A/N: Thanks to those who've read and reviewed my story. I appreciate it. Sorry about the cliffhanger. When I cut it that was the natural break to separate chapters. Unfortunately, this has another one.

Previous chapter

"Enough of this," she bit out and swam to shore. 'I'd rather face him head on than put up with battling this wretched planet.' No sooner than she spoke, a low rumbling accompanied by a bright flash of light signaled a frustrated Saiyan prince vaporizing part of a forest that seemed to help keep her hidden. Fear flashed across her beautiful face. He was too close.

Chapter 2

Vegeta surveyed his handiwork with a growl of frustration. Who would have thought that his little blue-haired mate would be able to evade him for so long? Frustration gave way to a small smirk, only enhancing the feral lust in his eyes. There was a reason he had chosen her. Bulma's brains and beauty had attracted his attention years ago and prompted him to choose her as a member of his squad. Despite what she thought, Bulma wouldn't have been kept on if he wanted just a breeder. This Prince was never one to waste talent, and she had more than her fair share.

He closed his eyes and inhaled. Strong traces of her scent remained along with the tang of fresh blood, teasing his senses. His eyes sprung open and a fierce snarl escaped his bared teeth. Damn woman, allowing her self to become injured. Nothing should be allowed to draw her blood but him.

His head jerked up and to the side. What was that? It had felt like a tiny flash of ki close by. Perhaps his little bird wasn't as far from capture as he had thought. Another smirk crossed his face. Good. Now to flush out his prey…

Rising into the air, Vegeta tossed random ki balls into the surrounding vegetation, setting it ablaze. 'Now where was she,' he mused. Suddenly, with a burst of light, he saw Bulma shoot herself into the air, darting toward the horizon as fast as she could go. A feral smile graced his face, as his silken tail whipped behind him in anticipation.

"Let's end this," he growled, and then took off after the retreating female.

Again, Bulma risked a glance behind her. Vegeta was in pursuit and gaining. At this point, there was virtually no way for her to escape, and she knew it. However, she wasn't going to make it easy on him. Accelerating to her top speed, she burned even more of her rapidly depleting energy. 'I'm not going to win on strength, but I can put up a strategic fight in the meantime. With a sly grin, she bide her time until he was almost upon her. Directing all her power in the opposite direction, she stopped abruptly, causing Vegeta to shoot past her. Rapid blasts hit him in the back, diverting his attention long enough for her to dart again toward the trees. Great strategy, but it didn't work

She was almost in the canopy when a powerful force impacted her, driving her face down into the ground below. Breathless, Bulma tried to lever herself up, but found her arms and legs pinned to the ground. She lifted her head, shaking her long hair out of her face, and turned to glare at her attacker. She knew the chase was over. She was caught and helpless to Vegeta's will.