A/N: This is just how I can see Dean thinking about himself. Of course, I think Dean is much more than he gives himself credit for. Anyway, I was bored, I wrote this. Hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: Dean Winchester and Co. do not belong to me. I'm simply borrowing them for a bit.
Worth Saving
Sometimes I dream I'm drowning
In this endless, cerulean blue, sea
Doubt, fear, and uncertainty
Finding their home in me
And then I look up and see them
And I know I will never understand
Why they don't simply walk away
Why do they reach for my hand?
The man I see in the mirror
Doesn't seem worth very much
Just a broken and empty shell of a person,
Who uses alcohol, sarcasm, and humor as a debilitating crutch
The guy they see is vastly different
I've heard he's honorable, brave, and true
The kind of man who inspires others
Through courage and comforting words when they are blue
I whisper aloud a question
One that lingers a while in the air
Can they tell me exactly why,
Why they even bother to care?
They smile at me as they answer,
Full of a beautiful all encompassing grace
They tell me they see someone worth saving
They find peace, love, and a place called home
When they look upon this man's face
Well...what do you think? REVIEW :))