Hey People! I'm back! Not that I really went anywhere, but….lol. ANYWAY! Since there aren't that many Wishfulshipping fics and the ones that do exist are either mostly or all oneshots, I decided to make one! This will probably be ongoing (as in like chapters and stuff)! Lol this is my favorite pairing! BTW I am still fairly new to writing so cut me some slack! :D Read and review please! I am accepting suggestions and I guess some flames, just please not too harsh! Oh by the way, be sure to check out my other story, Shades of Grey! Well, enough of me blabbering, on with the show!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokémon in any way. If I did, Cilan and Iris would definitely be a couple by now.
Chapter 1
The sun shone overhead in a cloudless sky as a certain three trainers, Ash, Cilan and Iris stopped for a much-needed break from their travels. While Cilan set up their "portable kitchen", the other two dispersed to separate spots in the sun-bathed clearing. Iris quickly became lost in thought soon after settling herself on a large rock near the edge of the area. The purple-haired girl let her thoughts wander and tuned out from the outside world. She closed her eyes, and thought about how she had come to be here, with her two friends. She also thought back to when she had first met her Kibago. I guess that's three friends then, she thought with a smile.
Iris' growling belly snapped her out of her thoughts. She reddened slightly, embarrassed, and thankful that her two companions were out of earshot. She opened her eyes, just to be sure. Phew. Neither of the guys seemed to have noticed her rebellious stomach! Her blush receded. While her mind- and belly- were now set on food, her eyes followed suit. Well, mostly, except instead of the large cooking wok currently residing on the stove, she found herself staring at its "master". Cilan, the green-haired Connoisseur, was currently occupied with making a meal. Iris looked at him up and down, but somehow she always found her gaze going back to his eyes. His eyes…..those sparkling emerald orbs…. After a while, she noticed Cilan looking back at her with a soft smile accompanying a kind but puzzled expression on his face. Iris realized with wide eyes what she had been doing, and that he wondered if she was okay. She quickly shook her head as a dismissal and gazed off in another direction, losing herself once more, but this time in something else. 'What the heck!' she found herself thinking. 'Why did I just get lost in his eyes! I mean, sure, they are really deep and mysterious and beautiful and- oh, there I go again! What am I thinking?' She silently cursed at herself, all the while thinking that Cilan would now think that she's crazy or something and other stuff like that.
Meanwhile, Cilan was looking at Iris, still thoroughly puzzled as to why she had been staring at him like that. He did, in no way, think she was crazy. Or anything like that. 'Hmm, perhaps she's hungry?', he thought. 'That's probably it. She was probably just staring at me because she's hungry and I'm the one cooking.' He inwardly searched for a better explanation, but couldn't find anything better than that. Unconsciously, he sighed. A slight pang of disappointment went through him. He then realized all this. 'Huh? Why do I feel this disappointment? I'm not down in any way…..am I? I bet that would seem stupid if I asked that out loud. I ought to know.' His thoughts seemed to drawl on. He shook his head and, like Iris had, turned his attention to something else. That something, in his case, happened to be their food. He sighed again, this time consciously, and finished cooking.
"Lunch is ready!" he called out. Immediately both Ash and Iris bounded over and sat down. "'Bout time!" Ash exclaimed. "Oh, shut up, Ash!" Iris jabbed. "Cilan is always nice enough to make us a meal, you know! So be grateful!" She sighed. "You're just like a child!" "Geez, Iris! I don't think you've ever gotten that irritated before! What's up?" Cilan nodded in silent agreement, while passing them each a plate of food. "I agree with Ash, something seems to be bothering you. What is it?" he asked gently. Iris shifted uncomfortably; having both of them staring at her like that was a bit unnerving. "I'm fine, you guys! Stop worrying!" She put a smile back on her face. "I'm…just…hungry, that's all! You know, people have shorter tempers-" "and patience!" Ash cut in. Iris glared at him before continuing. "When they're hungry! So, yeah!" She finished with an uncertain-ish laugh. Cilan and Ash both stared at her momentarily before dropping the matter. 'So that was it,' thought Cilan. 'She was just hungry.'
Well, how was it? Please review and tell me! Sorry I know that it was kinda out of character sometimes, but, like I said, I'm still fairly new to writing! Advice, suggestions, criticism and some flames are all welcomed! I need all the feedback I can get in order to write better!