Gold, Silver and Black Magic- REPOST

Chapter 1: The Place


After five years of bloody civil war, the Ministry of magic had fallen and a new empire stood in its awake. Now, 16 years later, wizarding Britain fell under the totalitarian rule of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters army. Yet, resistances grew just beyond its borders. Lights wizards, led by Albus Dumbledore, began assembling in France. Once again, it seemed, war was inevitable.

In this unstable climate, Queen Hretha (head vampire) sent her son , Harrigan , into Lord Voldemort's court with an important task - to negotiate a truce between vampires and wizards. As young Harrigan learns politics and pure-blood life, he became deeply entrenched in Voldemort's world- to the point when he could never leave, or rather Voldemort would never allow him to leave.

WARNING: SLASH Voldemort/Harry and other potential couples.

Rated M for violence, minor sensuality and (possibly) strong language. Read at your own risk, mwahahahaha!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associates are properties of J K Rowling and Warner Brothers.


The lounge outside Lord Voldemort's office was surprisingly simple. The room was airy, elegant and functional. Few leather couches surrounded a round table. Wooden bookcases were found at all sides of the room. They were stuffed full of books and documents, that outlines Britain's constitution and laws. Other than the big skull and snake symbol ( Britain's national symbol) embroiled on the carpet, the room looked almost identical to any lawyer's office. It was hard to believe that the British ruler lies just beyond these doors.

Normally, this place was deserted. After all, Lord Voldemort was not known for his warm hospitality. Usually anyone who passed through these doors was either a Death Eater, or a terrified, crying mess, or both.

However, two strangers were here today. One of them was a tall, brunet man in his mid twenties. The man had pale skin and a strong build. He clutched onto his briefcase, while arguing heatedly with the receptionist. The other was really a boy. He wore a large, black cloak with his face hidden under the hood. He stood by the taller man, listening to their arguments with boredom.

" Look," the taller man weaved a letter in the receptionist's face. " It clearly says, here, that we are summoned to see the Dark Lord. TODAY. Right NOW."

The young woman shook her head, " ah, but I don't see your names on the schedule. I'm sorry. But the Dark Lord is a terribly busy man. You must have an approved appointment in order to see him. "

" But we made the bloody appointment," shouted the man, " TWO bloody months ago. And…and you had summoned us to this office for the fifth time! WHAT! You are going to turn us away for the fifth time too?"

He leaned forward and snarled at the receptionist. She could see the anger swirling in his eyes and his fangs grew longer, pass his lips.

They are vampires, she reminded herself, shuddering in disgust.

" Please have a seat, sir," she tried to smile at him. " I'll see what I can do."

" NO! YOU HAVE A SEAT!" The vampire's voice grew deeper and nastier. A strange transformation rippled through his body. His hair grew longer and began to change colour. His muscles bulged out and tore seams off his shirt. Effortless, the vampire ripped a chuck of wood from the desk counter. He swiped his clawed hands at the woman.

"How about I break your pretty, little neck and then… we will see what you can do…"

She shrieked and drew her wand. Finally, the boy spoke up,

" Stop it, Alan. "

He place his hand on the vampire's shoulder and stopped his action. Once calmer, the vampire transformed back its human form. He picked up his briefcase and murmured,

" Sorry, your highness."

The boy patted the man's back. With a wave of his hand, he wandlessly disarmed the woman.

" Miss Elliot, is it? " He said, reading from her name tag. His voice was soft, pleasant and calming, it reminded the receptionist of nightingale's song.

" Please, don't be alarmed. I apologize on behalf of my companion. It's just that we are very tired and eager to meet the Dark Lord. But…mmmm… he's not in today, is he? "

" Ah…" grasped the receptionist. " How…how did you know?"

The boy chuckled, but ignored her question. He removed his hood and leaned toward her.

Miss Elliot grasped again. The boy was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful person she had ever seen. He looked about sixteen years old. Slender and lean, he stood with a proud stance and smiled gently at her. His skin was the characteristic pallid white of vampires. Yet, under the light, his pale skin didn't look strange or unhealthy, instead they were flawless like porcelain.

He had large, green eyes, which were in the brightest shade of green. And they burned with such an intensity, so brilliantly that Miss Elliot found she couldn't look away. His long, curly, black hair framed his face. The boy's hair were a bit unruly, but oddly perfect for his innocent demeanour. The only flaw on his face was the lighting-shaped scar on his forehead. Overall, Miss Elliot found that she couldn't believe the boy was a vile vampire, he looked more like an angel, who accidentally wondered onto the Earth.

The boy gently touched the receptionist's face. His hand was cold as ice, and that was enough to shook Miss Elliot out of her stupor. He asked,

" Well, Miss. Do you mind telling me where the Dark Lord is? You see, we have urge business to discuss with him."

Something in his eyes forced Miss Elliot to tell the truth, " I don't where he is. I mean… I heard that he'll be in Ireland for the bonfire, but…"

The boy narrowed his eyes and spoke more forcefully,

" I see… Then do you know when the Dark Lord plans to see us? "

" Um… No…I mean I'm not informed about the Dark Lord's plans… but you aren't on his schedule for the next month, so… "

The boy smiled again, but this time the smile didn't reach his eyes. In that instant, he looked frighteningly alike the Dark Lord. He pulled out a document from the vampire's briefcase and tossed it onto the counter.

" Please inform Lord Voldemort that Harrigan Hretha, representative of Queen Hretha and Etoile clan, requests an audience with him. I wish to discuss with him, in person, regarding our land dispute in Northern Wales. This document, here, outlines our offers and demands. I believe that the Dark Lord will find our deal…ah… most irresistible."

"So… both I and my little friend here, " the boy pointed the vampire, who growled at Miss Elliot. " Both of us would greatly appreciate it, if you will promise to pass this file along. What do you say, Miss receptionist?"

Miss Elliot accepted the files shakily. The two visitors began to leave.

" Oh, one more thing, Miss Elliot, please relay this message to the Dark Lord, " said the boy, calm with a saccharin voice, as he stood by the door. " First, let me express my admiration for your glorious nation. I feel that someone as brilliant as the Dark Lord understands diplomacy's importance and we would be honoured to do business with him."

" However, if he is not interested in our service, please, just let us know and we will leave. No trouble intended. I am not here to inconvenience his lordship. Just… let me make this clear, respect is not given, but earned. Our clan's respect … and alliance …is highly sort after. If Britain is not interested, plenty others are-"

The boy turned around one last time. He gave the receptionist a toothy grin, sending shivers down her spine.

" For example, France. "


Important Notice:

This a re-post of my old story, which was posted under another account, about last year. I lost the password to that account, then I never bothered to continue, because, frankly, I was lazy and do have a tendency to give up on personal projects that promises no reward. However, after I read some of your generous reviews, I thought… wait a minutes, there's a reward if people actually read and like my story. That's wonderful! So I'm back now- very late, but better than never? * nervous laugh* I will do my best to write this story and avoiding disappointing anyone. (da da da?)

THANK YOU FOR READING! And for reviewing, please review.