Wow! This is so exciting! I actually got around to starting a FanFic! I never thought it would happen, but here it is! I'm fairly sure this will be a multi-chapter story, but probably not too long.

I was randomly hit with inspiration yesterday when I was "doing my homework". -.-"

Whatever. PreCalc can wait!

Just so everyone knows, this will be a KyouKao fic, but Kaoru won't be in until Chapter 2. I just wanted to develop Kyouya's character a little bit first, then I'll do the same for Kaoru!

I babble too much. Without further ado, I give you chapter one of "Only The Broken Understand One Another"

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran… But whenever Bisco Hatori feels like giving it away, *raises hand tentatively*

'Honestly Kyou-chan, there's no point in trying to resist. You know we always get our way.'

'Don't worry Kyouya, we'll be gentle.'


Kyouya awoke suddenly to the sound of four alarm clocks going off simultaneously. He had a pounding headache, but that was nothing new. He'd never been much of a morning person, and his resentment of early rising had only increased in the past few months. Today, though, he didn't mind so much.

He didn't mind so much today, because he wanted nothing more than to escape the nightmare that had plagued him the night before. The sadistic laughter of his brothers Akito and Yuuichi still rang in his head, relentless, taunting, invading. Turning to sit on the edge of his bed, he shook his head, hoping to clear the thoughts from his mind, to no avail.

Kyouya rose reluctantly from the warmth of his bed and made his way to the bathroom. He wondered if maybe he could wash the painful dreams away, if the ginger scented soap could mask the dirt he imagined covered his body.

Kyouya sighed and stepped into the shower at full blast, full heat.

'I wonder… If I take long enough, can get away with skipping breakfast? That way I won't have to face Father or Akito and Yuuichi'

His question was soon answered when just minutes later, his brothers appeared at his bathroom door.

"Kyouuuuuya, Father said he would like to see you before he goes into his study after breakfast. Jeez, what's taking you so long anyway?"

"Isnt it obvious Akito? He's clearly pleasuring himself" Kyouya could hear the smirk in his voice.

"But Yuuichi, I thought we took care of that last night! Kyou-chan, do you need us to come in there and finish you off?"

Kyouya gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the seductive taunts of his brothers as they echoed across the bathroom and his mind.

He tried to keep his voice steady, and had either of his brothers paid any actual attention to him, they would have heard the slight fear that hid behind his words.

"Tell Father, I'll be down momentarily. As for you two, you may leave now."

Akito relentlessly pressured Kyouya. "Are you sure otouto? You know how good we can be to you."

Kyouya could almost see the seductive glint in Akito's eyes and could imagine him dragging his tongue slowly across his bottom lip. He squeezed his eyes shut at the images and, more firmly this time, repeated, "You may leave. Now."

Yuuichi giggled callously as he and Akito walked away and called back to Kyouya, "Really now, don't take to long, or we'll be forced to come in and get you ourselves."

Kyouya switched off the water and slid down the wall of the shower until he was sitting on the ground. He suddenly felt nauseous, and dizzy. Was it because of his brothers? Was merely hearing their voices enough to physically ail him?

After stepping out of the steam filled shower, drying himself off, and dressing himself (smartly, as always), Kyouya returned to his bedroom and searched for an aspirin.

It was saddening to how much he relied on those little pills to help him through each day. The Otoris were supposed to be strong. He shouldn't need that. Just as Kyouya sat the pill back down, the sound of Yuuichi's voice reached his room again.


Kyouya quickly popped the pill into his mouth, grabbed his notebook and made his way towards the stairs.

As he left his room, a maid came seemingly out of nowhere and immediately began cleaning his room. Not that there really was anything to clean. As always, Kyouya's room was practically spotless, leaving the maid an easy job. It was custom of the Otoris to leave a clean trail behind them, even within their own home.

Kyouya chuckled drily to himself at the irony. It was custom to stay clean, yet because of his brothers, he was anything but.

"Kyouyaaaa! Are you just going to stand there laughing to yourself or are you coming to eat?" Akito called loudly

Trying to gain some form of composure, Kyouya took a deep breath before following his older brother into the dining room.

The moment he stepped into the room, he was greeted by one of his family's countless maids.

"Good Morning, Master Kyouya, what would you like for breakfast this morning?" she asked shyly with her head bowed.

Kyouya had always been amused by the apprehensive nature most people developed around him. He was, after all, the Shadow King. He quickly turned on the cool but polite charm for which he was well known for among the members and clients of the Host Club.

"Ah, Good Morning to you as well. You needn't worry yourself with the preparation of my breakfast. Please, I'll just have some tea."

He topped the act off with his famous intimidating, but also intriguing smile.

The maid blushed under his glance and replied a quick, "Yes, Master Kyouya" before hurrying embarassedly out of the room.

Kyouya smiled to himself. It just never got old. He'd have to try and remember her name, it would make the whole act that much better.

"Good Morning, Kyouya." his father adressed him promptly

"Good Morning Father."

"Do you have any major exams coming up in school today?"

"No Father, none that I can recall."

"Hmm. Did you sleep well?"

That was his routine. Kyouya's father would ask him all the customary questions that a father SHOULD ask, but not because he really cared. What mattered most to the senior Otori was not what went on in Kyouya's life, but whether or not his life was even comparable to the seemingly perfect lives of his brothers.

"Well, I stayed up until 4 balancing several of our major accounts, so no, I can't say I slept well, but I did, however, accomplish quite a bit.

The Suohs owe us a small sum, but I will recieve that from Tamaki today."

His father beamed, obviously pleased with what Kyouya had done, and returned to his breakfast with a content grunt.

The maid, (Renate! That was her name!), soon returned with Kyouya's tea.

"Thank you, Renate." he said, glancing up at her over the tops of his glasses.

"Um, it was my pleasure Master Kyouya!" she blushed furiously and bowed before scurrying out of the room yet again.

Kyouya sipped the hot liquid slowly before setting the tea down with a refreshed sigh. Looking up, he noticed that Yuuichi and Akito were staring at him.

Sensing his sudden discomfort, the two older Otori brothers smiled sensually at Kyouya, further deepening feeding the unsettling feeling that had developed in the pit of his stomach.

Akito very seductively licked the spoonful of yogurt he was holding, while Yuuichi made a big show out of the banana he was eating, licking up the sides, and pushing just the tip into his mouth before closing his eyes and taking a slow bite.

Some how, their father remained completely oblivious to the whole situation and carried on eating his bacon as he read the news.

Unable to handle the tension, Kyouya stood suddenly, and apologized to his father.

"Gomen Father, but I've just remembered that I promised Tamaki that I would be at school early today to help him with a few assignments."

"Don't forget his payment, son."

"Of course Father."

Just as he thought he'd gotten away from the antics of his brothers, Kyouya heard the distinct sound of footsteps behind him.

He whirled around to face his brothers only to find Akito's arm snaked around his waist.

Kyouya felt his face go warm as Akito pulled him closer into the embrace.

"Otouto, would you like me to take you to school? I feel like we don't spend much quality time together anymore." Akito breathed into his ear.

"N-no, Akito, it's fine, I'll just take a limo."

Another pair of arms found their way around Kyouya, as he discovered That he was now sandwitched between His older brothers.

"Kyou-chan, do you not want to spend time with us?" Yuuichi murmured into his neck, smiling into his skin.

Kyouya closed his eyes involuntarily, but only for a moment as he became more aware of the situation. He needed to get out. But it didn't seem as though either Akito or Yuuichi was going to make that easy for him.

The older brothers ran their hands across Kyouya's body. Externally, his body reacted to the stimulation his brothers were providing, letting out soft moans and gasps, but in the inside he was screaming, begging for a way out, for a rescue.

Finally, he gained enough resolve and courage to break free of his brothers and face them.

"I need to go." he said shakily, struggling to maintain his cool disposition, but his brothers weren't fooled.

"Have fun at school, Kyou-chan!" they chanted in harmony, their voices a perfect blend that sent shivers down Kyouya's spine.

He turned and walked out to the limo that took him to Ouran Academy each day. He couldn't be more grateful for the solitude it provided for him, and relaxed into the back seat, feeling more alone than he had for a long time.

Kyouya opened his notebook and began scirbbling, distracting himself with the finances of the Host Club.

He was slowly able to push the thoughts of his brothers out of his mind, if only for a little while. He knew they would return eventually. They always did.

Kyouya sighed and leaned further into his seat.

'Today is going to be a long day…'

Eep! Okay there it is! Was it terrible? I hope not.

Constructive criticism is much appreciated, and any feedback at all is okay really!

Just keep in mind that this is my first fic ever, so don't be too harsh, I'm still learning :D
