Sooo, i am sitting at my besties job waiting for her to get off. Sooo hers what i got .


It was a great day for Fred and George Weasley. They were about to realize their life long dream of being the owners of their own shop. No one to yell at them about how many owls the received, nor about how the weren't "applying" themselves. Like it was their fault that their family was so broke.

They had signed the dotted lines and shook hands with the barrister. The currently empty store front was all theirs. It wasn't much, but it had a massive basement that would work well as a lab as they continued coming up with creative new items for the seriously prank minded individuals. Above the store itself, was the second floor with had been converted to a spacious 2 bedroom apartment.

Many people, their mother especially, thought that Fred and George would tank as buisness owners. They knew they wouldn't. They knew that Harry had put his trust in them. He wanted them to open a joke shop, and help the magical community remember the lighter side of life. The had never, and would never, let their friend down. Late at night, they heard whispers between their mother and only sister. Not enough to understand what was going on, but enough that they knew there was a plot afoot. They had planned on letting their brother Ron know, but last night when they tried to over hear the plans, they were shocked to find Ron was in on the planning. With some of their famous quick planning, the twins told their mother that they would bring Hedwig with them to the Alley so that they could send her any questions they had while looking over the properties. They played up to their mothers overinflated sense of self, of course she would think that she knew better then them what they would need in a storefront.

Once the barrister had left. (AN- Barrister is brit speak for solicter or lawyer right?) Fred put his arm around his brothers waist and pressed a kiss to his forhead. Most people didn't realize the closeness of their bond, they often felt as if they were one soul split amongst 2 bodies. They knew that they were but waiting for the final member of their new family to be, and when he found them, the three men would be deliriously happy. Hadn't Luna promised them that it would be soon?

With a sigh, Fred moved over to the window of the shop, where a stunning snowy white owl was preening her wings. He pulled the letter that he and George had written previously. He tied it to Hedwigs leg carefully with a golden amber cord, his and Georges favorite color, so that Harry would know that the letter was from the twins before removing it from Hedwig. Sadly, extra security precautions were needed even with owl post these days.

The identical flame haired pranksters had stayed up late the previous night talking. They both felt that not only was Harry the Wizarding Worlds last hope (well the entire worlds last hope for that matter), but the small green eyed boy was also one of their greatest allies and friends. They knew first hand of the treatment he fell victim to every summer. They had begged, yelled and fought with everyone they could think of to try get their friend into a safer place. Their current, and final, plan was about to be set into motion. If the brothers Weasley and Weasley didn't recieve word from their friend, they had decided to use their ace in the sleeve. They would contact the worlds most feared potion Master and teacher himseslf. They seriously hoped it wouldn't come to that, but there was nothing that they wouldn't do for the one wizard who never looked down on them.

With a sigh, George leaned over to the window to push it open, as Fred stroked the side of his crooked index finger gently across the downy feathers between the regal birds beuatiful tawney eyes. "Hedwig, find Harry as quick as you can girl. Make sure he responds as soon as possiable. We will make sure no one hurts him anymore girl. We promise." With that, Fred thrust his arm twords the window, and Hedwig leapt up, her brilliant wings outstreatched and soared at the window with a soothing Hoot trailing in her wake. The 2 young men stood arm and arm, watching the bird fly away. But instead of heading 'twords Surrey, and by extention, Private Lane, She flew twords the opposite end of Diagon Alley... and the tall white marble bank that stood guard over that end of the alley.


In the tallest tower of Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk, stroking his long silver beard thoughfully. In his other hand was a large rainbow swirled lolliipop. He chuckled as he remebered the childs indignant shrieks as he snatched it out of her hand.

Everything was going according to the plans he had laid out 50 years ago. He was a Wizard who's name demanded respect from polite wizarding society. He was able to sit high in his office, with a steady supply of sweets, and an endless ammount of fresh young witches and wizards to mold. Of course any monetary gifts he recieved from the students, families and alumni were ALL given of their free will. Smirk. Of course, his puppet Fudge was beginning to pull at his strings, rather then coninue to dance to Dumbledores tune. Well, he could take care of that shortly.

He pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk, removed a diamente flask and inserted the silery blue memory string he had just extracted into it. He returned the bottle to it's hiding place and locked the drawer.

He stood and swept his fushia robes out of his way, and glided out the doorway of his office.

As the door shut behind him, the brilliantly colored Phoenix known as Fawkes ruffled his feathers. He saw what the old fool had missed. He watched the small female elf tip toe the rest of the way across the stone floor. When she reached the desk, all the could be seen was the poof on the top of her smart hat. The creaking of the drawer opening and closing echoed loudly across the empty room. Making his descion, Fawkes leapt from his perch and glided to a halt atop the desk. As she tried to hide the bottle and her stained jacket, she looked at the bird with first fear in her eyes, then a flash of spirit. "Winky be's helping The Great Harry Potters. No birds can stop hers."

Fawkes leapt from the desk, clutched the startled elf in his talons, and disapeared in a burst of flame.

When the burst back into being, they were in a large cavern like meeting room. Stone, iron accents, dark wooden beams.

There was utter silence as those assembled looked at the phoenix and the house elf sitting and the middle of the room.

"Winky!" cried Harry, as he darted twords the bedraggled creature. As he reached her, a melodic hoot was heard. A large white owl flew in the door as a pair of goblins entered carrying stacks of paperwork.

"Well, Harry, Is there anyone else we should be expecting?" Ragnuk asked the young man, with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Well, since you asked, " Harry replied...
