DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter doesn't belong to me

Thank you for all the lovely reviews! And to all my new followers hello! I've decided to continue this one over my others for now so at least I'll be close to finishing one and then I can do the others on the side but for now this will be my main fan fiction to write!

Sorry this wasn't up earlier I had my 21st in the 18th :) it's a special time :P had to celebrate me surviving that long!

"What I wouldn't give for Harry's invisible cloak" murmured Hermione with a slight pout as she slowly glanced around the corner in the dark hallway.

Neville laughed "with how he's been following us around lately I'll be surprised if he's not under the cloak following us now".

Hermione shifted uncomfortably as she glared at Neville, her eyes moving around their surroundings carefully just incase she could see a slight shift in the air.

"You're going to make me paranoid" she whispered harshly as Neville rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, you must have noticed the way they keep staring at us all when we're together, it's like they're trying to work out what's going on" Seamus snickered behind his hand as Dean slapped the back of his head.

"Be nice" Dean muttered as his gaze roamed their surroundings just in case.

Hermione took in a deep breath "oh" she murmured "what if we get caught?"

Neville, Seamus and Dean all gaped at her in disbelief "you've never followed the rules in any of the others years and never been caught then but you're worried now?"

Hermione huffed and crossed her arms, her chin tilting upwards in defence "Umbridge wasn't after out blood then and I had Harry's cloak".

The three boys shrugged and decided it best not to say anything as they silently followed her through the dark hallways.

It was nearly 3am on the night of the full moon and Hermione was nervously making her way to the Forbidden Forest with her friends. They had yet to collect Luna who was waiting for them beside the large front doors.

"Guys" she whispered loudly when the annoying chattering of the three boys reached her ears "the plan is to not get caught! And you're loud chattering is not going to help us in the matter".

"Sorry Hermione" was heard from all boys as they looked down ashamed.

Hermione rolled her eyes in amusement "come on, sooner we get out sooner we get in".

"Hey" Seamus suddenly laughed as they made their way to the large front doors where Luna's silvery hair could be seen in the light of the moon "imagine if any of the adults become Guardians!"

Hermione rolled her eyes as the boys suddenly started laughing "it's plausible" was all she replied as she hugged Luna who was nodded in agreement.

"What?" Dean spluttered.

Luna sent Hermione an amused look before turning to the boys "not everyone thinks of sex all the time".

"Yeah but . . ." Seamus stuttered "they're old!" he looked disgusted at the thought.

Neville snorted as he glanced around "come on everyone we have to hurry".

Hermione nodded and all of them pushed on the large doors, slipping out of the small gap that was left.

"Wasn't that a bit too convenient?" Hermione murmured.

"Why do you say that?" Neville asked as they all ran across the wet grass, wet from the cold air.

When they reached the dark looming forest they all paused for breath, Hermione took a deep breath of air as her gaze flickered across the grounds "why weren't the doors closed? It's a full moon, you would think they would lock the castle up just incase".

Luna seemed to contemplate it "you don't think one of the students is a werewolf do you? Maybe they left it open so they could sneak in during the morning?"

Dean who was know deep in thought shook his head "makes no sense, they would lock it up and just open it for them . . . plus I think Hermione would know if there was another werewolf in Hogwarts" he glanced towards her "right?" he asked unsure.

Hermione shrugged "not really, I know all of the symptoms and ways of finding out if there was one but I've not truly paid any attention this year" she tapped her chin as she turned to walk in the forest "plus I've not snuck out until now" she grinned cheekily at them and they all laughed.

They continued to slowly walk through the dark forest, only lighting their wands enough that they could walk on the uneven ground but not enough that something in the forest would see the light and sought them out.

The further into the forest they got the tall the trees became and the darker their surroundings seem to become. They would all jump and gaze around when the smallest of noises sounded through out the forest.

Hermione took a shuddering breath and let it out slowly, she could see the cold breath in front of her like fog rolling and rising into the air. She nervously licked her suddenly too dry lips and paused "we need to find somewhere we can see the moon, like a small clearing if we can". She saw the others nod from the corner of her eyes "but don't split up, whatever you do well all stick together".

"Okay" Seamus, Dean and Neville muttered whilst Luna moved closer to her and squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"There should be one not far from here" Luna spoke, her voice quiet and soothing "I came across it when I was feeding the Thestrals".

Hermione nodded "think you could take us there?"

"Of course" Luna smiled as she blinked her wide eyes at her best friend "this way" she tugged on Hermione who nodded towards the others before allowing Luna to drag her forwards.

It was another five minutes of walking before they saw the glow of the moonlight between the trees. When they stepped out of the trees and into the clearing, it was larger then Hermione had expected, there was a small pond in the middle of the clearing that had rocks and lovely flowers surrounding it. Hermione felt herself being drawn towards the pond and let go of Luna's hand as she moved closer to it.

"It's beautiful" she murmured in awe as she watched the moonlight reflect of the barely moving water, she could see some time of animal swimming in the crystal clear water and sat on one of the large rocks surrounding the pond to watch them. She was unsure on what they were, they looked like fairies but she had never heard of a fairy that could stay under the water for so long.

She leant over the rock so she could reach forwards letting her hand hover over the clear water. She let out a slight laugh of awe when one the creatures reached up from the water, its tiny hand barely touching her own before it ducked back under the water and moved towards its friends.

"Naiads" she giggled as she leant her body on the rock and crossed her arms so she could rest her chin on them.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Luna asked with a smile as she watched the wonder on her friends face.

Hermione pushed herself up and nodded at Luna "I wish I knew this was here sooner, it's such a beautiful place".

Luna nodded as she settle on to one of the small rocks beside Hermione's "I did think for a while to bring you here, after learning of your elemental magic I believe the nymphs may be the best to teach you or help you gain some control over your elements. Though I only know of the Naiads they may be able to tell you where there are others" she shrugged and glanced up at the moon.

"We need to wait for it to be in the centre of the clearing" Hermione smiled as she followed Luna's gaze "we may have a bit of a wait ahead of us though".

Neville who had now sat on the same rock as Luna shrugged "we don't mind" he smirked at Seamus and Dean who seated themselves on another rock, all of them taking up a third of the pond "I know for a fact that those two brought food and drink".

Seamus laughed "I'm a growing boy" he patted his stomach "I didn't know how long we're be and thought it best to bring some".

Dean nodded "course as soon as we mentioned Mione's name the elves went wild and started putting so many food into our bags that we could probably feed a small army" he sent a cheeky wink at Hermione who rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Well let's have a picnic then" Luna clapped her hands in joy "oh" she stared off into no where "I've always wanted to have a picnic with my friends under the moonlight".

Neville placed his arms around his soul mate and pulled her back to his chest. He smiled down at her as she looked up and they exchanged a soft kiss that made Hermione slightly jealous of their love. She let out a sigh and lay back on her rock, her eyes following the Naiads who seemed to glow under the moonlight.

She briefly glanced up to accept the water bottle Seamus was offering her with a smile of gratitude before she stared at the water in the bottle. She glanced at Neville and Luna who were eating a cookie together and then to Seamus and Dean who seemed to talking about something quietly before she unscrewed the lid off the bottle and poured a small amount of water into a cupped palm of her hand.

She placed the bottle down beside her on the rock before cupping both hands beside each other and allowing the water to stay in her hands like a bowl. She stared at the water and willed it to float from her palms. Nothing happened for what felt like minutes, she continued to stare at the water in her palms until she felt it. The warmth of her magic seemed to float through her body every time she called forth an element.

She watched as the water moved, it lifted itself from her palm and hovered there. She let herself smile in excitement but didn't look away from the water as she removed her hands from beneath the floating water. She briefly registered that her hands were dry as though the water had never touched them. She pictured in her mind what she wanted to do with the water and narrowed her eyes in concentration. She felt a strange thrill travel through her body when the water shaped itself into a circle.

It was like a large raindrop hovering in midair but she could see the water moving around, she couldn't help herself when she pushed forwards slightly off the rock and reached out a finger to tap the circle. She blinked at the strangeness of the situation when her finger just slid into the circle but didn't burst.

She removed her finger and was amazed that it was dry "curious" she murmured as she gazed at it.

"That's awesome" she heard someone whisper and her concentration was broke, she winced when the circle of water burst and water showered down onto the peaceful pond.

She glanced over to Seamus who was looking sheepish "Sorry" he winced and Hermione laughed shaking her head.

"Don't be" she couldn't drop the smile off her face "that was . . ." she shrugged and shook her head slowly.

"Awesome?" added Neville with a goofy smile. Luna elbowed him playfully as Hermione pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes jokingly.

"How did it feel?" Luna asked curiously.

"Warm" Hermione said with a smile in her friend's direction. She glanced down at the pond, her eyes following the water nymphs as they moved much quicker through the water as though trying to understand what disturbed their calm.

She reached down her hand barely touching the moving water and willed it to calm, when it did she bit her lip and spoke to the Naiads "I am sorry to have disturbed your peacefulness" she said quietly. They moved around her hand lightly brushing it every so often, she felt their forgiveness through the simple touch. Pulling her hand back to her side the placed the lid on the bottle and glanced up at the sky.

"Time to do this" she muttered as she saw the moon close to the centre of the sky.

She glanced to her friends "can you all stand in the forest just a little away, I don't know what will happen and I'd rather you all be safe and unharmed".

Luna nodded as they all stood up "we'll stand behind the trees".

Dean nodded "and summon a shield if need be".

Hermione smiled gratefully and sat up on the rock, she glanced up at the moon just as her friends left the clearing. She couldn't see or hear them and she suddenly felt alone. "Okay" she murmured to herself and she frowned at the pond, she needed to be beneath the moon and the pond was beneath it. "Well either learn to walk on water Hermione or you gonna get wet" she muttered to herself.

She took off her shoes and pulled out her wand, she waved it over her jumper and jeans and changed it into a white dress that reached her knees. She hoped the pond wasn't as deep that it would go above her knees and drench her dress, she realised she could just use a drying spell after leaving the pond but didn't fancy standing in wet clothes for long. Shrugging she rolled her shoulders and slid her wand down the front of her dress just between her breasts so she wouldn't lose it or have to leave it on the rock with her shoes.

She sat at the edge of the rock and grimaced "I'm sorry for this Naiads, please forgive me for disturbing your peace" she slid of the rock slowly, sucking in a breath when her feet slid into the pond. She expected it to be ice cold like the air but was pleasantly surprised that it was warm. She sucked in another breath upon realising how high the water was. When her feet touched the bottom of the pond the water was level with her waist.

Hermione frowned but moved slowly to the middle of the pond, there was a small stone that once she stood on it made her centre of the pond and the clearing and just beneath the moon.

She felt the Naiads swim around her, she felt their soft touches as they moved passed her and knew they were seeing if she meant them harm or not. She felt the water warm up and knew they were allowing her to stay in the pond.

"Thank you" she whispered before she glanced up at the moon "I don't know how to do this" she called out before shaking her head and pulling her wand out again, she cast a silencing charm around the clearing hoping her friends would be safe until she could take it down.

"Okay" she said when she placed the wand back down her dress "I've followed what the book said and I know I'm supposed to do oath but oaths are usually between people or beings" she glanced around the clearing before moving her eyes towards the moon again "Please" she whispered "I need your help, I'm not asking for much" she frowned "I just want them safe, I can't lose anyone else".

She felt a warm wind surround her; it flew through her long hair making it sway. She let out a breath and smiled "Thank you for at least listening to me" she paused "I read about the Guardians of Elementals and I invoke the right to use my power to create these Guardians, to save the ones I love, to allow them to protect themselves and their loved ones if need be".

"I'm not asking this to be selfish, I wouldn't ask if there wasn't a reason. I'm afraid!" she called out to the air "I'm afraid I may not be of this world for long and I'm afraid to leave them behind! Defenceless!" she could feel herself getting desperate and bit her lip, her eyes filling with tears "I don't know what else to do, I've lost my heart and I can't survive without it" she lifted a wet hand from the water to her chest "I'll happily give up everything for them to be safe, please I beg of you! Use all I am to help them, I will freely give up my magic to make sure they survive this war!"

She felt the wind pick up again, it rushed towards her making her eyes water, it took her breath away as her hair flew behind her.

"Do you, Elemental, allow us to choose who is worthy to be a Guardian?" an unearthly voice echoed around the clearing.

Her eyes filled with grateful tears as she nodded "I do" she spoke quietly.

"Do you, Elemental, allow us to decide which powers go to whom?" it sounded like a million voices all speaking at one, it was neither male nor female and it sounded emotionless.

"I do" she croaked out a little louder.

"Do you promise to do all within your power to protect those in need?"

Hermione frowned, her mind wondering about the question "I do" she didn't hesitate to agree because she would always help.

"Child" the voices spoke again this time with great care in the voices "your powers were given to you for a reason, we will not take them because you need them. There will be a time when these powers need using, your Guardians are freely given to you because we feel you need a little push, a little help. The beginning of a war will start in the months of the new year, you were made to stop this, a Muggle with powers unheard of. Time can only tell if you will disappoint us or not".

Hermione gulped and licked her lips nervously "what if I disappoint you?"

She could almost feel the air smile around her "have faith child" the voice seemed to laugh at her "for we do, we have never chosen wrong before".

"Right" Hermione breathe out slowly with a grimace "okay".

"Do you Hermione Granger swear to stop this war even if it costs you your magic" the voices paused "your life" they paused again before whispering "your heart?"

"I do" Hermione whispered and felt the rush of magic slide through her.

"Then your wish is our command, your Guardians will be chosen. You will be called upon throughout your life to help fight the bad and save the good. Be strong little one, your life's about to get a whole lot more confusing."

The wind died down leaving Hermione standing in the middle of the moonlight area, she didn't move for what must have been minutes. She finally allowed herself to move and slowly climbed out of the pond. She reached for her wand and cancelled the silent charm before she waved her wand over her clothes drying them and turning them back into her comfortable jeans and jump. She placed her wand into her jean pocket and slowly placed her socks and shoes back on.

Upon tying her second shoe lace her friends moved back into the clearing, their eyes moving around to make sure everything was okay.

"Did it work?" Neville asked nervously.

Hermione nodded "yeah" she breathed out not looking up at them "it worked".

"You don't seem happy about it" Dean commented with a furrow of his brows.

Hermione finally glanced up with a frown "I feel like a pawn, I feel used, I feel like I have no choice" she shook her head and forced a smile "It's nothing, just something they said".

"They said?" Seamus asked confused, his gaze moving around warily incase something jumped out at him.

Nodding her head Hermione let out a breath and stood up "its okay" she smiled at them "it's done and the Guardians will be chosen".

"So we wait?" Luna asked serenely.

Glancing at her friend Hermione nodded slowly "we wait" she agreed.