Hi everyone. Um… I guess I should apologize. There have been some things in my life and I've been busy too. So I don't know how much I can make up to you guys since I've kept you waiting and plus my grammar sucks. But you probably knew that.

Anyway, it's almost the last chapter( and by almost I mean like 3 or 4.. somehow it seems like this story is getting longer and longer) so thanks to all my reviewers and fans and to Chelsea. I really need to read her story version of this too, but I haven't even been on recently…

…That's all I have to say about that. Enjoy the long awaited Akako/Hakuba chapter and maybe someone else.. (AAHHHH! SPOILER? :p ) Trust me, this isn't like the normal past 4 dream-like chapter… well maybe it is a little-AH! STOP TRYING TO GET SO MUCH INFORMATION OUT OF ME-SHEESH! … Enjoy =3

(Disclaimer: Original idea created by Chelseaj500)

Akako had been wandering for some time in a desert. Except this desert had a magenta sky and broken clocks and gears hovered in mid-air as if on some other planet. All she could see around her was the wastelands of open rolling hills and it when for miles on.

Akako suddenly went stiff at a howling sound. The sand moved beneath her feet and her eyes flicked back and forth around her. Something is coming, she thought. The howling sound deafened and the air around her grew cold.

Under her breath, Akako muttered an incantation and her staff appeared floating in front of her. She grabbed it and spun around on her toes ready to face any threat, but still nothing was noticeably dangerous. She stood completely motionless and she could hear nothing except for a faint ringing in her head.

Akako narrowed her eyes and slowly started to scan the base of the sand. Suddenly out of the soundless desert a loud rumbling came and a screech pierced Akako's ears. She took one hand from her staff to hold her head. It was an unearthly sound from more of a creature than a regular animal.

The solid ground of sand behind Akako suddenly shot up into the air behind her and showered over her head and with a swift movement she bounced back into a turned to see a enormous worm-like thing slid into the ground she was standing in.

Akako slid back on the sand and took a firm position as the ground below her still quaked and she watched the sand intensely around her, expecting the thing to try to take a bit of her again.

As expected the Worm arose from beside her and she watched for a horrified moment as it lunged at her, but she quickly dodged and skidded back on her heels to watch the monster slowly look away. It's teeth were long and crooked and longer than its mouth could hold. It was blind with no eyes but it hissed and the sensors on it neck flared out into spiked. It was green and it snorted and hissed at Akako. A Draako, Akako thought and the monster screamed a deafening sound before taking a second lung at Akako with its jaws open wide. But this time Akako muttered and spell and waved her staff across its path and the Draako head was snapped backwards and its body was uprooted from the sand it hid in to the other side of the plain they stood on.

Akako had a moment to strategize, but her thoughts only wanted to ask questions. What was a magical creature doing in Hakuba's soul? Draako's were known to take hold of souls and manipulate and breed until the soul was corrupted into a insane state of sickness. And eventually the host would die off.

Hakuba in no way had ever had any of these symptoms to Akako's knowledge and it was indeed curious how well the Draako seemed to know how to deal with their prey.

Akako glared at the beast again as it slid its way into a tall position and howled into the sky and dived back down into the sand digging a new hole in its tracks. From what Akako knew about Draako's they were blind, but they had small pores all over their body that could smell their prey from miles away. And their appetite usually hungered for human souls.

Akako stood still and had a spell in mind to take it out one it showed itself again. It was ancient dark magic that would subdue the Draako into a state of paralysis. She could have a better chance of finding the rest of its pack and exterminating it that way.

A loud pounding suddenly started up around Akako and before she could even determine what the monsters location it's jaws were wide and open above Akako as the ground beneath her disappeared and the darkness the Draako's stomach lie below. Akako felt her body weigh down into the its mouth for a brief second before arms shot out from behind her and wrapped around her waist and she instead on falling into the Draako she was sucked back into a rectangular sized shape and darkness enveloped her body until she finally felt and breeze and intense amount of sunlight burned her eyes and she fell back onto a hard object.

Akako rolled over and to her surprise Hakuba lay underneath her rubbing his head and wincing. Akako looked at him curiously as she lifted herself off him and waiting for him to sit upright into a sitting position.

"You're alive," Akako said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Yes, or this is just a terrible dream. That would still be the same answer though," Hakuba stated matter-of-factly while looking up at her.

Akako took a glance around and realized that she was now on a small sailboat in the middle of a vast and seemingly endless ocean. "Why are you on a boat?" Akako asked.

"Last thing I remember was my chest," Hakuba paused and his hand hovered over his heart and he clenched his clothes into his fist, "It was like my heart was being ripped out."

"It was your soul," Akako added

"My soul," Hakuba said questioningly and after a while he said, "I still don't understand any of this."

Akako sighed, "Not everything is math and science in the world and not everything can be solved with simple deductions based on it. Magic exists too and you need to come to terms with that." Akako said fiercely.

"Oh, trust me. I've come to terms. You may not have realized, but I've been in here for longer than a human mind can perceive and I don't age. I don't need to eat or sleep. It's been approximately 7 years, 2 months, 18 days, and almost 11 hours." Hakuba stood up and held his teeth together and his eyes looked like they had experienced too much for a lifetime.

Akako went a bit silent at this. She had known that in the soul things are drawn out in terms of time and although it really hasn't been that long it might as well be here, "Something's wrong here though," Akako furrowed her eyebrows and looked away from Hakuba's gaze after a moment.

"What do you mean?" Hakuba asked.

"You should be in a trance-like sleep. You can't possibly be conscious this deep into yourself it's just not natural. And how did you know how where I was and how to save me from the Draakos?" Akako pondered looking back at him with suspicion.

"Draakos? You mean the worms? They are simple to track and I've learned their hunting styles all too well. They howl when hunting-except," Hakuba paused, "I'm the only thing with a soul to hunt in this place."

"That still doesn't explain how you managed to save me the way you did. How exactly-?"

"With this," Hakuba interrupted her before she could finish and he pulled his pocket watch from his tethered jacket and clicked it open. A light sprang open and circulated around the instruments of the pocket watch and each gear and hand on the clock glittered with unimaginable beauty. Even the sun seemed darker in this light and Akako leaned in closer to take a look.

"All the clocks in this place seem to be connected through time and space. With a simple thought and touch I can be pulled through to the place I wish to go. Except this trick cannot be used to get back to the real world. I can also see through the watches and when I saw you I almost thought you were Kimiko."

Akako's eyes shot up to look at Hakuba, "Kimiko?" She exclaimed and Hakuba looked back at her.

"Yes," Hakuba paused when he saw Akako's face growing paler and closed the watch, "Why?"

"I thought I she was dead," Akako stated with a far off gaze and sweat developing on her brow, "How do you know she's alive?"

"I remember her face when she ripped out my soul and ever since I've been here there has only been one time that I ran into her. She was in a forest on a small island. One minute she was there and I saw her face, but she didn't see me and she ran off. I tried to pursue her, but she was gone before I knew it."

Akako ran her fingers through her hair, "Where? Take me to where this island was?

Hakuba watched her for a moment as she walked across the boat, "Before that Koizumi-san, I need to ask you something." Before waiting for a reply Hakuba said, "Is this place a reflection of just my own soul?"

Akako looked back pondering his face for a moment, "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Hakuba seemed to have a revelation look in his eyes as if the last missing piece to a puzzle was just pushed to its rightful place, "Than everything would make sense," Hakuba said, "For these past years I've seen my old memories-good and bad. I've visited places that I've been to before in the real world and somehow this place combines them all into a twisted labyrinth. But there are places in here I have never seen and the Draako are something that doesn't add up to my memories."

Akako's eyes widened and she remembered how she had to extract each of their souls from Kimiko herself and place them back into their bodies. Could I have-? Akako asked herself. "Kimiko's soul must have somehow attached to yours and I didn't notice. That would make perfect sense if what you're saying is true." Akako said and looked up to Hakuba.

"How do we fix this then? Are you planning on killing her?" Hakuba asked.

"She destroyed her body herself. Technically she is already dead and I cannot change that." Akako glanced away at the ocean waves for a moment.

"Does that mean-?"

"No," Akako interrupted already knowing what Hakuba would ask, "Your soul was forcibly removed and your body is not damaged. I came to save for the purpose of returning you to your body."

Hakuba smirked a bit, "How generous of you to give me the honor of having such a noble rescue."

Akako laughed placing the tips of her fingers over her mouth, "Don't get so cocky, I still have the power to enslave you again if I want." She smiled at him.

"You wouldn't have to enslave me with a beauty such a yours," Hakuba smiled back, "And besides I'd think you would owe me the favor as I am taking you to the island Kimiko is at."

"Well put," Akako smiled and glanced Hakuba up and down, "You're not as mental disturbed as I first thought you would be after 7 years of this world." Akako stated and Hakuba shrugged.

"It comes as a side effect from being a detective." Hakuba pulled out his pocket watch and clicked it open. He held out his other hand to Akako and the light from the watch illuminated his face, "Coming then?"

Akako started for a moment, but looked back up to his eyes with a slight chuckle and a sinister smirk, "You're quite a mystery yourself, aren't you Saguru-kun?"

She grabbed onto his hand and with a simple twist Hakuba twisted her arm and his over her head and grabbed onto her waist so they were close together in each other's arms, "it's been said."

The light spun from the watch and wrapped itself around them until it finally enveloped their entire beings and they vanished into the space that can't even be seen between atoms.

Honestly, I had an idea of where I was going to take this and how it was going to end, but now it's like OH! ADD THIS! And OH! ADD THAT! And next thing I know this story is going to be another 4 chapters long.

Really, I don't know what to do with myself. It's like a sick obsession and addiction to writing that sometimes I just wish I could quit because it's so much WORK!

And I shouldn't have made this chapter so short considered how the next chapters are planned out in my head right now, but I'm just going to take it step-by-step like I always have.

Anyway, Min'na-san I hope you'll hang in there until the end.

Quote: "I will also show you a sweet dream next night" –Vampire Knight