'Sup people? So this is another story I'm writing but it's on Percy Jackson, hope you like it. Please Read and Review, I REALLY like to know what you people of the internet think of my stuff :P Oh and if you guys haven't checked out my other story and want to its 'Misery and Roses' and it's a Inheritance Cycle fanfic…so yeah there ya go

I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But its home to me and I walk alone

~Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Green Day

Chapter 1

I walked into the class room and made my way to the back of the room and took my seat, dumping my backpack beside my desk. I sighed and looked down at my Ipod, ignoring the teacher, who was rambling about history. Why am I listening to my Ipod instead of my teacher you ask? Because history, or school in general, is extremely boring and not worth my time.

"Di Angelo?" The teacher's voice was faint against the music.

"Di Angelo?" He said, louder this time. I looked up at the teacher, glaring at him.

"What?" I said rudely. Mr. Johnson looked at me, obviously irritated.

"Would you care to explain to the class why you are late?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. So I was late. Who gives a crap? I was late because this monster decided to smash into my apartment building and wake me up to the annoying sound of screaming people.

"No, I don't care to," I said and went back to my Ipod. The whole class was watching now and Mr. Johnson stalked over to my desk and grabbed my Ipod and jerked it out of my hand. I glared at him and snatched it back.

"You go ahead and get my pass to the principal, Paul," I said, using his first name. I grabbed my back pack and stalked out of the room, the class ooohhhh'ing and ahhh'ing as I went. I walked down the hallway towards the principal's office, Mr. Johnson following behind me.

I passed the lockers and turned down a hallway and opened the first door on the right and walked in and sat on the chair in front of the desk. My teacher followed. This was…let me see…my fifth trip to the principal's office this week. I didn't really care about the lectures and homework, which is why this is my fifth trip. But that wasn't the only reason. Monsters have been more frequent lately and another one decided to pop up a few days ago. I took care of it but not with some minor damages to some of the lockers…well….ok, maybe major damage. But, anyways, the principal looked at me critically then turned to my history teacher.

"What is it this time, Mr. Johnson?" The principal asked, not really looking interested.

"He's half an hour late to the first hour and he still hasn't gotten any sort of punishment for the damage to the lockers on the east side of the building," Paul explained. While they were contemplating my total torture and boredom, I reached over and grabbed my Ipod and put the ear phones in then scanned down the screen. I decided that Linkin Park sounded good and hit play. I listened to the music and looked around the room. On the far wall above a window the principal had a shelf that held a lot of old antique beer bottles. To the left of that and behind me, was a huge shelf that covered the entire surface of the wall that held a lot of books.

"Mr. Di Angelo," The principal said after a few minutes. I looked at him and raised an eye brow.

"As your punishment, I want you to be in charge of a new student," he said, "She is coming in during lunch, I'll introduce her to you during that time." I groaned. Of all things, he just hadto assign me to a new student. I had better things to do than baby sit.

"What do you want me to do exactly?" I asked.

"Just make sure she feels at home and show her around the building," Mr. Johnson said, "And give her whatever she needs. You know your way around this place pretty well so you'll be fine." Yeah, of course, getting lost is on the top of my 'Things-To-Get-Worried-About' list. That's not least of my problems. I nodded and stood and started to walk out of the office when Mr. Johnson stopped me.

"Oh no you don't," he said, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around, "Give me the Ipod." I stared at him, but handed it over. I didn't need extra homework or whatever for the rest of the week. I then stalked out of the office and headed to my next class: English. Ugh.

This is how the rest of the day went until lunch: Go to class, take a nap in class, and yell at rest of the kids in class (there annoying beyond words). Pretty exciting huh? I walked into the cafeteria and sat on the table in the back of the room. One of my only friends walked up and sat opposite of me.

"So, I heard you got sent to the principal office again," he said. I nodded while taking a bite of the sandwich I had packed.

"Yep," I said, swallowing, "I got assigned to take care of this new student that's coming to the school. I'm supposed to meet her here soon." Oh yeah, you're probably wondering who this guy is. His names Jason. He's pretty cool he's the one that showed me around when I first arrived at the school.

"Oh you mean what's-her-name," Jason said, pausing while he was eating to think. I took another bite of my sandwich.

"You know her?" I asked. Jason nodded.

"Well, sorta. I ran into her on the way here. Literally."

"Wow," I said, looking at him. Jason smirked.

"Yeah I know. It's just so nice of me to run into the new girl. But yeah, she seemed nice, I guess. She's your type." At this comment I quit chewing.

"Uh...No. I am not dating her."

"C'mon, you haven't even met her yet," he said, smiling like an idiot, "I'm gonna laugh if you two end up together." I rolled my eyes and continued eating. A few minutes later the principal arrived with the new student.

"Miss Sterling, this is the young man that will be escorting you throughout the school," The principal said. Escorting? Really? Exaggeration much? Anyways, I looked at 'Miss Sterling.'

She was wearing a red tank top with a black leather glove on one hand and a skull ring on the other. Her pants were black and looked to be well worn and torn in some places. To rap it all up she was wearing black converse. Her hair was dark but not black and was not quite shoulder length and sorta messy. The principal left us alone.

"So, you wanna show me around real quick?" She asked. I sighed but stood and threw the rest of my food away.

"See ya," Jason said. I just nodded and walked off, the girl following.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Emery," she said, "Yours?"

"Nico." I stopped at some lockers.

"These are the main lockers. There are some around the corner but there….err…..damaged." Emery smirked.

"What happened to them?" Why did I even bother saying that?

"That's hard to explain," I said. Emery just shrugged and walked over to her locker and entered the code and shoved her stuff in it, not bothering to organize. Well, she's different than the other girls.

"I can tell you really don't wanna be doing this," she said, leaning her back against her locker and looking at me.

"No I don't, I just got assigned because I was late for class," I said, sticking my hands in my pockets. She laughed. I just rolled my eyes. After an awkward silence she finally asked.

"So, are you a transfer student?" I nodded.

"From where?" Why do girls always ask so many questions?

"Lots of places." After that I gave her a seriously quick tour then the bell rang and we made our way to our classes. Of course, we had the same classes. I guess I'll be getting to know this girl. So, yeah. I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, God of the Dead. Welcome to my world.