Declaimer i dont own anything
numbered things are from the book directly hope you enjoy this revised version and P1 and P2 are pics that are in Devantart under the name Wizards Trick or you can look up my account witch is bug349
We start out seeing someone walking through a forest, from a wrecked colorful ship; as they come out we see that they are wearing a blue shirt with black pants and red pockets, a black short sleeve jacket with shoulder armor and has a crown shaped necklace. On closer expectation we see its a boy of about fifteen with spiky brown hair that seemes to defy gravity, he has a angler face and blue eyes. As soon as he is at the border of the trees, facing a castle, a man in black robes pointing a stick in front of him stops him.
"What are you doing here?" the man says expressing each symbol and making the words linger.
The boy just looks at the man for a while taking in his appearance. The guy has greasy black hair that was almost to his shoulders, black eyes and a crocked nose, his mouth harboring a sneer, the stick the boy recognized as a wand.
"I ..." the boy started but never got to finish.
A man with long silver hair and beard, both done in ponytails, wearing a midnight colored rob and a pointed hat to match, with half moon spectacles came up to them.
"Whats going on Severus, the feast is about to start," says the old man.
"Forgive me Headmaster, but I found this boy," he grabs said boy roughly by the arm, "coming out of the Forbidden Forest." His grip becomes tighter and the boy tries his hardest not to hiss in old man looks at the boy with sparkling blue eyes, looking him over like he was some kind of missing link; after a few moments of silence the old man asks "What's your name my dear boy"
"Uh, Sora, sir."
The headmaster looks at him with a look of slight joy, "Well, Sora, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I'm the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. What brings you here?"
Sora looks at the old man, "I... I came here to go to school?" he said in a question.
He knew this was were he was expose to be, but a school? He hadn't gone to school in two years.
Severus was not buying it, "Really, then why weren't you on the train and where's your letter?"
Before Sora has a chance to answer the Headmaster retaliates "Come now, Severus, your acting like he's a Death-eater."
"For all we know he could be," Severus hisses. "He could also be a spy or an assassin."
"Um, Death-eater?" Sora questiones looking at them, but it looked like he was being ignored at the moment.
"He seems harmless."
It looked like Severus was going to make a remark, but the headmaster stoppes him, "I don't won't to hear any more, Severus," says the Headmaster.
He then turns to Sora, "Follow me."
Sora gets out of Severus's grip. As he walks behind Dumbledore, he could hear Severus mumble to himself and follows the old man to the castle. As he's following the headmaster, Sora thinks back to how he got here.
*Flash back*
Sora is standing in a tower looking out of a window, in a room with a desk and some shelves full of books, after being summoned with his friends by the king.
"Sora, I need you to go to the world programed on this gummi-navi" say's a man with long gray hair and beard. He had a serious look on his face, sitting in a chair behind the desk. Sora's friends were doing other missions leaving him to do it alone.
"Um...sure..Yen Sid," says Sora turning to him, feeling a little down since this would be his first mission alone.
"I have sent a message to a friend of mine, he well know of your coming," continues Yen Sid. "The world is at war, and heartless are beginning to take form, you are to stop them from destroying it."
Sora takes the navi-system, "You can count on me."
Yen Sid gives a folder to him. "My friend wants you to look out for this boy he may be a target,"
"Yes, sir," Sora says a little more atheistically, smiling and giving a salute. He looks in the folder and finds a picture of a kid about his age with unkempt black hair and green eyes wearing glasses and has a lightning bolt scar on his head. Using the gummi-ship Sora goes to the world on the navi. When he gets close Sora starts having second thoughts about going alone and wasn't paying attention to the landing and crashed the ship in the Forbidden Forest.
*End Flashback*
Sora is snapped out of his thoughts when a strict looking elderly women, who has her gray hair done in a tight bun, says, "Who's this, Albus?"
"An ex-change student, Minerva."
They walk to a more private place to speak. Sora notices a bunch of kids in black robes with, from what he could tell, the schools crest, staring at and whispering about him. Soras was getting nerves from all the attion. After a while McGonagall comes back and tells everyone to follower her. Not knowing what else to do Sora follows as well. McGonagall leads them to a set of double doors, that leads to a hall with four long tables spread-out parallel to each ether and one behind them that was perpendicular. In front of the perpendicular table there was a stool with a ratty old hat. The celling if there was any, in Sora's option, had the night sky and floating candles. The kids fill into the hall, Sora staying in the back. When everyone was inside the hall the hat begains to sing. Sora stoppes looking at the celling to look at the hat. He is snapped back to the present again by McGonagall talking.
"Abercrombie, Euan!"(-1)
While waiting for his name to be called, Sora watches the sorting and would sometimes look up at the perpendicular table which he presumed to be the teacher's table. He notices the man named Severus was sitting beside the headmaster and a women. On the other side of the headmaster, he notices a plump toad like women who's beady eyes were staring at the gold and red table, wearing a completely pink outfit. When the last name "Zeller, Rose"(-2) was called, McGonagall steps a side for the headmaster to speak. People start staring at him, not that they weren't before because of his atire, and began to whisper about him, but it was the beady eyes of the toad like women that scared him. When the headmaster stood up everyone begain to quite down.
"Students and faculty, as you can see we have an ex-change student! He is in his fifth year," if their attention wasn't on Sora it was now. "Please make him welcomed."
He noticed that the toad like women didn't like this announcement . McGonagall called his name and he sat down on the chair; the hat was placed on his head and he saw black.
'I wonder how this sorts us,' thought Sora.
'By looking through your mind.'
Sora has to stop himself from jumping up and shouting at the sound in his head, 'Wah!'
He feels the hat parading, 'Well aren't we interesting... don't think I've seen people like that... hum there seams to be another presence.' The said presence gets angry with the comment, 'This presence has a name!'
Sora recognizes it; seeing two blue eyes seething in his mind.
'Roxas, calm down' Sora says, and feels the hat nodding in agreement, which makes Roxas more calm.
'Yes! Well now... you both have lots of bravery and have been through a lot, your loyal to your friends and would do anything to keep them save. Yes! I know were to put you now...' the hat then yells "GRYFENDOR." McGonagall takes the hat off Sora, while droping a letter in his lap. Sora sees the table with red and gold cheering the loudest, picking up the letter, he heads over to it. A set of twins with red hair makes room for him.
"Hello my names Fred," says one of them.
"And I'm Gorge," says the other.
"Sora," he interduces and gives them a smile, "Its nice to meet you."
"Same here," the twins say together.
Sora sits next them. After he sat down Dumbledore starts speaking:
"To our newcomers, welcome! To our old hands-welcome back! There is a time for speech making, but this is not it. Tuck in!"[1]
Sora looks at the table 'Tuck in there is nothing...' but his thought was interupted when he saw the food. He gets a small amount of food and startes eating.
"Is that all your eatting?"asks one twin.
"That's not a lot," says the other.
"Hum, I guess not,"Sora agrees.
After he finishes Sora starts to read his letter:
Sora Thank-you for coming, Yen Sid has already bought your robes and books, come into my office after dinner to have a talk about why your here.
After reading the letter, Fred and George start talking, "Looks like Ron and Hermione are at it, again" started one.
"Right you are dear bother," says the other.
"Who?" asks Sora.
"Our brother," they say in unison. "Over there"
Sora looks over to were they were pointing; it was easy to spot their other red headed brother. Sora notices that he was sitting near a boy with black hair that seemed to be waring glasses and a girl with brown hair. He figuered the girl was Hermione. "Who's the boy in the glasses."
They looked at him like he grow an extra head, "Harry," says one of the them.
"Harry Potter," say's the other.
"Don't you read the paper," they say in unison.
"No, me and my friends think it's a wast of time."
"How so?" they ask.
"Heh, because it's mostly about Blitzball, and Tidus can tell us about that."
The twins look at each other, "Blitzball?"
"It's a game we play were I'm from."
"A game?" says the one right.
"Never, heard of it," they say at the same time.
" What about Quidditch?" askes the other.
"Nope, never heard of it; is it a game too?"
The twins nod, but before any more can be said, Dumbledore stands up and the twins say a quick "We'll talk later."
Sora nods, 'I guess I'll have to ask about Quidditch later'; he turns his attition to Dumbledore:
"First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students- and a few of our older students ought to know by now too."[2]
Sora thinks about what was said, 'A few of the older students? Hum I wonder who would go in there?'
Sora shakes it off and listens:
"We have two changes in the staffing this year. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Aginst the Dark Arts teacher."[3]
Sora listens to the dull claping when Dumbledore starts to speak again. He notices Umbridge moving her chair back, right before he hears Dumbledoe stop in mid-sentence. Professor Umbridge then made a sound, that sounded, to Sora, like she had a cold. Dumbledore seamed to be surpised for a second before sitting down and allowing her to talk. He saw the faces of the other teachers and knew this wasn't normal.
'I don't like her,' came Roxas voice.
'Me nether! We should keep an eye on her.'
Roxas agrees with him before he hears Umbidge say:
"Well it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say! [4] And to see such happy little faces looking back at me! [5] I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!" [6]
Sora didn't pay any more attition to her speach as his mind was else were.
'Friends? Why would I be friends with her? Even that Severus guy would make a better friend,' Roxas complained.
Sora had to surpress the urge to laugh out loud.
'That boy, Harry. I think he's the one Yen Sid mentioned' continued Roxas. 'Yeah! I had the same feeling. We'll know for sure when we talk to Dumbledore after dinner,' Sora feels Roxas nod in his head.
"You seem pre-occupid," comments one of the twins.
"For a moment you looked like you were about to laugh," the other obseveres.
"Care to tell us what was so funny?" they ask.
Sora had forgotten that he was sitting by them, and it took him some time to relise what they had asked.
"Oh, just thinking."
"About what?"
"About how the scary looking teacher would be a better friend then her," Sora replies pointing to Snape.
"Your right. That is funny," they say laughing. "So, whats Blitzball?" they ask after they stop laughing.
Sora grins as he tells them of the sport that he and his friends play.
"Now you have to tell me about Quidditch." he says with a smile.
And so they did. They got so into the explantion that when they heard the clapping of the headmaster, it surpised them. They look up to find that Umbridge was now sitting. After the teachers and students start giving a dead clap as well, Dumbledore speaks:
"Thank you very much, professor Umbridge, that was most illuminating." [7]
Sora watches Dumbledore bow to Umbridge.
'Illuminating and long,' Roxas states.
Sora trys not to laugh,'So how are we going to get to Dumbledore's office?'
Sora ponders on the question, before Roxas cuts into his thoughts,'We can ask the twins.'
Sora argees with him and turns to them when he hears the dismissal.
"Um, could you two show me were Dumbledore's office is?" he asks them.
"Sure!" one of them exclames.
"We'll even show you a shortcut," says the other.
"Follow us," they say together.
Sora follows them as they take him through they're shortcut. He finds himself in front of a gargoyle. One of them says a name, of what he presives, to be a sweet and the gargoyle moves.
Sora gets on the moving sprialing staircase as it moves up toward the door. He knocks on it and the door opens.
'Huh, why does this seem farmiliar,' he thinks to himself as he walks in.
He looks around to find the pictures moving. Looking up he sees the sorting hat with a sword that has the finder of Gryffindor's name on it. He walks up to a bird with redfeathers, the word 'phoenix' poped into his head. The bird flew up and purched on his shoulder.
"Ah, I see Fawkes has taking a liking to you," came a voice from behind him.
Turning around Sora nods to the headmaster; Fawkes going to Dumbledore as he leads Sora further into his office. Looking around he sees things spinning and more pictures that moved.
'Past Headmasters' Sora mused in his head.
"Have a seat," said Dumbledore as he waved his hand at the seat infront of his desk.
Sora does as told.
"Thank-you for coming on such sort notice."
"It's no problem at all. I'm glade to be of help."
"Yes, the war has finally brought out the heartless. Now about the keyblade... here," Dumbledore hands him what looks like a crystal ball keychain. "This shouldn't stand out to much.
Sora puts it on the keyblade, and notes that it changes to form, what appeares to be, a longer version of the wand Merlin uses; first appearing with phoenix wings for the guard and phoenix talons for the teeth, with a vine rapping around it[P1], to just the wand with a vine and the chain vanished, leaving the crystal ball on the end. [P2] "It well revert back into the blade when heartless are near; take the crystal ball off to put another keychain on." Sora nods, "I'll do my best."
"Professer McGonagall well show you to the dorms."
Sora nods agian, "Thank-you," is all Sora could say as he walks off to the dorm with McGonagall.