This is the last chapter!

I have the results for the relationships... 22 votes- JINA. 8 votes- FABINA.

JINA WINS! Most of you are just sick of Fabina. I completely understand that. I'm a Jina and a Fabina fan.

Wellll, Review!

Disclaimer- I don't own HoA!

Nina's POV

I don't regret not talking to Fabian. If he's going to cheat on me, he's not even worth my time. Jerome and I drove home and made some mindless chatter on the way there. When we got to his-excuse me- our house, I unpacked and he kissed me goodnight. I went to bed with sweet thoughts filling my head...



In the morning, I woke up and looked around. I had forgotten that I was living at Jerome's now. I was staying in one of the guest rooms. It's right down the hall from his room. I rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the kitchen. It was sunny in the large room. Jerome was at the table drinking coffee. When he saw me, he turned to smirk at me.

"Morning gorgeous. Your hair looks great." He commented sarcastically. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. I took the seat next to him at the table and we stared at each other for a moment.

"What time do you go to work?"

"9:00. What? Trying to get me out of the house already?" He teased. I laughed and punched his arm playfully.

"What time do you get back at?"

"Around 6:00 or so. Alfie makes me wait for him to close the shop though, so it might be later. I'll text you if I'm going to be late." I nodded. Jerome and Alfie had opened a small joke/prank store in the city. They co-owned it after they got out of college. Jerome had studied business and Alfie had studied entertainment, so they made the perfect team.

"Okay. I'm meeting up with Amber sometime today. She might want to go to dinner. I'm not sure yet."

"Alright. Text or call me if you need anything. I have to be heading off now." Jerome said. He put his coffee cup in the sink and kissed me. It wasn't a sweet good bye kiss, it was better. We pulled apart and smiled. Then he had to go, so he got into his car and left. When he left, I got a text from Amber.

Alfie just left. Brunch? x. ~Amber

I read her text and replied...

Sounds good. Coffee place at 10?x. ~Nina

Immediately after I sent it, my phone vibrated.

Okay! See you soon(: x. ~Amber

I put my phone away and got ready to meet Amber. I wore a simple green top with skinny jeans. My hair was in a ponytail and I wore a scarf around my neck. I grabbed my purse and went out the door. It was a 20 minute drive there, and I pulled into the parking lot at the same time as Amber. She was driving her pink convertible.

"Hey!" She greeted cheerfully when she saw me.


"Shall we go inside?" She asked. She was in a bright mood today... I nodded and we went inside. We sat at our usual table and talked while we waited for the waiter.

"Soo... Tell me about you and Jerome!" The blonde squealed in delight. I sighed, but couldn't help but smile.

"We're good. We're official now. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night!" I tried not to act too excited, but failed miserably. Amber clapped and bounced in her seat. She went into some story about something Alfie had said Jerome said about me. In the middle of her story, my phone rang and interrupted her.

"Who is it?" Amber asked. I fished my phone out of my purse and looked at the caller I.D... Weird...

"It's Alfie?" I answered her questioningly. She looked confused, so I answered the call.


"Nina!" I heard Alfie sobbing from the other end.

"Alfie! What's wrong!"

"It's Jerome! We're at the hospital! Come quick! Something happened!"

THE END. I'm not even kidding. I'm ending it here. 10-20 reviews for a sequel! Thanks(: