The gleam and glow had again gone. The dirty deeds are always done in the dark. Empire Bay was beautiful as always as I cruised past Joe's garage. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing where I was going. Left Joe asleep on the couch. He'd invited me over. I was in a little red Pontiac Indian. Music a dull drone in my ears as I began down the isolated road few knew about. Went directly under the highway. Of course, there was a 'Do Not Enter' sign that caught my eye as I drove past it. Least of my worries tonight
The little road opened up into a disgusting looking parking lot. Drove straight through it. My destination was so close, only a few blocks from Joe's which made my stomach flop the whole way. Took a right once out of the parking lot. No one was on the streets tonight. It didn't make this sin any less painful though. Took a left before going through the small tunnel. The big bright lights welcomed me in.
I parked at the end of the block and began my walk down the street. The pavement was cracked, grass sprouting up near the buildings. I pushed open the Hotel's door and took in the faded appearance of everything. This place was hip once. No more though. The number of the room was so clear in my mind. The only thing I could think of as I began up the stairs to the third floor. Room 5C. That was my destination. Just keep going there. Everything will make sense when you get there Vito. I found myself frozen to the floor when reaching the numbered door. Golden handle calling out to me-yet I just couldn't find the strength to turn it.
What if we get caught?
What if Joe comes to find me?
What if we both die because of this?
But the door opens up for me. Henry leans against the doorframe with a knowing smile.
"Were you followed?" He asks.
"No, Joe passed out on the couch." I stepped inside past him. The room's set up was basic. Bathroom, kitchen, big bed and a radio.
"He always passes out on the couch it seems… Thought you were goin' to get cold feet." Henry shuts the door and locks it tight. Just in case. He steps over to me and runs his fingers over my shoulders, leaning in close to grasp my neck between his teeth. Suckling and biting the flesh. My skin shot up in flames, he was different than any goddamn floozy in those cathouses. He could make me melt and stiffen with just a word.
"I want you Vito." He purred in my ear.
This made me melt and stiffen at the same time. In different places. I turned on him and forcefully held him, claiming his mouth as mine. That perfect mouth-god no woman could take this from me. My hands roamed to pull and tug at clothing, sliding under them to take in the feel of his skin. Henry grabbed my wrists and pushed me back with a smile.
"Easy tiger. Getting ahead of yourself now aren't we?" He gently led me back to the bed and pushed me down onto it. Each time I tried to take change he'd let me have my run then show me how it was done. I couldn't help but get excited around him though. Sounded like a school girl, c'mon Vito. You're better than that. But the way he smiled and moved. It was, it was, it was enough to make me give my life for him. That's how much. He got me out of my jacket with ease. Clothes falling off and gathering on the floor around us.
When at last our two bare bodies pressed flush against one another we couldn't help but take a moment to revel in the feel. Henry's mouth roamed my skin, trailing down my chest into forbidden territory. Everything was forbidden now though. At least while I was with him.
"Tell me you want me Vito."
"I want you."
"Tell me you love me." He demanded once more.
"I love you."
He got a wide grin, "Tell me what you'd do to prove it." He nuzzled into my black pubic hair, mouth so damn close. Oh he was such a tease. I gave him what he wanted though. For the next few hours as we bumped and grinded against one another.
I told him in every moment I could catch my breath, a new way I would prove I loved him.
We stuck to each other from sweat and cum in the end. Lying in a tightly curled ball. I gripped him close to me, kissing his forehead softly. A moment he let me have my dominance. This was perfect. This is what I wanted.
All good things end though. He stood up and extended his hand to me.
"Would look bad if we walked out'a here smelling like sex together. C'mon." I took his hand firmly and he led me to the bathroom. He started up the water and stepped in, pulling me after him. For awhile we just stood there, leaning against one another for support. Gentle little droplets of water washing away our sin.
Once done we dressed together and spent a good long while just holding hands and kissing. Little things we never really got to do. It was just a dreamy night. Like everything was just floating along in the world.
At 3 a.m. I finally left the room. We spent a few moments standing in the hallway, lingering in one another's arms. He kissed me good bye and gently shut the door. This was the hard part. Leaving this safe dream land and going back out into the real world. Turning on my heel I began back down the steps slowly. Pushed on the heavy door out into the cold. The wind bit at my heels all the way to my car. Sliding in I flicked on the radio and began back to Joe's. As I went guilt bubbled back into my gut.
No, no it wasn't guilt. It was fear. I never wanted to be caught. Prison would be better than being caught. I couldn't remember the trip back to the apartment. Parked my car in the garage before heading up to the swank place. Shut the door quietly and went to the couch I slept on in the kitchen. Slid off my shoes and tiredly slumped down onto the terrible resting place. In the darkness with Joe's loud snores I felt lonely.
Just once I wanted to stay behind and spend the whole night holding onto him.
Just once.
But for tonight, I would have to sleep alone.
Good night, Empire Bay.