Itachi Uchiha was a legend in the Hidden Leaf Village. Heir to one of the most powerful shin obi clans in existence, possessor of the Mangekyo Sharigan, ANBU captain at the age of thirteen, impossible handsome and cool under fire, he was the hero of the village. He was envied by most of the men, and it was a rare woman that had not entertained at least one or two fantasies about what it would be like to be touched by those long elegant fingers of his. His air of indifference only seemed to add to the aura of coolness that hung about him.

What very few people in the village were privileged to know was that Itachi was just as human as the next man. He laughed, worried, bled, and had a normal sexual appetite. He was also intensely private, preferring solitude, and a bit on the paranoid side. And though he was discreet about it, he was just as much of a fan of Jiraiya's literary works as Kakashi. In other words, Itachi Uchiha was a pervert.

Having mentioned that he was both the heir to the Uchiha clan, one of the most uptight and prideful clans, and a pervert, it should come as no surprise that Itachi was very discreet when it came to his affairs with the fairer sex. It was a clan bylaw that the heir should remain a virgin till his wedding night. Itachi had broken that law at the tender age of fourteen, when he took up one of his many fan girl's offers. Since that time, he had become addicted to the taste, touch, smell, and sight of the female body. Taking his role as the upholder of Uchiha virtue seriously (in public anyway), Itachi had come up with a unique method for ensuring that his reputation remained intact while at the same time being free to indulge himself any time he wished.

A contract.

Any woman that wanted to be in his bed had to sign a contract stating that she would not, under any circumstance, reveal that she had been intimate with him. One word, one heated glance, and her life would become a living hell. The penalty for breaking the contract was 72 hours of torture while stuck in his Sharigan genjutsu. It was a high price, but no woman had yet to turn him down or betray him. He liked to pride himself on the fact that he made sure that none of his partners ever regretted taking him up on his offer.

It was no one wonder that this level of success with women should have led to a certain degree of conceit. To put it plainly, Itachi was not accustomed to being told no by a woman. Ever. And this is where the real story begins…..

"Sakura-sempai! You are needed in trauma room one! ANBU Team One has returned from their mission and they are in critical condition!" An agitated nurse hurriedly told the pinkette. Sakura sighed as she put down the chopsticks she had just raised to her mouth. Looks like I am missing my lunch once again. Nodded to the nurse, she quickly followed her down the emergency room and entered trauma one.

Immediately, she could tell that for once the nurse had not exaggerated the extent of Itachi Uchiha's injuries. Most of the time when he was brought to the hospital, the nurses made a huge fuss over the man, a simple cut was treated as if he had a life-threatening injury. This time however, she was genuinely concerned. As she bustled forward, shoving the hovering nurses out of the way, she began to assess the damage visually.

His handsome face was marred by several deep cuts, his right arm was bent at an odd angle, and his abdomen was wrapped in hastily applied field bandages that were soaked through with blood.

Barking out orders to the nurses, she quickly pulled healing chakra into her hands and applied it to his chest, checking for internal damage, and probing the depth of his obvious wounds. Her concern turned to panic when she discovered that his spleen had a tear in it, spilling infection into his abdominal cavity. Shouting out for someone to summon Lady Tsunade, she applied her full concentration to stopping the flow of poisonous leakage, and repairing the tear. Sweat blossomed on her brow as she pumped more and more chakra into her hands, repairing his broken ribs and stimulating the production of red and white blood cells.

She turned her attention to sealing up the deep slash across his abdomen, and then worked on his arm. By the time she had done all that, her chakra reserves were very low, and she was swaying over his body dizzily, her sheer stubborn will being the only thing holding her up. A moan of pain brought her attention back up to his face, and she was amazed to she that he was awake and starring up at her intensely.

"Itachi-san, your injuries were extensive, but I was able to heal the worse of them. Rest now and I will get you something for the pain." She told him in a soothing voice, as she gently stroked her hand over his eyelids, lowering them. He grunted at her, which she knew from experience, was Uchiha-ese (as she put it) for a yes. Just as she was getting ready to collaspe, her shishou entered and grabbed her arm, leading her to the bed beside his. A brief infusion of chakra from the older woman had her feeling much better.

"Sakura- you know better than to run your reserves that low." Lady Tsunade said sternly.

"I felt that his injuries warranted the risk, besides how could I ever face Sasuke-kun if I let his brother die?" Sakura replied, clearly unrepentant. Neither woman realized that Itachi was lying awake in pain listening to their conversation. Tsunade let out a humph of disgust, as she checked Itachi's condition, and finished healing him.

"I would have thought that you were over that stupid crush of yours by now." She teased her former apprentice. Sakura let out a reluctant bark of laughter.

"Shishou- you know very will that I was twelve the last time I admired Sasuke-kun. Twelve! Are you ever going to let me live down my fan girl years?" She asked in mock exasperation.

Interesting! She drains herself of chakra to save me, not because she cares about me, but because she doesn't want to hurt my brother. And she claims not to have feelings for him? Still from that tone in her voice, I have to believe that she is telling the truth. Itachi's body felt stiff, and he was unable to suppress a moan when Tsunade's chakra mended the fracture she found on his thigh. He heard Sakura mutter a curse.

"Shit-I forgot to have one of the nurses administer a painkiller!" She exclaimed in self-disgust. Tsunade sent her a sharp look as it was not normal for her most talented student to forget something important like that.

"You must have been really focused on healing him-maybe your little crush has transferred targets, eh?" She half-teased the young woman. Itachi found himself listening intently for her answer, and was put out when she started laughing.

"Itachi-san is way out of my league, Shishou! Besides, I learned my lesson about lusting after an Uchiha, after that one incident with…" She trailed off her sentence when she remembered that he was very likely listening to the conversation.

"I'd better go get that shot." Sakura said as she hurried out of the room.

So, she learned her lesson did she? Well, we will just have to see about that. Despite the pain that he was feeling, Itachi felt a smirk form across his face. In the past, he had not paid much attention to his younger brother's teammate. They had met at his house on several occasions and engaged in small talk at various functions, but he had never noticed how much she had grown until today.

She had finally started letting her hair grow out, and it swayed half-way down her back in soft loose waves. Her eyes were just as green as they had every been, but he had failed to notice how they sparkled with intelligence, and her body was curved in all the right places. True, her breasts from what he could tell under the lab coat were not overly generous, but in his experience small breasted women tended to be more sensitive. He was mildly surprised to find his body reacting to his thoughts, especially with how badly he had been injured, but he found that it just increased his interest in the pink-haired kuniochi.