
The Silence. Chapter one.

So I had a huge inspiration in another song and I decided to write this, not only because I love Claire and Micheal, but because I think it is a good story line. I really hope you guys enjoy it. I know I will love writing it :) Enjoy!


I was sitting on the couch with my guitar writing a new song when I heard the door slam shut and Claire shouting.

"JUST GET OUT! STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU STUPID EXCUSE OF A MAN!"Claire was screaming her lungs out and it sounded like she had tears in her eyes. "DON'T COME NEAR ME AGAIN!" She started to run past the living room but I had gotten up quickly and grabbed her.

"Claire. Claire What happened? Who is it?" I held her arms and saw tears running down her face. "Please talk to me?"

"He is a jerk I never want to see him again! Make him leave, I know you can Micheal please?" She sobbed and now I knew this was something Shane did, this can't be good.

"I can't do that until you tell me what happened maybe we can work this out." It was times this I was glad Eve wasn't home, yet wished she was so she could help me figure this out.

"I need a shower..I have to get him off of me." She was talking to herself and moved away from me, I let go not wanting to hurt her anymore, and ran upstairs to the shower which I heard immediately turn on.

I sighed and picked up the house phone dialing the UC coffee shop number. "Hello?"

"UC coffe what can we do for you," Said a less than chipper sounding guy who I know didn't want to help me.

"I need Eve Rosser she is working tonight." I asked hoping she wasn't on break, "Tell her it is urgent."

"Who? Goth freak yeah she's here. One minute." I heard him yell for her and then heard her say something to him that sounded rude even though I didn't fully understand. "Yo."

"Eve? It's Micheal. You have to come home now something has happened." I explained quickly listening for the shower to turn off.

"Like what? Like fire, blood, fangs, or zombie video game trouble?" She asked sounding amused and like she would use any excuse to leave that place.

"Claire came home screaming at Shane and locked him out then ran upstairs to the shower sobbing her heart out." I didn't want to explain everything I just hoped she would get here soon.

"God I am not liking that boy this week," She sighed into the reciver, "Ok be home in five." She hung up. Setting the phone down i sat and listened for the water to stop.

Finally when it did and I knew Claire was in her room I walked upstairs and knocked on her door. "Claire can we talk? Will you please tell me what happened?"


I heard a knock and knew it was Micheal, he was so worried it seemed like. "Claire can we talk? Will you please tell me what happened?" He asked and I sighed and opened the door looking down at my feet the whole time.

"I guess. Come in." I watched him sit on the bed, patting the place beside him when he did. I moved to sit at my desk, feeling bad when I saw his face lower a bit.

"What did Shane do to you?"

I didn't wanna think about it and shuddered at the memory. "Micheal don't let him stay here anymore. I can't be near him you don't understand."

"Then help me understand," getting up from the bed he moved to kneel infront of me, "let me in and let me help." he raised my hand to move hair out of my face but I flinched away without meaning to. "He really hurt you didn't he?"

All I could do was nod, still feeling my walls fall down I let my head hang and cried for the third time that night letting the memories wash over me..

...He was sitting there with dinner and in a nice jacket and jeans, pretty dressy for him and he pulled it off,looking up at me. "Good evening my pet." He stood up and brought my hand to his lips like an old-fashioned gentleman, "Shall we enjoy dinner?"

I nodded and smiled sitting by him and taking a bite of the food infront of me. It tasted like take-out to me but I wanted to be nice since he probably cooked it and smiled saying it was good. We talked for a while then we started to dance and kiss. Things went wrong when he started to move in on me, grabbing places that he should have been wary to grab but no matter how much I said no or pushed his hands away he just kept on getting more and more angry everytime he was denied from touching me.

He only went further. The kisses got rougher and forced and hurt...alot the touches got more and more hurtful and intimate, touching me making me touch him in places i was even embarrassed thinking about. I kept saying no but he kept pushing and grabbing me, pushing me up agains a wall at one point he grabbed my by my hair and forced more on me trying to pull my dress from my shoulders. Finally i snapped, along with my hand to make contact with his face and shoved him off. "I said no!" I kicked him only to have him grab my leg and pull me down, hitting my head in the process i only heard one thing before i passed out. "You will regret denying me."

When i woke up i was alone but not. I heard sounds and when I stood the world tilted a little but not enough for me not to notice the clothes and Shane on the table where we had dinner with another girl and messing with her infront of me, knowing he had tried, probably succeeded by my dress when i was passed out, in seducing me then taking another girl right before my form. I heard his grunts along with hers and screamed finally losing it again. All i remeber after that was him coming after me begging something like it was a dream and i had too much wine,i didnt even drink, and him following me the way home.

He used me. "I think he took it from me Micheal..then he cheated right there right in front of my eyes! while i was passed out from his attack!" I couldn't handle it anymore I broke down and sobbed into his arms when I fell. I don't know how long i stayed like that only knew that he held me keeping me safe and whispering help to me, soothing me from the sobs and pain for now, when i heard the door open and knew it was Eve by the shoes. I dried my eyes and stood on shaky legs not wanting her to freak out too much. "Thank you Micheal. You really did help i don't want you to stop i can't lose you guys.." I saw him nod and Eve come in before i told him he could go get some rest so i could talk to eve. I knew i had to tell her as well. I only told her he cheated and that i was ok, no i didnt break down infront of her not again, only alone.


I sat with my guitar in my lap, paper and pen ready knowing i had a song soon coming. I started the tune and sung words i thought would fit and maybe one day help Claire in some way.

Tear in two, she lies awake,
The moon lights up the room like day
Another night she spends alone,
Without his touch of skin so cold

The blood thats running through her veins,
With every beat theres no escape,
Lost in everything she trust,
Still cant seem to get enough.

I wrote what i thought would work down and nodded leaning the guitar on the side of the couch before going to grab my sports bottle of what i hated and reminded me the first time tonight of what i was. At least you can help Claire. I thought and took a drink before walking out again.

"The song was really good. Write more maybe let Claire help to get her view in it. " Eve was sitting in the big chair staring blankly at the news. "She is asleep and she really is glad you helped Mike. I think she will only start talking to you now. How could he do that?"

"I don't know Eve... I don't know." Claire was smart, funny, charming, beautiful and i can't know why someone would hurt. "It wont happen again as long as i'm around I swear it."


Ok you guys need to tell me what you think. Should i keep going? Read and Review I need it! : ) thanks for reading... :)