She could hear the footsteps of the kishin behind her as she ran to hide. Her pigtails had fallen from their normal binds to fall limply over her head. The girl's small body was covered in blood and cuts. She needed to find her weapon, her partner, her love. Her fear was rising making it hard to concentrate on the soul she was searching for. As the footsteps drew closer she grew more desperate finally ducking into an alley. Just as she was about to draw a breath of relief she noticed the dead end. Fitting she would die in some hole in an abandoned town all alone. Her green eye's frantically searched for an escape but found none as the shadow at the end of the alley moved towards her. The kishin's foul stench filled the air as she closed her eyes awaiting such an uncool demise. If her weapon where here the kishin soul would be hers already. But she had been separated from him way into their escape when the ground had given way beneath his feet. That was when she had nearly given up. The last words that he had told her, where to run and we would meet up later. Now as she stared into the kishin's blank eyes all hope was leaving her.

"SOUL EATER!" she cried out in a last ditch effort of desperation. A sickening ripping noise filled the skies as the kishin suddenly became a glowing red soul. The color matched the red eyes of the man standing in front of her reverting his arm from scythe to skin.

"Geez Maka, next time you try and take on a kishin alone make sure I'm somewhere close by. Preferably in your arms." He smirked as he crouched in front of her to check her wounds. True some of them where from when they had been ambushed by like six kishin's but the newer ones where from her numerous falls during her escape.

"Sorry Soul. I didn't mean to worry you." Maka replied sheepishly. Soul smiled as he held her close, sensing the tears about to spill from his miester. As she cried on his shoulder the memories of the mission seeped into his head. She had taken some rather unneeded injuries because of his inability to react quick enough. True they would both be snapped at by Nygus, the school nurse. But they would heal however slowly it would be. As soul lifted her shirt to check her back the scars from their fight with Giriko in the sloth chapter met his eyes. Four long horizontal lines glared red as blood seeped from their newly open state.

"How did they manage to cut you back here pigtails?" he asked attempting to lighten her mood. Maka shrugged as she nuzzled herself closer to her weapon. Soul sighed in defeat as he picked her up and began his track home.

"Okay so you defeated all the kishin's and still you can't get the courage to ask her father the BIG question." Blackstar said. Soul shrugged as his friend continued his rant.

"Soul it's just a trip to see family I'm sure Spirit will understand." Kid attempted.

"I haven't even told Maka yet incase her father said no. She'd be heart broken.

"And you would leave her behind?" Kid asked as he studied his friends reaction. Soul quickly shook his head.

"I just wouldn't go." He replied stubbornly.

"It's your family reunion you have to go." Kid said as Blackstar darted past him in his boxers.

"I don't know Kid, It's just Maka's my life. I couldn't just leave her here and go see family I hate." Soul said as he picked up his ninja friends shirt.

"You must have at least one person there you like or else this wouldn't be bothering you so much." Kid announced as he picked up Blackstar's pants.

"I have a few estranged family members I like. But it's taking place on a cruise to her favorite place she wants to visit. She has to come." Soul explained.

"Then tell her father." Blackstar yelled as he threw his boxers towards Soul's face.

"Blackstar, why are you naked in my house? It's unsymmetrical and I just cleaned the place up." Kid snapped.

"Because a god like me doesn't need to be constricted by mere clothing." The self -proclaimed god said. Both onlookers nodded as they continued their discussion.

"My father will say yes. That's all the permission you need. Besides with your black blood you can't be away from her to long anyway. Besides how long is the trip?" Kid asked.

"Two months." Soul said automatically.

"And when is it?" Kid continued.

"I have to be on a plane for Cape Canaveral Friday." Soul whined. Finally Blackstar sighed and grabbed both friends by the arms. Neither said a word in fear of their sanity and lives. Once they came to a mirror Kid understood their friends actions. With a few short minuets Lord Death stood before them with a weary death scythe beside him. Soul gulped loudly as he studied the older man.

"Hiya, hiya Kid what can I do for you?" the death god asked.

"Father, Soul has a question for Spirit." Kid said pushing the white haired death scythe towards the mirror.

"May I please take Maka with me on a two month vacation to see my family Friday?" Soul rushed. Spirit stared for a moment before nodding.

"My precious Maka-chan needs a vacation. She's just like her mama and doesn't realize the strain on her." Spirit ranted. Soul sighed in relief as he disconnected the call before the older man could get any more out of him or embarrass himself.

"So are you going to tell Maka?" Blackstar asked.

"Yep. And I'll tell her over dinner at that new expensive shirt and tie restraint she's been wanting to go to." Soul said before dashing out of Kid's home.

"Blackstar, please put your cloths back on." Kid said before walking to his study.