Ashy-note The last [lust] chapter. If you're reading this, thanks for sticking around even though it took me more than ten months to update. Sorry too if the end would turn out to be a tad bit disappointing. It was meant to be disappointing anyway and what the heck, this is me we're talking about. I was never good at endings and all that writer crap. 8D Oh, and this will no longer be in second-person so... yeah.


Charms of Brown


It was quiet when she woke up, but her eyes met with flaming red ones.

The first thing she noticed was how sore she felt. Her body ached with the smallest twist and turn; that place, down below, seared, as if she just poured soap into it and promptly forgot to wash it off.

"Are you okay?"

She moaned and rubbed her throat as she said, "I don't know. I think I'm gonna be sick, Natsume..."

He didn't reply. Instead she felt him reach for her hand and tug up with enough strength to get her to sit. He pulled her into a tight embrace and never deigned to let go until she pulled away and finally looked at him properly.

There was blood splattered all over his face and clothes.

"Natsume," she breathed out in horror, "what happened to you? Are you okay? Oh my god, stay there, I'll go get the kit—"

"—Don't," he said. "I'm fine, you're not. Nothing's wrong with me, Mikan."

"But you're bleeding!" she howled angrily, fighting against his grip feebly. Her muscles were refusing to cooperate, and apparently, so was Natsume. He held her down fiercely.

As she stared it soon became clear to her that Natsume indeed wasn't injured. But then—

"What happened, Natsume?" She stopped struggling and reached out to touch his face. His eyes betrayed him.

He wasn't injured, he was hurt.

"Tell me," she whispered, cupping his cheeks with her warm hands.

He only shook his head and took her into his arms again. His embrace was protective, like he feared she would go. Like she was bound to stay away.

She wanted to clarify things. "I'm here, Natsume. I'm not going anywhere." Lovingly, as strong as she could amidst her sore muscles, she kissed him and pulled him to the bed to sleep beside her.

She never noticed the blood on her mattress, nor the specks by her window sill.

Neither did she hear the ambulance's siren wailing away.