hey. I read through this story again and pretty much winced in my chair, so I rewrote it.
Hope you'll like. :D
Chapter 1
Zexion's fingers gently put the pen to the paper. He had been advised by his guidance counselor to write a diary, you know, get all his thoughts out, so he tried. He pressed the pen against the paper and let the ink sink a little into the paper, before he began.
November 3.
Dear Diary... (That's so cheesy)
I have not been myself lately, I found myself wanting to cry for no reason, which is not the normal me. No one comes to help me, and I don't ask them.
I have starting to cut myself, the crimson drops helps me remember that I'm alive.
As my eyes begin to close and I start to drift, I start wondering, I know it might all end tonight, but it never does. I just wake up to the blood, stains on my sheets and my pillow wet from tears. Then I get up and out of bed to go to school. I look in the mirror and think about how pathetic I am, I mean, I cut, cry and don't interact with people, how lost can you be? This was the last thing he would have wanted… but…
This was stupid! It sounded even more stupid when he wrote it down. He closed the diary with a violent swipe of his hand and sighed deeply. He rubbed his temples… Then he picked it up again and continued writing.
... The seat he used to fill is now so empty.
I looked at his yesterday and of course I started to cry. I just forget all the things he asked me to do, and fall back into self-pity. Because I'm weak. I know I am, but I still get reminded everyday in school.
My eyes are full of tears once again and my arm is full of scars, because when I think of him I start to cry and hurt myself. I'm stupid… I remember our last day together. I'm going to write it down. I don't know why, because it will make me sad to remember, but whatever.
We went to the park. I remember laughing while we walked. He seemed totally fine as his pink hair moved in the wind. Marluxia. His bright face always smiled at me and I felt more happiness than I thought I could contain. My arms were clear then. No scars. I had the same family problems as now, I was still bullied in school, ignored and pitied, but I had him. So I kept going.
"Stand up for yourself," Marluxia said with a sad face when we parted that day. "Don't let anyone tell you that you're not perfect, because you will always be."
You said things like that all the time, but this time seemed different. It was not a cute couple-line. You're voice was more serious. I told you "okay."
A fucking "okay". Now, I wished I had said something else. Questioned the expression that was so unfamiliar… but I didn't.
You smiled down at me and patted my head before you headed home. Why didn't I see it? Why was I so blind? Why didn't I follow you?
The following day there was a knock on my door. Next thing I know your sister is there, telling me that you had committed suicide. I broke straight down that day.
So right now I am on my bed with my razor in hand. Feeling pathetic. Ignoring your last words.
Zexion made a period and closed the diary slowly. He looked at the clock: Time for school. He had lied about the razor-part, but he felt like that gave the story a good final touch.
The truth was that he hadn't harmed himself in a while. Just, when Marluxia died it had been easier – almost soothing (yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking: creepy! But it was true), but after a while, he had become respectful of the pain once again and did it less. Still too much, according to his doctor, but much less than in the beginning.
He locked his door with his small metal key and remembered to give it an extra hard pull to close it properly.
"Are you sure you got everything!" A female yelled from the apartment next door. Zexion turned his head in surprise when the neighbor door opened. No one had lived in the apartment next to him for years – had someone really moved into this craphole of a block?
"Yeah, I got it!" a younger voice answered cheerfully. In that moment a tall boy ran out of the door. He was insanely tall and his hair was almost going against the laws of gravity with its spikes going straight to the sky. A pair of headphones covered his ears; the music was floating out of them, meaning that he would probably have a hearing problem in the future. He had a piece of buttered toast in his mouth. "See you later, mom!" the boy called over his shoulder. Waving to the doorway.
Zexion figured out too late that he was in the boy's way. The boy that was too busy jamming to his loud music bumped into Zexion with his shoulder, shoving him into the wall. The short boy gasped in shock and regained balance.
"Huh! Oh, man! I'm so sorry," the boy spat and pulled his headphones down the neck with a quick movement. "Did I hurt you?"
Zexion had no idea this accident, and this boy, would change his life drastically.
Hell yeah! Watch were you're going. "No." Zexion said and gave him a glare from his one visible eye; the other one was hidden under his bang. The boy laughed hesitantly and scratched his cheek.
"That's good… hey, do you live in there?" the boy asked and pointed at his apartment with a thumb. Zexion made a small nod, keeping his face free of expression.
"Zexion Ienzo," The boy said and smirked.
"How did you-" Zexion began flustered.
"I'm a stalker," the boy grinned and winked. Zexion took a step back, which just made the tall boy break out in laughter. "That and the fact that it's written on your door."
Zexion felt stupid and hurried to cough in his hand. He wanted nothing more than to walk past this idiotic person and get to school – but the tall boy was clearly not done talking.
"I'm Demyx," he said and held a hand stretched toward Zexion. The lilac-haired boy stared at it for a second, then he hesitantly put his own in the other boy's. "Very nice to meet you." Demyx immediately said and shook his hand.
"You too. Sorry, but I need to get to school," Zexion said quietly and hurried to pull his hand back. Demyx stood with his hand outstretched for a second. Then he let it drop and tilted his head teasingly.
"I feel rejected," He spoke and faked a hurt expression, but then he smiled. "Sorry, I'm giving you a hard time, aren't I?"
"T-that-" Zexion began, but stopped himself. The tall boy grinned.
"What school do you go to?" Demyx asked and Zexion almost groaned when Demyx started walking alongside him down the stairs. This guy was a real talker - notice that talker is closely related to stalker, just less creepy.
"Hearts Academy," Zexion murmured.
"That's funny, me too!" Demyx said cheerfully.
Yeah, of course you do with my luck, that's just brilliant. Please, don't bother hanging out with me "That's nice," Zexion said and suppressed his real thoughts.
"I'm starting today," he announced and Zexion sensed a life story coming up. "Me and my parents are traveling around, so there's no guarantee how long we'll stay this time, but I get to meet a lot of new people…"
Gosh, this guy talks too much, Zexion thought and looked at the sky with soft eyes. The clouds were turning dark. It was probably going to rain. He would have to stop by the supermarket before the rain started. What did he need … um… milk, eggs…
"Are you listening to me?" Demyx asked and knocked lightly on Zexion head, "Hal-lo!"
"W-what?" Zexion stuttered, taken off guard, and put a hand on his head where Demyx had just touched him.
"Never mind," Demyx murmured. "I sense that you don't like a lot of talk."
Good job! Give this kid a cookie "I guess," Zexion said quietly.
"Fine, I can be quiet," Demyx said and zipped his mouth with an invisible zipper.
Don't strain yourself, Zexion thought, but didn't say anything. They walked for a moment in silence. More than once Demyx opened his mouth to talk, but then remembered his own promise and closed it again.
"You know-" Demyx slipped and covered his mouth with both hands. Zexion moaned. He had only just met the boy, but he already knew that he was a bother.
"Just talk," The slate said and waved a hand toward him. "I don't mind."
"Sorry." Demyx mumbled timidly. Zexion rolled his eyes and put his hands in the pockets. It was starting to get cold outside; maybe he should buy a new jacket. "I don't really like silence to be honest," Demyx told the other boy. "I like talk, music and sound."
"I see. We're the complete opposites then," Zexion told him.
"Don't say that, I'm sure we have a lot in common. For starters, we live in the same building, we go to the same school- hey, Zexion?"
"Can I cut your hair?" he begged and Zexion turned his head toward the boy in pure surprise. That had come out of nowhere.
"I just met you!" the short boy said with a shocked voice.
"But your half-blind," Demyx said with a tiny voice, and lifted Zexion's bang with one finger. Zexion took a step back and pushed his hand away.
"My hair is none of your business!" Zexion snapped.
"Can I just trim it?"
"Three small cuts?"
"One cut? Just the bang."
"Absolutely no!"
"Come on!" Demyx said pleading, but Zexion shook his head and took a step away from him so there were a bigger gab, but Demyx just stepped the same way. "Pleeease."
"One more word about my hair, and I'm going to cut your hair off in your sleep!" Zexion threatened and Demyx's lips split in a smile.
"What? You don't think I would look hot, bold?" Demyx asked and smirked wider. Zexion's mouth pulled in a tiny smile too and he tried to stop it, but a small chuckle escaped him.
"Huh?" Demyx said and blocked Zexion's way. "Are you mocking me?"
"N-no," Zexion said and covered his mouth with a hand to stop his chuckles. Demyx brightened when he saw Zexion's amused eyes and "victory" was written all over his face.
Then it happened.
Something cold and sticky hit the back of Zexion's head and made him gasp out in surprise, the smile was instantly gone. A small shell cracked against his head and lumpy liquid ran down his neck. Demyx's expression twisted in shock.
A cry of laughter sounded, while a car drove by. Zexion turned his head after the car. His expression had gone back to cold again. His eyes scanned the car to see the enemy, but it was just the usual: Larxene (driving and laughing), Xaldin (holding a bunch of eggs in his arms) and Luxord (throwing the eggs).
He felt the back of his head with his fingertips and looked at the mess. His fingers were covered in undone egg. Disgusting. He looked up.
"Are you okay?" Demyx asked and his eyes shone with concern. The blonde reached out to take some of the egg out of his hair, but Zexion stepped out of his range. He was so embarrassed. He didn't know why it even mattered, but it did! Demyx was the first person he had been on friendly terms with in… who knows how long… and now here he was: Eggs in the back of his head, like a loser.
"S-School is just ahead and to the right… where that car turned," Zexion uttered and lifted a shaking finger toward the school. Demyx opened his mouth, but Zexion cut him off. "I'll just go home and change. Don't worry about me… it happens all the time."
"All the time?" Demyx said disbelieving. "Zexion! Wait a second!" he yelled, but Zexion had already spun around and headed home.
Dear Diary
Today I met a new guy, he just moved in next door.
He was very nice to me. His name is Demyx. He's nice, polite, talks a lot and… I hope I never see him again.