Summary: The death of two of his friends is about to change Tony's life forever. Gibbs wants to help but will his presence help or hinder the situation. SLASH GIBBS/TONY. I'm rating it M for later chapters.
This story is an ideal from Hotshow. Hope she enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Thank you everyone for all the feedback on the other chapters. I am always amazed and humbled by the wonderful feedback. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hope everyone enjoys the final chapter.
Thank you so much to Cookie62 for beta reading you're awesome!
"Abby!" Reed grinned as he ran into the lab followed by Macy.
"Hey my man." Abby smile as she bent down and accepted his hug. "You ready to hang out?"
"Yup." Reed smiled.
"I just need to finish something up and we can blow this Popsicle stand." She grinned as she took his hand and lead him to her desk. He jumped up into the chair.
"Question." Reed looked serious now.
"Okay." Abby nodded. "Hit me with it."
"Does Jethro want to marry Uncle Tony?"
Abby looked over at Macy then back at Reed. "Um I don't know. Why?"
Reed twirled around on the chair. "I saw Jethro in the bedroom looking at a ring in a box."
Abby put her foot on the chair stopping Reed.
"Are you sure?" Abby stared at Reed.
Reed nodded.
"And you're sure it was a ring?"
Again Reed nodded.
"In a box?" Abby's eyes were wide.
Reed laughed. "Yeah."
Abby looked back over at Macy.
"Maybe that's why Gibbs asked me to take Reed." Macy shrugged.
"Does he know you saw him?" Abby asked Reed.
"No." Reed shook his head. "Do you think he'll be mad?"
"Oh no, no." Abby shook her head. "Of course not."
"It would be cool if they got married." Reed smiled. "They love each other."
"Yeah." Abby nodded and smiled.
"And you can all come to the wedding." Reed grinned. "Party time."
"You can't say anything about this to Uncle Tony until we know for sure." Abby looked at Reed. "You understand?"
Reed nodded. "I know it's a surprise right?"
"Yeah." Abby grinned. "A big surprise."
"Can we go eat now?" Reed sighed.
She smirked. "You have the appetite of a DiNozzo that's for sure."
Reed giggled.
Tony lay across the bed, his body tingling and completely spent, his mind still in an orgasm induced fog. He grinned when he felt Gibbs' lips on the small of his back and ascending over his spine.
"Do you know how sexy you are laying here like this?" Gibbs sighed as he kissed under Tony's ear then across his shoulder lying down beside him.
Tony grinned and looked at Gibbs, touching his cheek. Gibbs took Tony's hand, kissed the palm and held it to his chest.
"You have to say that." Tony smirked.
Gibbs chuckled. "And why is that?"
"Because I'm your fiancé."
"Right." Gibbs nodded. "But I thought you were sexy long before you were my fiancé."
"Good answer." Tony smiled as he leaned in and captured Gibbs' lips. The kiss was meant to be quick and chased. Instead Gibbs' arms snaked around Tony pulling him down against his body deepening the kiss and demanding more. Tony pulled back and shook his head. "Okay, is this a Marine thing?"
"What?" Gibbs narrowed his eyes.
"This insatiable appetite." Tony grinned.
Gibbs shook his head as his hands drifted down Tony's back and squeezed his ass. "No this is because of you."
"Are you going to want me this much after ten years of marriage?" Tony sighed.
"Absolutely." Gibbs growled with desire.
"Twenty years?"
"Even more so." Gibbs' lips caressed down Tony's throat.
Tony moaned. "You realize in twenty years you'll be in your seventies."
Gibbs smacked Tony's ass.
Tony laughed.
Gibbs' lips brushed against Tony's ear. "And I'll still want to make love to you until you collapse in my arms."
Tony sighed as Gibbs' hand reached around and found his hard cock.
"Jethro." Tony groaned. "Please."
"Is that a please, make you come again?" Gibbs asked as he stroked Tony's cock.
Gibbs nudged Tony back down onto the bed. "Let me hear you."
"I love when you stroke my cock." Tony moaned. "Feels so good."
"And I love to do this to you." Gibbs groaned. "It makes me hard."
Tony whimpered.
"It turns you on that I can get hard just from touching you."
"God yes." Tony panted.
"That just jacking you off makes me want to come." Gibbs growled.
"Yes." Tony's body shivered as his cock begged for release.
"Come for me." Gibbs sped up his actions.
Tony clawed at Gibbs' back as he felt another orgasm spread across his body.
"Jethro." Tony cried out as he thrust his hips up and came. His body melted down into the bed. Again he felt Gibbs' lips, this time kissing his chest and up his neck.
"Again, so damn sexy." Gibbs sighed.
Tony grabbed Gibbs' face jerking him down into a kiss.
The front door opened and Reed went running into the living room. Tony and Gibbs were sitting on the couch.
"We had so much fun." Reed practically screamed as he jumped up on the couch a bag in his hand.
"That's good to hear." Gibbs smirked.
Abby and Macy walked in smiling.
"Yeah I think he might end up being a skee ball champion." Macy grinned.
"You two have a good night?" Abby asked trying to look at Tony's hands.
"Um yeah." Tony gave her an odd look wondering what she was trying to do.
"Good." Abby nodded walking closer still trying to look at Tony's hands.
"Abby are you okay?" Tony asked.
"Fine." She forced herself to look up and smile.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded and smiled.
Tony turned to Gibbs and whispered. "Did you tell her?"
Gibbs shook his head.
"Are you getting married?" Reed asked holding up Tony's hand that now wore the ring.
Abby's eyes went wide.
"Um I think we should talk about this later." Tony cleared his throat and pulled his hand from Reed's.
"But that is the ring I saw Jethro staring at."
Gibbs' eyebrow went up. "When did you see me staring at the ring?"
Reed turned to Gibbs. "In the bedroom."
Gibbs looked over and saw Abby wringing her hands and chewing her lip. He sighed. "Yes I asked Tony to marry me."
"That is awesome." She said running over and throwing herself onto Tony's lap and hugging him.
"Thanks Abs." He hugged her back then coughed. "Can't breathe!"
"Right." She jumped up then threw herself at Gibbs, hugging him. "I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks Abs." He kissed her cheek.
She grabbed Tony's hand and looked at the ring. It was gold with diamonds in the center. "It's beautiful."
"I know." Tony smiled as he looked at the gold band on his finger then over at Gibbs.
"Ahhh, you two are so cute." Abby grinned.
Gibbs rolled his eyes.
Reed laughed.
"What are you laughing at." Tony grabbed Reed pulling him into his lap as he tickled him.
"It's funny." Reed continued to laugh.
"So when's the big day?" Abby asked still in Gibbs lap.
"I just asked him." Gibbs chuckled.
"Soon right?" Abby looked at Tony.
"We'll talk about it." Tony stopped tickling Reed.
"Do I get to help?" Reed asked.
"Of course." Tony smiled.
Reed reached into the bag he was holding and found what he wanted then looked at Gibbs.
"I won something for you." Reed smiled.
"You did?" Gibbs smiled.
Reed nodded as he pulled out the prize and handed it to Gibbs.
Gibbs chuckled as he looked at it. It was a soft plastic little finger topper that looked like some kind of alien. His arms wiggled and flopped when he moved.
"It will fit on your chisel." Reed smiled.
Gibbs nodded. "I bet it will. Thanks."
"Okay." Tony put Reed down. "Go get ready for bed it's getting late and we have a busy day tomorrow."
"Okay." Reed ran towards the steps and headed upstairs.
Tony grinned at Gibbs.
"I so want to see you work with that little alien on the top of your chisel handle." Tony chuckled.
Gibbs rolled his eyes.
Abby smirked. "That will be so cute."
"Up." He snapped as he pushed her off his lap.
"We need to head out anyway." Abby grinned.
Gibbs and Tony walked them to the door. Abby hugged them both within an inch of their life.
"Is this a secret?" She suddenly asked.
"For a few days." Gibbs paused. "Until Tony gets back to work."
She nodded. God she hated keeping things secret.
"You know she won't be able to last long?" Tony smirked. "Not with something this big."
"I know." Gibbs chuckled as he climbed into bed.
"Maybe after Reed finishes his Kindergarten test tomorrow I should come into work and we can tell everyone."
"I think she can survive a day or two." Gibbs smirked.
"Yeah." Tony crawled into bed curling up against Gibbs. "So what kind of wedding do you want?"
"Doesn't matter." Gibbs sighed. "As long as you're there."
Tony looked up. "That's not an answer."
"This is your one and only wedding so what do you want?"
"Small just close friends." Tony smiled.
"Okay." Gibbs nodded. "What else."
"Nothing too formal." Tony grinned.
"Good." Gibbs chuckled.
"And soon." Tony smirked. "I wanna marry you."
"I'm not going anywhere." Gibbs kissed Tony quickly. "Believe me."
"I know."
"And your father?" Gibbs asked.
Tony sighed. "I need to talk to him eventually, but having him at the wedding is not important."
"Okay." Gibbs nodded.
"And your dad?" Tony questioned.
"I'll talk to him but not necessary for him to be at the wedding."
The knock at the door made them both grin.
"Come in." Gibbs sighed.
Reed opened the door and stepped into the room with his hand still on the door handle.
"I can't sleep."
"Why not?" Tony asked sliding over to his side of the bed.
Reed shrugged. "I'm not tired."
Tony smirked. "Come on."
Reed grinned and ran over jumping up on the bed. He settled in leaning back against Tony.
"When's the wedding going to be?" Reed asked.
"Soon." Gibbs smiled.
"Is everyone going to be there?" Reed questioned.
"Yeah." Gibbs nodded.
"Do I have to wear a suit?" Reed scrunched up his nose and made a face.
"No." Gibbs shook his head.
"Awesome!" Reed smiled.
"But right now you need to go to bed because you have your test tomorrow." Gibbs narrowed his eyes at Reed. "You ready?"
Reed nodded. "I know it all."
Gibbs and Tony both chuckled.
"I'm sure you do." Gibbs smirked.
Morning had come too soon and Gibbs was on his way to work when the idea struck him. Making a quick stop, he walked into work with one minute to spare. He chuckled to himself. God he was turning into Tony.
McGee and Ziva were already at their desks as he strolled into the bullpen.
"Abby's lab, ten minutes." As he said it he was continued through the bullpen and towards the back elevator.
"Got it." Abby nodded just as Director Vance walked into her lab to find everyone standing there, including Duck.
"Something I should know?" Vance folded his arms across his chest.
"Yes." Gibbs nodded for everyone to leave. Everyone scurried except for Abby.
"Here or my office?" Vance asked.
"Abby's office." Gibbs said as he made his way, Vance following.
Tony was sitting outside the room looking in through the window in the wall. Reed sat across a table talking to the female kindergarten test administrator. Tony had watched as he identified shapes and colors, unable to hear if he had answered correctly. Now they seemed to be conversing, but Tony know he was being asked his phone number, address, abc's, numbers, etc. Letting out a long breath, Tony tried to calm his growing nerves. Reed knew everything he needed to, both he and Gibbs had been working with him, but still sometimes tests can get the best of kids. Dropping his head back against the wall he closed his eyes thinking if he didn't look at them maybe waiting would be easier.
"Mr. DiNozzo."
The voice suddenly in the room made Tony jump up and Reed laughed.
"Yes." Tony tugged down on his suit jacket looking at the test administrator standing before him with Reed.
"We're all done." The woman smiled.
"Okay." Tony stood there waiting.
"Reed passed with flying colors." She grinned.
"Alright." Tony high fived Reed.
"I missed one." Reed said looking disappointed.
"That's okay." Tony smiled then looked up at the woman. "That is okay right?"
"Yes." She chuckled.
"But I realized I messed up." Reed added.
"That's good." Tony smiled mussing up Reed's hair.
"You'll receive a notification letter of start dates, orientation days, all of that." The woman explained to Tony.
"Thank you." Tony shook her hand.
"You're welcome."
"Let's go grab some food and head home." Tony said grabbing Reed and tossing him over his shoulder.
Reed starting laughing as Tony carried him out the door.
"You sure about this?" Vance asked l
"Okay." Vance nodded. "Then it's all yours."
"When will Jethro be home?" Reed asked jumping onto the couch.
Tony glanced at his watch. "Not too much longer."
"I want to tell him about my test."
"He'll be very proud of you." Tony smiled. "Like I am."
Reed grinned.
A knock at the door made Tony stand up. He wasn't expecting anyone and no one knocked on Gibbs door.
"Stay here." Tony looked at Reed as he headed towards the front door. He glanced out the window and looked surprised as he opened the door.
"Agent DiNozzo." The NCIS agent nodded.
"Agent Logan right?" Tony thought the man looked familiar. Then he realized there was an NCIS limo out-front.
"I've been sent to bring you and Reed to NCIS." Agent Logan said.
"Okay." Tony looked puzzled. "By whom?"
"Special Agent Gibbs."
Tony chuckled. "Right."
"We really need to be going."
"And am I suppose to-"
"Agent Gibbs said come as you are. Reed as well."
Hearing his name for a second time, Reed finally ran over and stood beside Tony.
"Are we going to NCIS?" Reed asked excitedly.
"Sweet! Let's go." Reed grabbed Tony's hand.
"Alright give me a minute." Tony looked at Agent Logan.
"You really don't need anything sir."
Tony shook his head. "Let's go then."
"This is so cool!" Reed grinned as he relaxed back into the seat.
"First limo ride?" Tony smirked.
"Yeah." Reed nodded. "It's huge!"
"Want something to drink?" Tony leaned over and opened the fridge shaking his head and smiling when he saw the juice boxes inside. Jethro had thought of everything it seemed. Grabbing one, Tony handed it to Reed.
"So why are we going to NCIS?" Reed asked as he jabbed the straw into the juice box top."
"I don't know." Tony sighed. "Jethro is up to something."
"Maybe he just misses us." Reed smiled.
"Could be." Tony chuckled.
"Or maybe he found out I passed my test!" Reed grinned.
"I'm sure he could find that out."
"Guess we'll find out when we get there." Reed took a sip of juice.
"Yeah." Tony sighed. "Guess we will."
The limo pulled up to the front of the building and stopped. Agent Logan walked around and opened the door.
Stepping out, Tony helped Reed out then looked at Logan.
"Agent Thompson is waiting for you in the lobby."
Tony sighed. "Do I ever get to know what is going on?"
"Soon." Logan smiled.
Taking Reed's hand they made their way in the door and Agent Thompson smiled.
"Tony, Reed." He nodded. "Follow me."
Taking the elevator to the third floor they stepped out and made their way over to the steps to the roof. Tony smiled when he saw Jethro standing there leaning against the wall.
Agent Thompson took a step back from them but stayed there.
"Jethro." Reed ran over and was immediately scooped up by Gibbs.
"Hey, you passed your test."
"Yeah." Reed smiled.
"What's going on?" Tony asked suspiciously.
Still holding Reed, Gibbs face grew serious. "Did you mean it when you said you wanted to marry me as soon as possible?"
"And you just wanted our close friends?"
"Yeah." Tony stared at Gibbs.
"Then marry me now. Right here." Gibbs let a half smile play across his face.
"Now. Here?" Tony was shocked.
"Everything's ready."
"What did you do?" Tony grinned.
"I want to marry you. Now."
"But I'm not dressed for-"
"That's taken care of." Gibbs smiled. "Everything you and Reed need is in the conference room."
"You're serious?"
"Yeah." Gibbs sighed. "Marry me."
Tony grinned then nodded.
A broad smile flashed across Gibbs face.
"You're getting married now!" Reed screamed.
"Yeah." Gibbs put Reed down. "So go with Tony and get changed."
"Jethro." Tony sighed.
Gibbs hand caressed Tony's face. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Gibbs gave Tony a quick kiss. "Now go change. Agent Thompson will tell you two when we're ready for you."
Tony and Reed were now changed. Both wearing black dress slacks and white dress shirts.
"Now what?" Reed looked up at Tony.
"We wait."
There was a knock at the door and a man stuck his head in.
"Agent DiNozzo?"
"Yes." Tony didn't know the man.
He was carrying a large black case that he placed on the table.
"Roger Javier." The man extended his hand.
"Jethro sent me. I'm a jeweler." Roger smiled as he opened the case. "I'm here to let you pick a ring for Jethro."
Tony chuckled. "He does think of everything."
"I brought a large assortment of bands, although I also have the same band as yours in Jethro's size."
"And Jethro has also requested that Reed gets a ring."
"Me?" Reed looked surprised but excited.
"Yes. A token that you are now all family."
Tony swallowed the emotion in his throat.
"It will be sized as he grows up." Roger smiled.
Tony nodded. "Um, I want the same for Jethro as I have."
Roger nodded. "Of course, excellent decision."
"Reed you get to pick a ring." Tony picked Reed up and let him look at the rings in the case.
"Can I get one like the two of you?" Reed looked at Tony then Roger.
"I have one just like it." Roger grinned.
"I want that one." Reed said firmly.
"Well you two made my job extremely easy." Roger chuckled.
"Believe me it usually does go that smoothly."
"I do need to take your ring. For the service." Roger explained to Tony.
"Right." Tony slipped off his ring handing it to Roger.
"Agent Thompson will be in to escort you." Roger nodded as he closed the case and walked out of the room.
Before the door closed Agent Thompson walked in. "They're ready for you."
"I'm ready." Tony smiled taking Reeds hand and following Thompson.
Again as they reached the steps Jethro was standing there dressed in the same black slacks and white dress shirt.
"Now what?" Tony grinned at Jethro.
"We walk down the aisle as a family." Gibbs smiled.
Tony nodded not trusting his voice and the emotion welling within him.
Walking up the steps, Gibbs opened the door to the roof. Tony was in complete awe.
A blue carpet lead the way to the front where a minister stood waiting and smiling. Along the side of the carpet stood pillars with vases of beautiful blue iris's and baby's breath. Behind the minister were columns with flowing blue swags that moved gently in the light breeze. Their friends stood in front of their seats on either side of the carpet smiling at the three of them. Off to the side behind their friends four tables were set up with white tablecloths and short vases of more blue flowers. Behind that sat an amazing three tier wedding cake. Each tier was square and also white with blue piping on it. On the other side sat a cellist and two violinist bows poised to start playing.
"You did all this today?" Tony sighed.
Gibbs smirked then looked down and took Reed's hand. Tony followed taking Reed's other hand as they started down towards the minister. The strings started to play as they walked forward. Tony glanced at his friends. Abby was already crying, Ziva wasn't far behind. Palmer, Ducky and McGee smiled happily. Even Director Vance stood smiling at them.
As they reached the minister, the music stopped and Gibbs told Reed to stand beside Tony. The minister began to speak. Tony tried to listen, tried to focus on the words as his heart threatened to pound out of his chest.
"Jethro has asked to speak his own vows." The minister handed Jethro the ring and nodded.
Taking Tony's hands Gibbs took a deep breath as he stared into Tony's eyes.
"I never wanted to get married again." Gibbs chuckled.
Tony grinned.
"I had made to many mistakes and I didn't want another one." Gibbs sighed. "But you changed all of that. You loved me for exactly who I am, not someone you want me to be."
Tony nodded holding back the tears.
"You fit perfectly in my life, in my arms, and in every facet of my world. No one has ever done that." Gibbs paused and cleared his throat. "Not only did you give me your love, but you gave me something I never thought I would have again. A home and a family."
Tony couldn't help it the tears fell.
"I love you endlessly, hopelessly, and more than I ever thought I could love someone. I promise to always be here for you and Reed, no matter what." Gibbs smiled. "And I promise when I act like a bastard you can head slap me or smack me whatever is necessary to remind me of how blessed I am to have you." Gibbs slipped the ring on Tony's finger.
The minister turned to Tony. "Would you like to say something or I can have you repeat the traditional vows. I know Jethro surprised you with this."
"I want to say something." Tony took a deep breath.
The minister nodded and handed Tony the ring.
"I was completely surprised today."
Everyone laughed.
Tony shook his head. "But like I told you, all I wanted was you, Reed and our friends. Those are the only people that matter."
Gibbs smiled.
"I love you. And you are the one that has given me everything. A home, a family, love, something I never thought I would have." Tony sighed. "You are the only one I ever want or need to make me completely happy."
Reed was grinning up at them.
"And I promise to always love you, even when you are a bastard." Tony smirked.
Their friends laughed.
"Plus I give you the right to head slap me whenever I get annoying and obnoxious."
Gibbs eyebrow went up.
"I mean really annoying and obnoxious." Tony chuckled. "I never thought I would love someone so deeply and completely as I love you and I never want to be without that love again." Tony slipped the ring on Gibbs' finger his hands shaking.
The minister smiled. "Reed step forward between Jethro and Tony."
Reed stepped over standing between the two men; he glanced up at them then at the minister.
"Reed. Jethro and Tony have committed themselves not only to each other but to you." The minister smiled at Reed. "They want you to have this ring as a token of their love and commitment to caring for you as you grow and become the man you are meant to be."
The minister handed the ring to Tony. Both Gibbs and Tony bent down to Reed.
"We love you and will always be there for you." Tony smiled as he handed the ring to Gibbs.
"No matter what you can always come to us and we love you unconditionally as if you were our own son." Gibbs said then handed the ring to Reed.
Reed looked at Gibbs.
"Whatever finger you want to wear it on." Gibbs smiled.
Reed slipped it on his middle finger of his right hand.
Gibbs took Reed's hand and led him back beside Tony.
The minister grinned. "With that done. You may kiss your husband."
Tony grabbed Gibbs by the middle of the shirt pulling him forward and crushing their lips together.
Their friends went wild clapping and cheering.
"That was so sweet with the ring for Reed." Abby said as she crushed Tony in a hug.
"Thanks Abs but it was all Jethro." Tony said unable to breathe.
"I know." Abby let go of Tony and hugged Gibbs. "That was so sweet."
"Yeah." Gibbs chuckled as he hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
She finally stepped back.
"Cake." Tony looked at Gibbs.
"Fine." Gibbs chuckled.
"I definitely want cake." Reed nodded.
"Okay if my guys want cake then cake it is." Gibbs smiled as he picked up Reed and the three of them made their way to the cake table.
Tony picked up the knife and placed it on the cake. Gibbs and Reed both placed their hands over the knife as they cut into it. Again their friends cheered.
Gibbs nodded to a man standing beside the table and he picked up a tray of champagne glasses. Walking around he made sure everyone had a glass. Tony and Gibbs picked up theirs.
"Go ahead." Gibbs looked at Tony knowing he wanted to say something.
"Um this was an amazing surprise, and." Tony shook his head. "I want to thank you all for doing this and being here. It means everything to the three of us. So cheers."
"Cheers!" Rang up all around.
"This was-" Tony sighed as Gibbs' arm around his waist tightened.
"Exactly what I wanted." Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear as they danced amongst their friends.
"It's everything I wanted." Tony smiled.
"And there's more." Gibbs eyes sparkled as he looked at Tony.
"More?" Tony grinned.
"And what would that be?"
"Come with me." Gibbs stepped back and took Tony's hand leading him towards the table where Abby had just sat down.
"Hey hubbies." She smiled.
"We're leaving."
"I'll grab my main man and head out too." Abby looked over at Reed sitting with McGee and Palmer.
"Macy's already at the house." Gibbs paused. "You two have fun."
"I think McGee and Palmer are going to come over for a while too."
"Everyone's always welcome." Gibbs nodded.
"You two have fun." Abby grinned and raised an eyebrow.
"We will." Gibbs grinned back.
"Jethro!" Tony's eyes went wide as they walked into the honeymoon suite. "This is insane."
"It is our honeymoon." Gibbs grinned.
"Yes it is." Tony turned around his hands caressing up Gibbs chest. "And that means."
"What?" Gibbs arms wrapped around Tony.
"Room service." Tony grinned.
Gibbs shook his head and chuckled. "Okay. And what do you want?"
"Strawberries, whip cream, chocolate."
Gibbs eyebrow went up.
"I guess we could skip the strawberries." Tony licked his lips.
"I don't think I can wait for room service." Gibbs sighed then pressed his lips to Tony's. The hunger was intense as he devoured his now husband, wanting to taste every piece of him again. He had never enjoyed just kissing someone was much as he enjoyed kissing Tony. Even when a kiss between them was little more than a touch, it touched Gibbs to the core.
Breaking the kiss, Tony stared at Gibbs. "I can't believe you did all of this today."
"I had help." Gibbs smiled pulling Tony towards the bedroom.
"I'm sure you did." Tony chuckled letting himself be led.
As they stepped into the bedroom Gibbs pulled Tony past the bed into the master bath.
Again the surprise spread across Tony's face. "You really did think of everything."
The hot tub was already full, the steam rising off the water, the rose petals floating in the water filling the room with a beautiful fragrance.
"I try." Gibbs smirked, his fingers slowly unbuttoning Tony's shirt until it hung open. Then his hands moved unbuckling Tony's belt and undoing his pants. Stopping his hands slid up and over Tony's bare chest, eliciting a moan as Gibbs pushed the shirt off of Tony's shoulders. It fell to the floor in a pile.
"My turn." Tony sighed repeating the process on Gibbs. The only difference being that once Gibbs' pants were undone Tony's hand gently squeezed Gibbs' hard cock.
Gibbs groaned as he fought the urge to just strip Tony down and take him on the bathroom floor.
"Okay, behaving for now." Tony grinned as he removed his hand and instead pushed Gibbs' pants down. "In the tub before the water gets cold."
With that Tony removed his pants and slowly moved into the tub, gently easing into the warmth of the water. Gibbs followed suit a moment later slipping in and sitting down opposite Tony.
"Come here." Gibbs' voice was low and commanding.
"Married only a few hours and already you're ordering me around." Tony grinned and pushed through the water towards Gibbs.
As soon as he was within reach, Gibbs grabbed Tony pulling Tony into his arms and onto his lap.
Tony's eyebrow went up. "Well glad to see even as your husband I can arouse you so quickly."
"Yes you do." Gibbs sighed letting his hands caress over Tony's back.
"Thank you." Tony smiled putting his arms around Gibbs' neck and running his fingers through his hair.
"I haven't done anything yet." Gibbs smirked.
Tony rolled his eyes. "For today. Making everything perfect."
"I wanted it perfect, for you. You deserve that." Gibbs said before his lips dropped to Tony's throat.
Tony sighed as he closed his eyes and dropped his head back. "Are you trying to seduce me?"
"Yes." Gibbs managed to answer between kisses. "Is it working?"
"God yes." Tony moaned.
"Good." Gibbs' hand found Tony's hard cock wrapping around it and slowly stroking up its length.
"Jethro." The name dripped from Tony's lips like a plea.
Gibbs' other hand gently squeezed Tony's balls as he continued to stroke his cock.
Tony groaned as he clawed at the back of Gibbs' neck. "Stop please."
Staring at Tony, Gibbs looked confused.
"I want you making love to me when I come." Tony sighed.
Gibbs stopped.
"Hold your cock." Tony ordered. "And stay."
Without question Gibbs grabbed his cock around the base.
Turning around Tony positioned himself above Gibbs' cock. Holding his cock there, Gibbs did nothing more than lead his cock towards Tony. Placing his hands on the sides of the tub Tony sat back until he felt the head of Gibbs' cock press between his cheeks, then touch his opening. He heard Gibbs moan as Tony slowly moved down over Gibbs' cock, adjusting to Gibbs' size as he went. Once Gibbs was halfway buried inside Tony, he impaled himself on Gibbs' cock.
"Fuck." Gibbs yelled his hands instinctively grabbing Tony's hips crushing the younger man against his lap.
Tony moaned as he rocked himself against Gibbs' groin feeling Gibbs' hard cock twitch inside him.
"Let go." Tony ordered through bated breath.
Forcing himself to obey, Gibbs' hands drifted from Tony's hips up his chest caressing across the soft taunt skin.
Then Tony was bouncing over Gibbs' cock, the action made easier by the water.
"Tony." Gibbs growled grabbing Tony's cock and again stroking it.
"Oh God." Tony moaned as each time he rose off of Gibbs' cock he was thrust into Gibbs' hand.
Feeling the need to come quickly overtaking him, Gibbs wrapped his arm around Tony's waist and pulled him down into his lap. Holding him there, Gibbs worked over Tony's cock feeling his own cock twitching inside Tony.
"Jethro." Tony panted rocking his hips feeling Gibbs' cock moving deep inside him. "I-"
It was the last word Tony spoke the release causing the rest of the sentence to catch in his throat. His body trembled as he came. Gibbs released Tony's cock and grabbed his hips.
"I'm not done with you." Gibbs growled as he pulled Tony up then slammed him down hard onto his cock. Raising and lowering Tony's body over his cock, Gibbs created a steady rhythm that was quickly overwhelming him. "I can never get enough."
"More." Tony whimpered.
"I'll never be done with you." Gibbs sighed. "I want you to much."
"Then take me as long as you want."
"You feel too good." Gibbs moaned pulling Tony down hard onto his cock. "Tony!"
Gibbs' whole body tensed as he held his cock buried inside Tony filling him with the release. He crushed Tony to him unwilling to let go.
"Jethro you have to-" Tony sighed. "loosen your grip."
Somehow Gibbs loosened his hold, but still kept Tony in his arms. His lips placed a kiss on Tony's neck.
"You are so amazing."
Tony smirked. "You're not so bad yourself."
"Bed, now." Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear.
"Already want me again?" Tony chuckled.
"Always." Gibbs smiled.
Gibbs collapsed down next to Tony fighting to catch his breath.
"Okay. I know it's the honeymoon but." Tony panted. "I can't feel my legs anymore."
Gibbs sighed. "I can't feel anything."
Tony laughed as he curled up against Gibbs. "We need a time out."
"We need sleep." Gibbs chuckled.
"Well if you would stop attacking me maybe we could." Tony grinned looking up at Gibbs.
"No you started it." Gibbs smirked.
"I started it the second time not the third."
"Maybe." Gibbs grinned.
Tony sighed as his fingers played across Gibbs' chest.
"What is it?" Gibbs asked.
"This is a beautiful room." Tony smiled up at Gibbs.
"Yeah it is." Gibbs nodded.
"And I love being here alone with you."
Gibbs smirked. "Let's go home."
Tony grinned not surprised that Gibbs knew what he was thinking. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Gibbs leaned in and gave Tony a quick kiss. "Quick shower then we'll head out."
"You're the best husband ever." Tony smiled.
"Wow never heard that before." Gibbs chuckled.
Gibbs and Tony walked in the door to roars of laughter and music blaring. Making their way into the living room Tony started laughing.
Their friends were all dancing in the living room, Reed holding Abby's hand and dancing with the rest of them. Seeing the portable player Gibbs nodded at Tony. Understanding, Tony touched it turning it off.
Gibbs was standing there with his arms across his chest.
"What are you two doing here?" Abby looked shocked. Everyone around her froze.
"Our house remember?" Gibbs stared at Abby.
"Right." She nodded slowly. Then she started to pout. "Are you mad?"
Gibbs sighed but a half smirk crossed his lips.
A wide grin played across her face.
"Reed couldn't sleep so we thought dancing might tire him out." Macy smiled.
Reed ran over to Gibbs. "Don't be mad. It was my fault."
Gibbs picked up Reed. "Why couldn't you sleep?"
"I miss you guys." Reed grinned.
"We missed you too." Gibbs smirked.
"Is that why you came home?" Reed asked looking at Tony.
"Yeah." Tony smiled.
"Good then can we dance some more?"
Gibbs chuckled and put Reed down. "How about you keep dancing with Abby?"
"Cool." Reed ran back over to Abby.
Tony touched the player again and the music filled the air.
Walking over, Gibbs stood behind Tony encircling his waist.
"Happy?" Gibbs whispered in Tony's ear.
"I've never been happier." Tony sighed as he leaned back into Gibbs.
"Me either." Gibbs said kissing Tony's cheek.
This was exactly what they both wanted, a family, friends and each other for the rest of their lives.