Ljubazna Osoba
Chapter 1
Thank you for riding Nihon Airlines, we hope you enjoyed the time you stayed with us during the flight…
A beautiful brunette clutched her shoulder bag as she passed by the said stewardess who greeted her as she walked out of the plane…
Accompanying her are her two close blonde bodyguards, namely Shiki and Narumi, the men who had the stewardess going crazy while on the plane…..
The moment her expensive black pumps touched Japan's ground….she sighed
" Mikan ojou sama, are you all right?" Shiki asked
" Mikan sama, we could go back to the forbidden continent if it's too hard for you…." Narumi added
She looked at them and smiled a lifeless smile "Thank you guys, I'm fine really, I'm just a little tired, would you mind if we just sit in one of the benches there?….." She pointed one in the corner
" Of course, Mikan sama…." Shiki replied quickly
They walked through the bench and Narumi told her to stay there since he will buy her an orange juice while Shiki will call her family to announce her arrival and for their bodyguards to pick them up…..
She allowed them, then lazily sat on the bench and looked at the window….
My name is Mikan Sakura Yukihara, 20 years old, I am the youngest among all of the siblings in our family, I have three brothers, a graduate from the most famous and most dangerous Alice Academy, which was located at the " Forbidden Continent " a place that wasn't drawn in any map of the world, mainly because it was just newly discovered by some officials and the mafia….
Yes, I belong to the family of a famous Japanese Mafia or what you call Yakuza. And my family is at the top rank as always and is always at that place ever since the dawn of time…. We have lots of negotiations not only in Japan, but in the whole world as well, and that includes communications in other mafias in the world, we can even ask assistance from our partners if we had to….. but thankfully, it never happened…..
Because I'm the daughter of a famous Mafia and successor of the East part of our business and tradition, I was forced to be isolated from my family and train in that cursed " Forbidden Continent " It's a beautiful place at first, but no one knows what lies beneath that dreadful place. It's a place where the children of the underworld such as me, are trained, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, additional lessons are manners and sophistication, as a result, we become professional best trained assassins any family would be proud of….. a place that can bring pride to oneself…
But did anyone tell the world how many people died there because of trauma and nightmares? About how many nights you're sleepless just because you're scared? Knowing that no one will be there to comfort you? That you don't have any support? That no one will be there to heal you if you're hurt? No, the world didn't know how hard and harsh the training in there, you're a lucky one if you survived there alive and normal. And those people are the strong one's , those who have determination, those who have hope, and those who are born to lead and cannot put their family name in shame such as me, as for others, either they come back dead or already at the brink of insanity…..
But I don't feel sorry for myself, since my brothers also experienced the same thing during their stay at the said place….
I was forced to go there ever since I was 10 years old, you might be wondering why I don't feel any happiness since I was isolated from my family for 10 years….I probably should be happy and squealing like a pig from excitement, I should be expecting lots of hugs and kisses , I should be euphoric since I'm coming home at last…
Because all I'm feeling now is ANGER, LONELINESS, HURT, AND LOSS OF HOPE
Remembering it makes my heart ache so much…..
I still remembered the night that I received that call…that dreadful call from Japan…..
Flashback: In the Alice Academy Dorms 7:00 pm
I was very happy at that time, so happy that I cannot explain how happy I am since I graduated this morning, not to mention I also got awards from the academy, that means, no more trainings and missions, and no more scary nights…..
I called my family to attend my graduation, but they said that something came up and that they really can't come, not that it mattered to me, but they said they will send Narumi and Shiki to witness my graduation….
What really mattered to me most is that I really wanted to see Kyoshiro, my half-brother, the man that I secretly love so much. I want him to show my awards, and thank him for all the things that he did to me, mainly for inspiring me, and being there for me when I need him. He is my light, if I'm even more honest to myself, I could say, that he is the main reason why I was still alive and normal, why I managed to survive those life threatening missions that the academy gave, why I'm not scared whenever I experience nightmares and traumas, why I managed to be successful in the fields that I'm interested in, why I kept on working hard to be the best successor in one of the lines in the Yukihara family business estate….
Because I know I will hear his voice every night….
Yes, I entered in a mess called " forbidden love "…
He always calls me every night, to share some short news about what's happening and the like, his jokes, his laughter, and his love made me survive here, I always do my best since I know that I will hear his voice everynight, that I will talk to him, that I will speak to him, that he will cheer me again, this had been going on during my 10 years stay in the academy….
But last night, he didn't call…
And that bothered me immensely, since he never fails to call me everynight, and that gave me a very bad feeling, even my instincts told me that something bad happened in there…..
But I set that aside since my graduation is very soon, I just thought that maybe he'll surprise me and then give me sweet hugs and kisses…..I even blushed at that time, thinking how his lips will feel against my soft cheeks…..
I asked Narumi and Shiki this morning, about my Kyoshiro's whereabouts, but they said I'll find it out later ….this freaked me out a little though, but I can't show it since my classmates are greeting me as well as my friends, I cannot disappoint them, especially my best friend Hotaru, by showing a worried face….
And now, it's 7:00 pm, and I received not a single call from him yet…..
I was getting worried….
I waited patiently for almost an hour when I heard my phone ring
I quickly picked it up and with pure happiness in my voice, I answered my phone
" Hello, Mikan Yukihara speaking!" I said excitedly
" Mikan chan?"
My face fell a bit, it's not Kyoshiro, it's my second brother Tsubasa, I felt my excitement drain away, as a result, I answered him in a formal voice…
" Yes it's me Oni-chan…."
" What's with the sudden change of voice? A second ago, you were so happy and now, you're so formal? Care to tell me why?" He asked, I can feel he's pouting on the other line
I just rolled my eyes " Ok brother, now you know I graduated alive and normal, can you please tell me what you want so that I can sleep early? If you're going to tell me that I should get my ass back there, I will, don't worry…"
She heard a laugh in the other line
But she noticed that he's laugh is so bitter…so….lifeless…..like something bad happened…
" You guessed it right, we want you back here ASAP….dearest sister… something happened here….the main reason why I and our other brothers were forced to come back immediately…."
She suddenly clutched her chest, she was having that weird feeling again…..a very very bad feeling…..
She heard a long sigh coming from the other line
" You see…..Mikan…..I don't know how to tell this to you…..and I'm not sure how you will react but….it's about Kyoshiro….."
Her eyes widened " Why what happened to her beloved Kyoshiro?" she asked mentally to herself, preparing for what's going to come…
She heard him exhale on the other line….
" You see…. Kyoshiro is dead…he died in a car accident last night…."
Silence followed after that
Kyoshiro is DEAD…..
At that moment, Mikan's world stopped…
No time had stopped….for her…..
She accidentally dropped her phone ignoring her brother on the line
" Mikan! Mikan! Are you alright! Please answer me!" Tsubasa yelled hysterically on the other line….
"Mikan! Mikan! Please talk to me!"
But Mikan just stood there, she was frozen on the spot, she can't move any muscle, not one bit, she was looking blankly at the wall across her….
Her brother kept on yelling on the other line, but she seemed deaf…
Her other roommates were bothered by the commotion that they dashed to her room..
Hotaru opened the door, she was about to scold her since they need to sleep for the night in order to prepare for tomorrow…..
When Hotaru and the others roamed their eyes, they found Mikan frozen on the spot, her eyes looked so empty, that she almost looked like a real mannequin….
Then they noticed a hysterical voice of the man who kept on talking to her phone, annoyed, Hotaru answered it….
" Hello, this is Hotaru Imai, Mikan's best friend, can you call back tomorrow? My friend her seems not to be in the state to converse with someone….thank you and have a good night…" She said coldly , then she pressed the end button
" Mikan, what happened?" Hotaru asked worriedly as she looked back at Mikan
No response
Anna, her other friend shook her shoulders, but she wouldn't budge….
Hotaru even used her Baka gun at her, but still, she didn't budge
Nonoko, her other friend also, splashed a bucket of water at her, but she still has no response…..
Her roommates are getting hysterical, tension can be felt in the room…
Hotaru, being worried at her slapped her countless of times, and by the 7th time, Mikan felt pain on her cheeks that she moved her eyes at her….
Hotaru and the others were relieved
Suddenly her empty hazel orbs were filled with tears…. Without any further ado, she crashed herself to Hotaru, then cried loudly on her chest
" Hotaru! Kyoshiro! He's… He's….. He's…He's dead! He died in a car accident yesterday night!"
All of them are dumbfounded
Then within moments, they began to symphatize with her, especially Hotaru who is rubbing her back
All of them knew that Mikan is close to her brother Kyoshiro, and for him to die unexpectedly, especially the night before her graduation, is something that is very painful for her to handle…..Kyoshiro is the reason why Mikan is cheerful and strong despite their darkened days in the academy, and is influencing Mikan to scatter that majestic warmth…. if Mikan is their light in the academy, then Kyoshiro is Mikan's light in her life, and for him to die like that…they cannot imagine what will it be like…
Especially for Hotaru, for she knew that her bestfriend is secretly in love with her brother, not just a sibling love, but more than that….. she loved her brother as a…man…..and always deluding herself that she's his lover….Although she wants to smack her bestfriend for doing that, and although she wants to stop her as soon as possible because she slowly digs her own grave, she doesn't have the heart to do so, especially seeing Mikan happy just because of those false assumptions and realities…..She knew that Mikan is not insane, but she just can't pull herself away from her own "forbidden love life…." And now, it started to cost her…..
After a couple of hours, Hotaru and the others leaved her so she can have time for herself…..
Hotaru just called Narumi and Shiki to fix her things, and prepare her clothes for tomorrow, because seeing the situation now, she might not be able to do those things ….
Mikan ran to the bathroom where she cried and cried, she didn't know how long it took her, but the moment she went out of the bathroom, it's still dark…. She looked at her watch, it read 12:45 am…
She slumped herself on the bed and looked at the ceiling, she decided that she'll go home there ASAP, since that's what she's planning to do anyway, actually, her original plan was to take things easily and go home after 2 days…..
But knowing her "brother/lover" died, she cannot appreciate anything anymore…
She didn't notice that her sparkling eyes are turning blank and empty and dull…
And the next day, Mikan's friend's and classmates decided to have a miniparty that morning before they go and went on to their lives, they tried to make each other happy, especially Mikan, and although she's laughing, her eyes looked empty and sad…
At 11:00 am, the party finished and they bid each other's goodbye….. Actually, most of them went to the airport, Mikan's other friends are going for vacation in Europe, while Hotaru went to US because her brother needed her there for awhile….. Hence, they all boarded different planes….
End of flashback
"And now, I arrived her, late in the afternoon….." She thought sadly
" Mikan sama?"
She looked at the direction of the voice and saw Narumi holding a bottle of orange juice
" Here…" Narumi gave her the bottle
" Thanks….." She said then opened the lid of the bottle then drank the juice…
She drank a few then put the lid back
" Mikan chan?"
She looked at the direction where she heard the voice of her brother Tsubasa
Tsubasa came running on her, he was wearing a navy blue suit that matched the color of his spiky hair, and with him is her third brother Yoichi, wearing a grey suit that also matched his hair and complemented his teal eyes, was also running towards her….
Tsubasa hugged her immediately and held her for a second then released her , he scrutinized her , admiration was seen on his eyes " God, Mikan chan, you look very very beautiful!"
She tried to make her smile lively, but failed " Thanks Onii chan…."
Tsubasa noticed this and his eyes showed sadness
" Your eyes looked very empty " Yoichi pointed bluntly but enveloped her in a warm hug as well
Mikan was a bit appalled of herself, she disappointed her brothers because of her selfish mourning, but she can't help it, her light was taken from her…..
She bowed " I'm sorry about my behavior Onii chan….." She said sincerely
" We understand Mikan, don't worry…." Tsubasa said
"Let's go now Mikan, Dad wants to see you…. We can talk while having dinner, it's been a while since we've been together….." Yoichi said
Mikan's eyes twitched when she heard " Dad …"
Yoichi sighed " Mikan, Dad is already regretting the way he treated Kyoshiro before….cut him off some slack will you? And hear his side…."
Mikan looked at the floor
" Okay, let's go…..we can talk later…Big brother Rei is already waiting in the car…" Tsubasa said to break the tension
Mikan looked up " Big brother Rei is here too?" She asked in surprise
" Of course, Kyoshiro is our brother too, how can we not go home altogether?" Yoichi replied
They walked towards the limo, where a chauffer opened the car for them, they went inside, and there, they found Shiki and the eldest son of the Yukihara family: Rei Yukihara who was wearing a dark blueviolet suit, he has a dark black spiky hair and bluish black eyes…
Rei looked pleased the moment he set his eyes on his siblings, he looked at his brothers then looked at his sister, then he's eyes shown admiration the moment he landed his eyes on his sister…..
" Mikan chan, you looked so beautiful…" He said as he smiled
She bowed " Nice to see you again Onii chan….."
He nodded " Come inside, it's getting cold out there…"
They all went inside the limousine…..
As Mikan was relaxing on her seat and looking silently at the tainted glass, her brother Rei gave her the shock of her life…..
" Mikan, I want to express my deepest sorry for Kyoshiro's death…" He started
She looked at him " We all are brother…"
" Ah…..yes, of course, but you're the one who is utterly at lost…dear sister…" He said playfully as he silently sipping his wine
Mikan looked at him…." What do you mean?"
Rei looked at her in the eye " You know exactly what I'm talking about….."
Tsubasa and Yoichi got confused by this…
" Stop talking in riddles and spill it out Onii chan!" Yoichi said impatiently
He smirked " Yo-chan, you're still as impatient as ever, I guess the South branch didn't do you any good…."
" Don't sidetrack us brother…." Tsubasa intervened
Rei looked at Mikan, even though Mikan is acting normal on the outside, on the inside she was panicking. He looked at her
" Our brothers are asking Mikan, you want me to spill it?" He said
She just looked blankly at him
" Well?" Tsubasa and Yoichi said together
"You see, Mikan is secretly in love with our half-brother Kyoshiro, not just a sibling love, more than that actually, she loves him not just a brother but as a man…..in short, as a lover….." He said calmly
Tsubasa and Yoichi widened their eyes, as well as Narumi and Shiki, then looked at her who just bowed her head
" !"
" Mikan, are you out of your mind! " Tsubasa barked at her
" That's forbidden you dumbo!" Yoichi screamed angrily at her
" Onii chan, how could you allow her insanity get worse!" Tsubasa barked to his brother again
" He's right brother!" Yoichi followed " This is outrageous! It can taint the Yukihara family name! Can you imagine what will father say about this!" He added
" Calm down you two…" Rei calmly explained
" But-" Yoichi and Tsubasa intervened
Rei glared at his brothers
They both silenced themselves
" Now, as I was saying, calm down, Mikan has a reason for her actions…..right?" Then he looked at her
" Yes, I did , I know loving Kyoshiro Onii chan is forbidden, but…" She didn't finish her sentence as she can feel her voice shaking
Rei understood this " Then you wouldn't mind letting me tell them my observations then? I don't mind if you object me in my observations…."
" Well, you see, since all of us are busy, we have no time, I mean, we call her how many times? Once a month? And we can't even meet in the academy since meeting other years are forbidden….And who does the calling of safety and easiness at her? It's none other than Kyoshiro, just by the phone, he was able to take care of her, to support her in her endeavors, not to mention he was the only one who plays with her before she was sent to the academy. He, serving as her light in the academy, is really something, I wouldn't be surprised if she fell in love with him ….Am I right?" he said as he looked at her
She just nodded
Yoichi and Tsubasa were dumbstruck, then they looked guilty, while Narumi and Shiki just understood the situation and kept silent
"Now, you guys, Dad doesn't know any of these, and neither did Mikan do anything to show her forbidden love to Kyoshiro, so I suggest, we kept to ourselves what we heard as of now….." Rei concluded
Mikan looked at him a bit of happiness was seen in her eyes
Rei patted her head " It's alright Mikan, I understand, we had missed your growth, and I kept on blaming myself because I didn't take care of you properly, we really had a huge debt on you, so keeping this secret is the only way that I can repay you a little at least…."
Mikan cried as her brother embraced her " Thank you Rei Onii chan…"
" Don't worry Mi-chan, we won't spill this to dad. Right Yoichi?" Tsubasa whispered
Yoichi nodded sincerely
Mikan smiled a genuine smile " Thanks guys! I love you!"
" And that includes the both of you!" Rei pointed at Shiki and Narumi
They were hesitant at first
" Do it or else, you'll die horribly….." Yoichi warned dangerously at them
They nodded quickly….
Rei, Tsubasa, and Yoichi knew that this is not right, keeping secrets from their father, that's the main reason why their father hated their mother Yuka, because she had been keeping a secret relationship when he's not around, eversince that day, their father strictly commanded that there should be no secrets in their family no matter how personal it is, that is their no.1 rule, and now, they are breaking it…
But what the heck! They love their sister so much, and they treasure her, despite their distant relationship, and they are willing to face their father's wrath, if ever he finds out about Mikan's dreadful secret…..
This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it!
Don't worry, Natsume and Ruka will soon come in the story...
Please review!