allowed in on these meetings and such?"

"I don't know." Lizzy shrugged.

"Don't you want to know what they are saying?" Zanna asked her.

"A little bit." Lizzy replied.

"Also known as 'You're dying to know'." Jenna stated.

"Yeah, I am." Lizzy answered, grinning.

"Well then." Jenna grinned. "Let's go see what they're talking about."

A/N: So I went out to see Captain America with my friend today. It was a pretty good movie alla round, but the ending was absolute CRAP! It was so cheesy, and not well thought out at all! And for my birthday, my friend got me this wooden shrunken head/mask thing... with FEATHERS! He's so cute, and I named him Feathers! Isn't that an awesome name? Anyway, onto my lovely reviewers!

EthanPrime21: Glad you thought it was good! And, thank you for the chapter idea! :)

Roc2Roll: Please, whatever you do, do not go 'Hide on me! That's some scary crap!

SailorSorcerer: I had trouble writing this chapter because I was laughing.

Lunar Mist: Poor 'Hide? I'd be more worried about what he'd do to the culprits. I wouldn't wish that fate on a Decepticon... well, maybe I would. lol

warriorkat21: Glad you like it!

JayceeJade: Here is the update you desired! And I'm glad you found it funny :)

Zoey the Wolf: I'm glad I got her right. And yes, editing in later chapters will be much appreciated!

Snow246: You were expecting this were you? Are you psychic? I'm psychic too! On.. no.. wait. That may have been "psycho".

justiceintheworldofhp-yearight: First, holy cow. Your username is long. But in a good way. And second, here is your update :)

Serpentinia Malfoy: Yay! I get 2 cookies! That makes me happy!

cascadenight: Yes, cliffies are good... most of the time :)

itachigirl250: Glade you like it! I will take you up on that offer whenever I get stuck!

Don't forget to Review!

~ Dunedain