Author Note: Yes…it's been a while since I've wrote for this board and I really missed it! Thanks to all the fans and PM's that encouraged me not to give up. Of course this is my favorite forbidden ship and I hope you enjoy the ride.
Favors for a Friend
Eric comes back from Africa with a set of expectations and finds his world is not what he thought. His friends have changed in ways he didn't plan and does he even fit in this Point Place world anymore? An old friend help ease the transition
Chapter 01 – Every Day's a Blur
December 31, 1979
Eric's eyes fluttered open as the captain's voice announced the flight's arrival from Johannesburg, South Africa to Madison's Dane County Regional Airport in less than twenty minutes. Had he been sleeping all that time? He dreamt of Donna. He dreamed of the last time he saw her with her blonde hair all twisted up in a Princess Leia bun….he dreamed of holding her in his arms and then how angry she was when he didn't cancel his trip.
The weather had been bad. He left a sunny southern hemisphere only to arrive on a snowy New Years Eve and air traffic was now in a holding pattern waiting to land. Red was going to be pissed! Eric looked out the window at all the city lights and sighed. In a way he missed civilization but then he also liked the quiet solitude of the little villages.
He missed his mom and family dinners. He missed his dad with his foot in the ass threats. He missed the guys in the basement. He missed kissing Donna. He was stupid for leaving and breaking up with her in a damn letter. But shit, wasn't her happiness all he ever wanted? It always seemed that nothing he did gave her back that smile she had before the ugly man ring – before the little trailer she wanted to sacrifice her future to live in….yet, she found her smile with Casey. For a while – until the Kelso colors bled true.
Eric Forman had ruined Donna's life irreparably – his only hope was that he could spend the next ten years making her happy again. While the American Airlines jet taxied onto the runway, he crossed his fingers and said a quick prayer that would hopefully be answered when he got home.
Home. What a wonderful four letter word. He would hug his mom and maybe his dad and hell, he'd even hug Fez if he had to. He was just glad to be back in Wisconsin and put this experiment behind him. Maybe Donna would be waiting.
Maybe it wouldn't be too late.
May 31, 1980
Summer was going to be brutal. The heat in the attic was nearly unbearable, yet Eric had promised his mom he'd put the winter clothing back in the trunk and sweep at the dust bunnies that collected during the winter. He swiped at the sweat that beaded on his forehead and sat down heavily on Grandma Sigurdson's old rocking chair. This homecoming was NOT what he had envisioned at all.
Things changed while he was gone. In his mind, while he taught classes, Kitty Forman stayed in the kitchen backing cookies. Dad tinkered in the garage and hung out at the Lodge with his buddies. The guys in the basement would still be waiting for him and Donna was still dreaming about his return. Jackie? Eh…she was just a piece of furniture in this vision even though she did call to tell him goodbye.
In reality, Donna kissed him hello and goodbye that fateful New Year's Eve, Kelso went back to his job in Chicago, Fez and Jackie broke up (they were a couple?) Hyde hid out in the basement and rarely made appearances. Now he had Jackie living next door in Bob Pinciotti's guest room, and Donna living in a dorm at U of W. That was totally not what he planned to come home to.
Eric sighed heavily and swept up the dust into the pan and emptied it in the trash. Escape or The Pina Colada Song was playing on the old AM radio he had plugged in by the door and suddenly found himself singing with the song lyrics:
So I waited with high hopes
And she walked into the place
I knew her smile in an instant
I knew the curve of her face
Maybe that was the problem. He had known Donna for so long that over the years it was just expected – okay, maybe his expectation that she was the only girl for him. I knew her smile in an instant…I knew the curve of her face… Donna had a life and was not an action figure he would play with at whim. She had a promising future ahead of her and was willing to go for the brass ring.
He had cold feet.
She deserved better.
He deserved whatever he got for hurting her.
The radio was switched off in the middle of Call Me, by Blondie, as the trash can was moved to the attic door and the light extinguished. Eric was ready for whatever chore Red had lined up next. This was his penance for hurting his family and friends for leaving and he accepted it without complaint.
If only he could find a regular job to get him out from under Red's thumb, maybe he could be happy. Hell, no one was happy now – but it would feel nice to smile again.
November 15, 1980
"Oh honey, that is just wonderful. I'm so happy for Brooke and I would be glad to make a wedding cake. Are you sure Michael is okay with this?" Kitty was already planning on how to decorate the five tier cake she would bake. Jackie was drinking hot cider at the kitchen table. "Oh yes Mrs. Forman. He thinks Cameron is a great guy and would be a good step-dad to Betsy."
Kitty smiled, "I've met him and he is quite the catch!"
Jackie laughed, "He is handsome and Brooke loves him so much. They'll be a great couple."
Kitty pulled a cookbook down from her cupboard and brought it to the table. She opened the worn cover to the dessert section. "Look at these. I was thinking of square layers stacked off center and covered in roses." Jackie looked at a similar picture cake. "That is gorgeous and it would match Brooke's colors!"
Kitty was pleased at the compliment and eager to start buying the ingredients to bake this special cake.
Jackie reached into her purse and exclaimed, "Oh! Before I forget, here's a check from Brooke's mom – she wants to pay you for the baking."
The slightly wrinkled hands took the check from Jackie's fingers and when Kitty saw the amount she nearly dropped the paper. Brooke's mom was going to pay $300 for a wedding cake? That much money when Kitty Forman could create a masterpiece for no more than fifty bucks? This was a blessing!
Kitty was nearly choked up, "Tell Brooke this is… more than fair for the price. I'll make her the most beautiful cake."
The swinging door opened and Eric walked through with a basket of dirty laundry. He stopped and looked at his smiling mom and Jackie sitting in his dad's chair. "What are you doing here?" Why did Jackie Burkhart have to look so comfortable and happy?
Kitty turned the cookbook around. "Honey…that's no way to talk to company – Jackie came over to ask me to bake the cake for Brooke's wedding."
Eric's eyes got big and he dropped his basket; tee shirts and dirty socks spilling on the floor. "Kelso is getting married and I wasn't invited?"
Jackie smiled softly, "No you big dope. Brooke is marring Cameron. I think you met him at the 4th of July party?" Jackie looked at Mrs. Forman for confirmation.
Kitty nodded. "Honey, he was the tall handsome boy that grilled the bratwurst your father loved so much."
Eric sat down at the table. July…that was months ago! How was he supposed to remember a party when Donna wasn't in it? He did recall a stranger sharing the grill with his dad but the face was a blur. "So….Kelso is okay with Brooke marrying someone else?"
Jackie laughed, "Eric! Have you been hiding under a rock? Cameron Nash owns the biggest pyrotechnic business in Wisconsin. Michael is his biggest fan. Remember the Labor Day Incident?"
Kitty giggled. "Oh Eric, you have to remember that! The Osh Kosh Stadium? The bleachers set on fire because of some fireworks that went off too early? It was all over the news."
Jackie continued the story, "Michael burned off one of his eyebrows and nearly lost the tip of his finger. Seriously, you don't remember?"
Eric scratched his head. It sounded familiar but he had been such a hermit lately and hadn't seen his friends in forever – that did sound like something Kelso would do. "So Kelso doesn't have a problem with some other guy raising his daughter?"
Jackie shook her head, "Eric, you really have to get a grip. Michael is fine. He has Betsy every other weekend and is a great dad. When was the last time you talked to him?" She could tell by his blank expression that Eric's troubles were taking a toll. She reached out a hand to touch his but he recoiled. Softly she asked, "Have you seen any of your friends?"
He shook his head and looked at the door. Nope. No one. Not a single friend. Hyde still lived in the basement but kept odd hours and Fez? Where was Fez? Why in the hell was Jackie even here? It wasn't like they were friends. Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh but she was right – he really hadn't seen any of his friends since he came back from Africa.
Jackie clapped her hands. "Look. What are you doing the Saturday after Thanksgiving?"
Eric looked a little lost. "It's almost Thanksgiving?"
Kitty frowned, "Of course sweetie, why do you think there's a turkey in the freezer and your father keeps talking about desserts? Oh Eric, you need a good wake up call. You can't keep living in the past like this. Donna's gone. She's made her decision to go to school and you need to start your life without her."
Jackie repeated her question. "Are you busy the Saturday after Thanksgiving? I'm a bridesmaid and the usher I'm paired with is 16 years old. I need an escort that can at least buy me a drink. Care to go to a wedding?"
Kitty laughed, "Ahahahaha….it's like a little date!"
Jackie and Eric both looked at the older woman and declared, "It's not a date!"
Jackie looked at Eric and grinned, "It's a favor - two friends just going to an event and doing a favor." With the emphasis on the word favor.
Eric seemed to sit up a little straighter. "I think I still have a suit that fits." It might be nice to get out from under Red's thumb and see his friends at a party. "Why didn't you ask Hyde?"
Jackie rolled her eyes, "Eric…me and Steven are over. Besides, W.B. keeps him so busy he barely has time for his record store these days. Why is it that I know more about your friends than you?"
Eric shrugged. "Fez? Is he coming?"
"Fez is part of the entertainment." Jackie smiled. Wow, she had a nice smile when she wanted. Eric was curious about what she meant. "He's going to dance for the wedding?"
She smirked, "Nope. You're just going to fall off your chair. Fez and some friends from one of those islands he's from formed a group. They call themselves the Foreign Village People. I know, it's a total rip off from the original singing group but Fez is the Indian and he's good! You should hear him sing Y.M.C.A – he's awesome!"
Eric couldn't believe that….well maybe he could – Fez seemed to be talented in more than people gave him credit for. This might be worth spending an afternoon with Jackie Burkhart! "Okay, you have an escort but only if you promise to keep me up to date on the rest of my friends."
Jackie held out her hand. "Deal. Dress nice and we'll take my car. I don't want to pull up outside the Kenosha Hilton in a Vista Cruiser." She winked and Eric could feel his face turn red. Was he looking forward to this wedding more than he thought he should? He watched as Jackie hugged his mom and nearly skipped out the door.
"Does she still live with Fez?"
Kitty sighed, "Oh sweetie….you really need to get out of the house more often."
A/N: Since I live in the "Great Flood of 2011" area – my updates may be sporadic depending on if I have to evacuate or not. This story will have a beginning, middle and end so I hope you stay tuned and enjoy.
Writing helps me take my mind off Mother Nature.