Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. :(

A/N: So here is a crazy idea of mine. :P I haven't wrote anything in a while but yeah, hope everyone likes it! It's sad and I guess I might make this story a one-shot. :)

Darkness… Why did everything seem so dark? She hesitantly clawed at her surroundings, feeling a soft material under her trembling fingers. Something was definitely wrong…

Where was she? Her eyes suddenly flew open, uncertainly scanning the area. The dark room was so unfamiliar that it nearly frightened her. She curled up into a ball, chewing her lower lip apprehensively.

She felt rather drowsy, yet her fear kept her alert. A soft beeping noise caught her attention and she threw her head toward the direction of the sound. What was it?

"You're awake."

She looked around until her eyes landed on him, a tall, handsome, young man. Something about him tugged at her, whether it was her mind or heart, she didn't know. She scrutinized his chiseled face, honing in on his midnight blue eyes, which were seemingly black. She could almost see a hint of coldness, perhaps a barrier blocking his inner most feelings.

"How're you feeling?" he asked mechanically. He narrowed his eyes as if he were searching through her soul.

"I… I don't know," she spoke slowly, unsure of her own answer. "Who are you?" She immediately regretted her words when she noticed him looking at her as if she should know who he was.

The words struck a chord in him and he tightened his grip on the pen and clipboard that he was holding in both of his hands. How could she not remember? She was his meatball head, the sun of his day, the moon of his night, the everlasting bundle of energy.

"Dr. Darien Shields." He waited for some type of recognition to spark through her cerulean eyes. Nothing... Nothing at all.

"Oh." She tried to search through her mind, hoping for a hint, a hint of what happened, a hint of where she was, a hint of anything. She stared blankly at the wall in front of her for a moment until back at him. Why did he look so pale? Did he know her?

"Who are you?" Darien managed to ask, pushing back a sickening feeling that was beginning to brew inside of him. Could it be? It couldn't be… but somehow, he knew it had to be…

"I… I am…" she trailed off. Then, it hit her, like a car crash, so instantaneous that she could barely comprehend what was happening. That was the problem… She didn't know… She paled immensely. "I don't know," she murmured quietly.


"I don't know," she repeated, her breath quickening. "I don't know, I don't know!" Her voice rose alarmingly, and she shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know!" Tears gushed out as she tightly clutched the blanket that covered her. "I don't know!" She was on the verge of becoming hysterical.

Darien immediately threw the objects out of his hand onto the table next to the bed and enveloped the fragile girl in his arms. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered soothingly, wishing that he could take away her pain, could help her remember.

She shook her head furiously. How could everything be okay? She couldn't remember! "No, it's not." She wanted to scream, yell, cry… But all she should do was stay limp in his warm arms that somehow calmed her slightly.

He pulled away unwillingly, his hands still on her shoulders while he searched her tear-filled eyes. It tore him to see her so desperate, so unlike herself. How could this happen to someone like her? "You're Serena. Serena Tsukino."

"Serena?" she echoed in a cracked voice. A name meant nothing when she did not know anything about herself. It had no meaning, no purpose. More tears threatened to spill and they came crashing down when his hands held onto hers so lovingly.

She wanted to know, understand everything, comprehend the situation, distinguish herself from the void.

But he understood completely, what she was going through, the thoughts rushing through her brain. He had suffered the same as a child, lost and lonely, scared and cold. No one was there beside him, nothing but himself. She was different though. She had him and he would be at her side for the rest of her life. He would guide her through the pain, the ache, the trauma.

"Do you know me?" She watched him, waiting for his answer, which could possibly be the solution to her current problem.

He froze, unsure if she would want to know. He was the one who teased her mercilessly, aggravated her until she saw red, and made her cry in agony. He felt guilty, wanting to take it all back. He never meant the teasing or the insincere, biting words. He had a hard time articulating his true feelings, yet still, it was no excuse for the way he treated her.

It was hard for him to admit that he loved her genuinely. He loved her. But could she even love him back.

A crazy thought shot up inside his head, an idea that could change his life forever. We could be together. He tightened his hold on her hands.

Maybe he had no right to do so at all… But maybe he didn't give a damn. He wanted to assuage his heart, her heart, her mind, his mind.

"Yes." He cracked a smile, making something inside her flutter.

She wasn't certain why she felt this way with him. It wasn't a bad feeling. It was a nice, calm, soothing feeling. She liked it. She liked him. She liked the way his hands held hers with assurance. She liked how she could actually see through his cold eyes a tiny glimpse of warmth, which appeared to be reserved for her and her only.


He bit his tongue, debating if he should… The idea just seemed so inviting, appetizing. But it was wrong… Yet better than breaking the truth to her, the cold harsh reality which would not bring peace to her already tumultuous mind.

"I… I am…" He licked his dried lips and swallowed. "Your boyfriend."

It did seem plausible. It had to be. The look in his eyes, the feelings he ignited when he touched her ever so lightly, his kindness and patience for her reactions, his intimate touches.

He waited with bated breath, his heart beating thunderously in his ears. Was he convincing enough?

She nodded, accepting his response. She laughed so suddenly that it startled him. Maybe he thought of her as crazy, unstable, mental, but she knew that he would still love her. "It's funny how my boyfriend is my doctor." She laughed harder and then, she started crying again because she did not know anything about him. How could she be able to return all the love he was giving to her? It was so unfair how she could not mention anything about him.

"Everything will be all right." Darien hugged her once more, allowing her to sob into his white doctor's coat. With her in his arms, everything felt like it would turn out all right. There was hope.

A/N: Thanks for reading! :) Don't know if I should continue and make this into a story, or just leave it off as it is. But anyways, thanks again!