Tomorrow is my big day. "When you go to a salon to get a manicure and mani pedi?" Asks my sister jokingly. She's reading over my shoulder. I heard that once you get married it's like a new chapter in your life. But first you must always complete the previous one before starting a new. So here I am. Leaving the war that was 15 years ago. Now I'm 22. Getting married. Gonna start a family. Get a job. All that sweet family life stuff. And you know what,? I'm scared. Terrified. Tanka Jones, my sister told me that I should forget that war. Move on. That's easy for her. Her attention span is like a mosquitoes, drink the blood fly away. Or squat, you're dead. But I'm getting off topic.

Tomorrow the biggest, happiest day of my life. Marrying the most amazing guy, even though my sister would totally disagree. My bridesmaids are Tanka, obviously, and my best friend Luka. Harpo's best man is Aran. Since I started dating Harpo and Tanka Aran they've become best pals. Luka hasn't really found anyone. She has dated. But they were all jerks. She started a bed and breakfast at Cherry Heaven and I help out on the weekend. Tanka actually OWNS the Spa, that's why she spends all her time. She says she makes it better but Aran secretively says that she only does it for the free messages and mud mask. Hahaha, Tanka has left give Aran a piece of her mind. Oops.

But I need a closure. I need to forget, or get over the war, the death of my parents. So here I am. Ready to write. Find that closure that I deserve. No one can stop me, not those Mazzini people or the Atsumisi, not like the Galrezi would try. Here I am. Close my eyes. I find my place in this terror stricken city. The five-cities. But I'm no longer 22. I'm the little girl of 7 once again. I'm Kat Jones; let the closure begin.