S: Nice to see you guys again! thank you to all reviewers that reviewed this story! the reviews that you guys gave me always made my day. it's really sad to say this but this is going to be the last chapter T_T . I hope this was good and I'm sorry if it's really short, you can start reading now!
Miku's P.O.V
Len finally released our kiss, I was speechless, he lift my chin up and had a smile on his face.
I gulped hard and both my cheeks were the redder than usual blushes.
"Your really cute, your face is redder than when I had that fever" Len said while chuckling
"I-I know...but it's just fair that I blushed like that. it was my first kiss after all..." I said
"You want to do it again?" Len said and leaned closer
"O-one kiss is enough! I don't know if I can sleep tonight if you did it again!" I said while pushing Len a few centimeter's away from me
"Hehe fine, Let's just take it easy." Len said and stood up
He gave me his hand and we walked back to the party hall together, people started to stare at us again
I covered my face with my hand, Len suddenly tried to uncover it.
"Don't cover your face, it's a waste if your dressed up this beautiful you know"
"Why all of the sudden are you treating me like a different person?" I asked
"Really? something must have gotten into my head"
"I wonder why...?" I pondered
"I guess, I was a little aggressive. But I'm really happy that you said yes, and I don't want you to like anybody else besides me"Len said and hugged me
"I promise I won't, I already like you Len, so don't worry" I said and smiled
"I trust you, let's go see Rin"Len said and gave a smile back
"Oh yeah! she said that she wanted to confess her love to Kaito! is she going to be ok?" I said
"S-she she what?" Len said shocked
"Yeah but I think it's really sweet, she really likes him, and I want them to be together"
"Well, I think it's ok, now she has someone she really want to be with, just like us" Len said
"Let's go! I want to see how everything turns out" I said and grabbed Len's hand
We searched for Rin, we saw her talking with Kaito, we both walked towards them with our hands tied together.
Rin smiled at me and I saw Kaito smiling too.
"SOO have you guys made out?" Kaito asked
"...a little" I whispered while blushing
"What about you guys? I heard from Miku that Rin wanted to say something to you"
"Yes and I accepted. I never knew that I liked her more than Miku"
"Then it's fate!" Rin said excitedly
"What do you mean Rin?" I asked
"Look at us! we all have someone we like and were the closest friends ever!"
"Now when she said it, it's true..." Kaito said
"And you guys should be friends just like me and Rin!" I said
"Yes, Kaito you have to be friends with my twin brother!"
"Fine, I'll do it for Miku" Len said
"I'll do it for Rin..." Kaito said and scratched his head
"I'm sorry if we had a little a fight back then..." Len said and lend his hand
"Sorry, to if I did something nasty" Kaito said and shooked Len's hand
"Let's celebrate with a toast!" Rin said and gave everybody glasses and fill them with cocktail
"Cheers for all of us!" We all said
This has been the best day ever! I will cherish this memory...
I have someone I like that likes me back, and loves me no matter what I was.
And a friend that always had my back whenever I needed.
I wish that it will stay like this forever...
The end..
S: I have been thinking to make a continuation of this story, if you give me lot's of reviews I'll make sure to write it!
Spoiler: Title: First School & First Love (second edition)
Summary: 9 years later...Me and Len had a family now. Were really happy together.
We had nice neighbours, they were our friends when we were little, Kaito and Rin.
But there is something we have to face in our new life, and that is...our life as parents.