The doctor's was cold and hot. He knew the reason for the cold, which was obvious. But hot? Nick had explained the light thing to him, even if the elder albino knew it already. Maka was currently getting restiched and had made Soul promise to take her shopping after the whole ordeal. Soul who had been surprised his miester could still think after losing the blood merely nodded in response.

"You know she'll be ok, right?" Nick asked as he played with his tennis shoes.

"Yeah, this isn't the first or last time she's had stiches." Soul replied weakly. After another two hours Maka came waltzing out to meet them in the lobby.

"Alright let's see if your family is okay and then go shopping." Maka smiled. How she could be so bubbly was a question that would never be answered. Soul and Maka walked towards the docks as a hyper Nick raced ahead of them. Maka figured it was due to being in a different atmosphere and with people he trusted that he acted this way.

"He's like you somewhat?" Maka mused aloud.

"How so?" Soul asked as he untied the boat he had rented. Maka paused as she thought about the resemblance.

"He doesn't feel pressured therefore he doesn't try his best to fit in. He's being a normal six year old." She beamed as she gathered her thoughts. Soul nodded as he helped the two inside the boat and took off.

"The island ain't too far ahead. Gramps and Tori should be there waiting for us." He yelled over the cry of the engine. Maka nodded as she kept a strong hold of the small child in her arms. As Soul had predicted the island really hadn't been far away at all. In fact they had arrived merely twenty minutes after setting sail from the port. What did catch their attention though was the collectiveness of the family. The whole island was quiet, rid of all sound even wildlife. For once his parents looked at Soul with hope and Maka suspected glee.

"You came back to save us!" his mother smiled. Soul flinched back unused to the affection the older woman was giving him.

"See our son returned." His father called out to the unknown shadows. Wait his father was talking to shadows? Was this normal? Had he missed something?

"Um, dad what's going on?" Soul asked curious to the sudden mood swings of his family. Hadn't they hated him a few hours ago?

"Hear that you stupid demon, the weapon came to us and now he'll eat your soul!" Wes yelled as he pressed Soul forward. The albino stumbled to the head of the crowd confused. He saw nothing unusual and he knew his family were a bit brain scattered an stunned at being attacked but this was weird.

"Maka, use soul perception to find out the deal." Soul ordered. His miester did as told as she scanned the area around them. Only one Soul stood out to her.

"It's your cousin." She whispered. Soul nodded, so he had been right. The only person in his family who could fight with shadows besides Blackstar was his cousin Tori. This situation just went from weird to uncool. And to top it all off his grandfather was missing.

"How uncool." Soul hissed as a shadow drifted closer to him. Carful to keep his eyes on the situation he pulled the blonde miester behind him.

"Your injured so stay back here with Nick and the others." He commanded. Neither one really knew when Soul had started being the one to give orders or when and why Maka seemed to follow them loyally without question.

"It's foolish of you to throw away your miester like that bunny." Tori laughed as the shadow from earlier darted at him. He attempted to deflect it with his scythe blade but instead the dark object seemed to embed itself into his shoulder.

"What the hell?" he yelped as he grabbed the wound.

"You're an idiot aren't you?" Tori deadpanned.

"It's a shadow, any darkness or shadow you make will and can be used against you." She explained.

"Why tell the enemy that. We can easily use the same info against you. Watch tv. Villains who explain things like that get taken down easily." Maka interjected.

"Yes, but I want a fair fight. If he knows my weakness like I know his than it should be a fun match." She laughed. Soul did not like the way she had said that. Nor did he like the fact that Maka was standing in the open with a crazed witch in front of them. Plus where the hell was his grandfather? Soul didn't have time to think much more because Tori had once again begun attacking. Why she had suddenly began attacking without pause Soul didn't know but the cheers and ah's from the crowd of family did not help. Poor Maka was trying to explain the situation and watch her weapon all at one. Soul yelped and growled every time a shadow hit him. Contrary to popular belief, those things hurt. What he couldn't get was why the damn things where able to become transparent when he attacked and not so transparent when they hit their target. Was life really this unfair to him?

"You really should give up? I mean look at you. Anymore hits and you'll go down faster than a sinner before Jesus." Tori replied casually.

"Fitting seeing as theirs no saints on this island." Soul mused. Tori never really was good at analogy…or comebacks.

"Whatever, just die then." She growled sending a wave of shadows at her poor cousin. He froze as they all made contact .Soul fell to his knees in horror and surprise. He coughed up blood but noticed with some relief that the shadow blades had not made contact with any vital organs. Like say his heart. Suddenly a blade of a sword was advancing at him fast and with his wounds he knew he would die. Maka's face was etched in horror as she watched him take on his cousin. But no one was expecting the elder man to intercept the blade made for his grandson. As Hank Evans fell lifeless to the ground in a pool of his own blood voice returned to the albino.

"No! Grandpa, grandpa no." he begged as he shook the blood soaked body. Lifeless red eyes stared blankly at him as he continued to wail for his grandfather. Maka rushed over to her partner and held him close as he cried.

"Foolish old man. I thought I had rid of him already." Tori sighed. Soul was still shaking over his grandfather's form. Hank had followed his granddaughter to the island and noticed her quick attitude change. He had given the family ample time to run away as he took on her witchy state.

"I guess my witches for hire were weak. I figured I had at least crippled your fighting style." Tori continued. Maka began to shake in fury. This girl, who had pretended to be their friend had just murdered her grandfather and was fixing to kill all of them. Soul's breath caught as his grandfather's blue soul flickered above his body. Soul reached to grab it before a small hand beat him to it.

"Sorry uncle Soul, but aunt Tori said I could eat this." Nick said as he skipped to his aunts side.

"I told you I trained him." She laughed before allowing the boy to eat the innocent soul he held.

"I plan to make him a kishin, isn't that nice." Tori smiled. Maka finally had enough, she may have hated this family and they may have treated them like dirt. But no one deserved this. To be eaten by their own family.

"Soul, keep your family safe." Maka whispered before allowing her own weapon abilities to take form. Pain from her previous wounds shot through her, but she ignored them in favor of killing the witch and pre-kishin child. Soul had stayed in his little position as Maka fought the six year old. She noticed the small red splotches covering his soul. It pained her to have to kill the small mini Soul. She brushed the thoughts away as she sliced at him. Suddenly she was thrown backwards. Shadows danced around her as if in jubilation.

"Face it girli. You've lost. You're weapon is useless and beat up and your fighting for a family that could care less if you live or die." Tori said. Soul growled as he walked beside his miester and took her hand. Maka waited as he transformed.

"I win. Yes they may hate me. They may hate you and Soul, even Nick. But they didn't kill you did they? So why kill them, why not just leave like Soul did?" Maka asked as she twirled her scythe to battle.

"I orchestrated this cruise so that Nick could get their soul's and become the kishin I need him to be. So that I could become grand witch and take over the world." Tori laughed.

"Typical." Maka laughed. Tori paused curious as to why the girl was not scared. She was close to death was she not?

"Yeah, so uncool, it's always the same take over the world this, take over the world that. Can't villains make up anything new or unoriginal?" Soul pondered.

"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME WITH A SIDE CONVERSATION IT'S RUDE!" she yelled. Nick stood dutifully at her side scythe arm at the ready.

"Alright Nicolas, you kill the others while I take care of Uncle Soul okay." Tori ordered as she began sending her shadow legion at the weapon, miester pair.

"Shit, just when things were simple." Maka sighed.

"Don't get hit Maka, it hurt's trust me. Take out Nick first." Soul instructed. Why the hell was Soul the voice of reason?

"Right." Maka said before charging at the small child. He sliced through one of the members just as a shadow stopped Maka's attack.

"Seriously?" Maka yelped as another shadow hit her. Nicolas was taking out family left and right. If they didn't think of something fast Soul would be an orphan. Wait the flute. She was using it to control the demonic shadows. Her music manipulation. Of course that would be it.

"Soul, remember the fight with Giriko?" Maka asked. Soul hissed. Of course he remembered it. She had taken a really bad blow in that fight.

"Yeah, what about it?" he asked as he watched more of his family die and get eaten. The sight twisted his soul more.

"We beat him using your piano to counter his chain saws." Maka whispered. Soul smirked catching his miester's plan.

"Right you know what to do." He smirked. As they resonated. Maka used her soul perception as Soul's piano began its eerie tune. The shadows had stopped as Tori's face showed confusion and anger. Maka quickly used the chance to attack with Genie hunter. She smirked as the witches soul hung in the air. Nick had paused his earlier instructions to watch his master fall victim to the unnerving tune. The soul seemed to draw him in as Soul reverted back to his human shape.

"Soul?" Maka asked as her weapon grabbed the soul. Hastily he sucked it down before turning to his nephew.

"You're just barely a pre-kishin, a child that was under the control of a witch. As a deathscythe it is my duty to kill those who have strayed from the path of good." Soul recited in a bored voice as his nephew watched with curious eyes.

"Then kill him." Wes said as he braved the waters and walked forward.

"Would you be okay watching your son die?" Maka asked as she eyed the man before her.

"That thing killed his family, I will not be associated with it." He snarled.

"He's like me. Even I could stray from the path." Soul put in before throwing a small mirror at his miester and lover.

"Call lord death, ultimately it's his decision." Soul muttered. Maka nodded as she dialed the numbers.

"Hiya, hiya. Waz up, waz up." The death god asked jubilantly.

"We have a small pre-kishin case here. Much like Crona minus the blackblood. He's six years old and was under the control of a witch, he ate human souls. What should we do?" Maka asked. Soul waited patiently for his orders.

"Bring the child back here to me. I will decide from there." The death god ordered.

"Yes, sir." And with that the mirror returned to her reflection. After getting the family back to their homes and bringing Soul's nephew to lord death the two were attempting to relax in the classroom before Stien could roll in. But they were friends with Blackstar, therefore rest was not allowed.

"You guys were just on vacation you had plenty of rest." Blackstar mumbled as Maka, maka –chopped him.

"Nope, the vacation was a trap and we ended up fighting a witch and pre-kishin." Soul said as he massaged his shoulder and body. The shadow attack would kill him. Stien and Nygus hadn't been gentle with him. The mad doctor had actually cut him open while he was still awake for no reason but merely research and dissection.

"Hmm, it still amazes me that you two could defeat a witch like that without causing to much injury." Kid said as he fixed Maka's lopsided pigtails. It saddened Soul a little to know that one: their vacation to relax had been ruined, two: half his family was dead, and three: Maka and himself now resembled mummies.

"I want a refund." Soul sulked.

"What are you talking about Soul?" Maka asked as the rest of the girls nodded.

"I try to relax and I was promised a relaxing vacation. I DID NOT RELAX!" he grumbled.

"Lord death will understand I'm sure he will compensate your loss." Tsubaki smiled.

"Yeah, it's not like you missed out on anything." Liz added.

"They didn't see any giraffes." Patty sulked.

"OMG I FORGOT TO GO SHOPPING IN RIO!" Maka yelped causing Soul to fall from his seat.

"Maka you nearly died and you just remembered we didn't go shopping?" Soul asked.

"I wanted to go so badly." She sulked. Before Soul could reply Stien rolled in on his chair and called attention.

"All right students meet your newest class mate, Nicolas Evans." Soul's face collided with his desk. He needed a vacation.