Well, I back with another story. But I guess it's not really a story. I'm here making a Facebook fan fiction. I hope everyone likes it. Yeah people have done it before, but mine will be totally out of control ;) I wanna thank my friend Samantha for listening to me rant and rave about this. This is for her :D

Disclaimer: I don't own TVD, only this 'story'!

Chapter 1

Elena Gilbert and Elijah Smith are now friends

Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce dislike this

Damon Salvatore: Elijah is on FB? Someone needs a life! ;)

Elena Gilbert at Damon Salvatore: Damon!

Stefan Salvatore: lol :)

Elena Gilbert: Elijah is a great friend…do either of u wander what we talk about?

Stefan Salvatore: …damn it

Damon Salvatore: yes XD But I highly doubt ur about 2 tell us

Elena Gilbert : u got that right!

Elijah Smith: Good job, E! Stand up against those little princesses B)

Elena Gilbert: XD thanks Elijah

Damon Salvatore to Stefan Salvatore

Damon Salvatore: I think Elijah likes Elena

Stefan Salvatore: No shit, Damon!

Damon Salvatore: somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed…oh wait, coffin XD

Stefan Salvatore: hmm.

Damon Salvatore: well, Elijah might actually have a life…I mean, he's out there, flirting up a thunderstorm with Elena, while ur sitting on FB. He's the real vamp right now ;)

Stefan Salvatore: Go 2 hell!

Elena Gilbert is having a lovely dinner with Elijah Smith )

Elijah Smith likes this

Damon Salvatore dislikes this

Klaus Smith and Katherine Pierce have joined Facebook

Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Tyler Lockwood, and 12 other people dislike this

Klaus Smith: Lighten up XD

Katherine Pierce: Yeahhh

Damon Salvatore: This is a grown up convo, Kat. Leave now!

Klaus Smith: lol…is that laugh out loud or lots of love? I will only do the first one, Damon!

Damon Salvatore: laugh out loud XD

Katherine Pierce: I'm older, you idiot ;)

Klaus Smith: but he's not stuck inside like you XD

Damon Salvatore: …gtg.

Stefan Salvatore to Elena Gilbert

Stefan Salvatore: how's dinner going?

Stefan Salvatore: Elena?

Stefan Salvatore: I'm really starting to worry about you, hun.

Stefan Salvatore: Oh, screw you, Elijah.

Elijah Smith is eating chocolate cake just for his little Miss Gilbert ;)

Caroline Forbes and Katherine Pierce like this

Damon Salvatore, Klaus Smith and Stefan Salvatore dislike this

Stefan Salvatore: Your Elena? Hahaha!

Elijah Smith: Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought she was when she asked me to kiss her ;)

Stefan Salvatore has logged off

Damon Salvatore to Katherine Pierce

Damon Salvatore: I miss Elena :'(

Katherine Pierce: Oh, get over yourself!

Damon Salvatore: Elijah and Elena…Elejah?

Katherine Pierce: I guess! lol

Damon Salvatore: I hope the vervain is helping

Katherine Pierce: It is….thank u :)

Damon Salvatore: No prob :)

Katherine Pierce: :)

Klaus Smith is excited for tonight! Get ready, Elena ;)

Elena Gilbert, Elijah Smith, Damon Salvatore and 21 other friends dislike this

Elena Gilbert: ur an ass, Klaus

Klaus Smith: Thank u, my lovely

Elijah Smith: :(


Caroline Forbes and Elena Gilbert likes this

Tyler Lockwood: NO, seriously. PLZ Tell me.

Damon Salvatore likes this

Tyler Lockwood: GOD DAMN

Elijah Smith and Elena Gilbert like this

Elijah Smith to Elena Gilbert

Elijah Smith: I'll do what I can to save u :)

Elena Gilbert: I know you will...

Elijah Smith: I can't believe u kissed me earlier :D

Elena Gilbert: :3 u r a good kisser

Elijah Smith: I try my hardest...4 u -

Elena Gilbert: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, me 2

Stefan Salvatore is pissed at Elena for not answering him XxX

Katherine Pierce, Matt Donovan and Klaus Smith likes this

Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Damon Salvatore and Elijah Smith dislike this

Elena Gilbert: ass

Elijah Smith likes this

Elena Gilbert: thanks, E

Klaus Smith the full moon has risen, my dears

Katherine Pierce and Stefan Salvatore likes this

Elijah Smith and Elena Gilbert dislike this

Stefan Salvatore: hey, kat, wanna watch Elena die with me?

Elijah Smith and Elena Gilbert dislike this

Elijah Smith: Elena, I'll hold u until the minute I can't

Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes

Damon Salvatore: I'll be there with u 2 - ILU

Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce like this

Elena Gilbert: Thank u, Damon :D My bestie

Damon Salvatore: Hell yea, Stefan. She likes me moreeeeee

Elena Gilbert likes this

Klaus Smith it is time…

A:N Alright everyone, what did YOU think? I hope you guys like it. Tell me if it's a hit or miss. I'll continue based on the amount of reviews I get XD

Goodnight one and all! - Olivia -