Hello, Hellfox here.

My first Naruto fanfic. Hope this goes well… This fic is is basically a re-telling of the Naruto story but Naruto at a very early age leaves with Jiraiya. The story will diverge to an original plot before and after the chunnin exams.

Well, here it goes…


Proper Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. It rightly belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, as he is the one who rites for Naruto and also illustrates. This story does not intend to infringe upon his work in any way. It is merely made for the use of entertainment, but not commercially.



Cunning of the Sandaime

"So do we all know why I called this meeting", that voice came from none other than the Sandaime Hokage.

"Hokage-sama," the voice of a civilian council member spoke, "Aren't we here to discuss the fate of the Kyuubi child?"

At the mention of the Kyuubi child, the council broke out into whispers.

"He should be executed Hokage-sama!" was the voice of another civilian council member. "He is a demon and should be killed, you Hokage-sama, are the only thing that stands in our way of finishing what the Yondaime started!"

The Sandaime turned his head and looked at the council member who had just spoken

"QUIET EVERYONE!" The voice silenced the whispers throughout the meeting room.

"I have decided that young Naruto will be given a foster parent, or you could say temporary guardian."

The council broke out into yells at this…

"QUIET!" and once again the council was silenced.

"Hokage-sama" this time it was the voice of Danzo who spoke out calmly.

"Please see reason. Why waste this opportunity that the Yondaime has given us. The Yondaime has blessed us with a Jinchuriki. If he is trained at a young age, we can use him as a weapon to keep Konoha's military power strong. We will prove that we are the strongest of the 5 Great Shinobi Nations."

"I agree with Danzo, Hiruzen." This voice was Homaru, a lead member of the council.

At hearing his first name, the Hokage scowled towards Homaru. Homaru met the Sandaime's gaze, then continued.

"There is no reason to waste such an opportunity. We all know the chances of this happening again are slim to none so we should take advantage now." Homaru finished off with a sense of confidence as she saw various members of the civilian part of the council nodded and agreeing with her speech.

"No. This is my final decision"

"If I may interrupt Hokage", this was the voice of Komaru, "as it stands right now the Kyuubi boy is a citizen of Konoha, therefor by the rules of the council, it must be a vote which decides the boys fate. So I believe we should vote does everyone agree.

There were various nods throughout the council room as nearly all the members of the civilian council agreed that a vote was in order. Various members of the ninja council also agreed, but some seemed to be contemplating on the choice.

Now Hiruzen was nervous. In other ninja villages the Kage of the village has full control and only go to their council for advice or if the village is in war time. But now, he was about to lose out. If he didn't think of something, Naruto, the Yondaime's only son who Hiruzen had promised to look after, would become a living weapon for Konoha.

Looking to his left he could barely catch Danzo's smirk. Danzo, a ninja trained and raised in the leaf, also in control of his own sector of Anbu known as Root. If there was anyone to be truly frightened of in the council, it was Danzo.

Then a great idea came to the Sandaime. All he needed to do was manipulate the words that Danzo had previously used.

Just then Homaru spoke, "So I believe it is time for a vote to take effect. Those who want the-"

"Homaru, I have to say this." Hiruzen composed himself before he kept speaking.

"As Hokage I have full control of all military activities which happen in the village. The council has a say in civilian activities and also in activities that affect the security of the village", the Sandaime paused before starting to speak again.

"Naruto is the sole Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and as you said Danzo". Hiruzen turned to Danzo with a slight smirk before turning back to the rest of the council, "He could be a great weapon. He has the potential to be a pillar of strength for Konoha's military, in fact his potential is so great that I believe he is a military factor as he is right now".

If one looked closely one would see a slight frown on Danzo face. It seems he figured out where the Sandaime was going.

"The Kyuubi's power could be unleashed at a moment's notice if an invasion were to be in occurrence, and therefor he is a default part of the military. And as a member of the military, I have full control over the boy and what happens to him".

"WHAT!" was the cry of one council member.

"Hokage! This is unacceptable!" was the cry on another member of the council.

The Sandaime couldn't help but smile at his little accomplishment. He managed to foil Danzo's plan and still affirm his position as Hokage of Konoha, but still, Hiruzen had a terrible feeling that all wasn't done…

"Hokage-sama", the voice of Danzo spoke, "You are absolutely right."

The aged Hokage couldn't believe his ears, was Danzo agreeing with him, HIM of all people?

"But of course it means we must start training him if he truly is to be a military factor, am I right?"

The Hokage once again became slightly nervous. If it was anyone else, it would be no problem but Danzo was tricky, he was sly and manipulative, the aged Hokage knew this and knew also that he couldn't let his guard down, no matter what.

But Danzo was right, his argument left no room for error. It was true that he would have to train the boy young to convince the council that the boy was truly part of the military.

Just then the Hokage had an idea.

"Yes and the only person who can train him in calling upon the Kyuubi's power is Jiraiya, and he is no where to be found", the Hokage said with confidence

There were mumbles about the council as the name Jiraiya of the Sannin was spoken. Everyone knew of his legendary status, and his mastery of sealing jutsu.

"But after the Kyuubi attack I told him to return to Konoha so he should be back very soon." The aged Hokage ended his little speech.

"Hmm… Ah but Hokage you forget", the sly voice of Danzo spoke, "It has been 3 years since the Kyuubi attack and he is no where to be found. I would send Hunter-nins after him myself but you would never allow it. How do you know he will return?"

The Hokage stared at Danzo. He was right, he had no contact with Jiraiya since the day after the Kyuubi attack 3 years ago, and still Jiraiya had not returned. But still the Hokage countered Danzo's argument.

"And so we will wait for him to return" the Hokage spoke.

"And just how long will we wait Hiruzen" it was Homaru who spoke.

"Jiraiya is loyal to Konoha and will always be. I requested that he return and I know he will. So we will wait for him, and that is final!" The Hokage said in a voice that threatened others to try and oppose him.

The voice of a civilian council member spoke up bravely but you could sense the fear in his voice, "Please Hokage-sama. See reason. We can just execute him right now to save us the trou-"…

"SILENCE!" was the voice of the Hokage, "there will be no further arguments, is that understood. Now, this meeting is adjourned." The tone the Hokage spoke in was a tone that silenced any and all counter arguments. The council knew that the Hokage's decision was final and that the meeting was over.

Various council members stood up and left. One by one they filed out until only the Hokage and Shibi Aburame, the head of the Aburame clan, were left in the meeting room.

"Hokage-sama, I hope you have not let your own feelings for the Yondaime's son get in the way of your judgement, but still, I support your decision", the clan head spoke but before he left he turned back and looked at the Hokage.

"Hiashi was very quiet this meeting, more quiet than I've ever seen him", then the Aburame left.

The Sandaime understood. In the Politcal game, there was no better adversary than one Hiashi Hyuuga, the head of the Hyuuga Clan, and if he was silent throughout the whole meeting, it means he was plotting, listening and analyzing the situation and thinking of ways he could bring politics into it to swing any arguments in his way. That is how Hiashi Hyuuga worked and he was quite a dangerous opponent to say the least.

But that was for later. Hiruzen could not help but revel in his small victory today. Through perseverance he was able to ensure that Naruto grow up the way he wanted. He would give the boy to Jiraiya when he arrived, but he would tell Jiraiya exactly what to teach him and what to keep away from him.

'Naruto' the Hokage thought. 'Why must you be both Minato's son and the Kyuubi's jailer?'

The Hokage then rose and left the meeting room. Now he had to resume his position as Hokage. Though only a small victory, it was still a victory and Hiruzen was left in high spirits as he left the council room, though his spirits were crushed when he entered his office, there were meter high stacks of paper work on his desk.

The Hokage sighed and sat down. Then, he returned to his work.