Author's Note: I had to do it. xD I had to make the most of a film actually coming out in the UK two days before the US, and me going to see it on the opening night, by writing a fanfic of the film I just saw. There aren't any massive spoilers, but maybe a couple of teensy ones, so read at your own risk. X3 And enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean or the characters within it. Though I totally wish I could own a shirtless Philip. ;D
Philip was used to feeling things were out of his control. Ever since he'd given his life over to serving God, he had become accustomed to sudden twists and turns. Travelling from place to place with no money, relying on the Lord's providence to take him where he was needed most. Somehow, he always prevailed.
Yet nothing could have prepared him for looking into the eyes of a mermaid – one of God's 'forsaken' creatures – and seeing his own lost soul staring back.
If her soul be truly forsaken… Mine is forsaken also, he thought as he slipped into the water.