"So what you're saying," Algol said slowly, "Was that you got hospitalized due to a horrible nosebleed?"

At the hospital that Raphael and his team initially escaped from in the earlier chapters, everyone besides Team Draw was currently gathered around his bed. After the intensive blood loss, Raphael had to stick to a strict rest schedule. This totally meant that he had to and could only wake at night, and no staying up late (into the day). Of course, this also meant that the had to visit him in the early wee hours of the morning. Aka it was time they currently visiting him was 4am in the morning.

With the way he's been treating everyone, no one was particularly enthusiastic about the visit besides Amy. It was done more out of obligation. Hilde in particular, was not happy about the opulent private hospital room. It was large, with an attached living room, nice view, fancy black and white rugs, and the walls were heavy with beautiful paintings of roses or mountains. The lights were currently dimmed to a medium level in their gold sconce and it illuminated her displeased face. "He'd better not be using Wolfkrone's money for this," she muttered.

Settling back against the super poofy ultra deluxe pillows, Raphael glared at the Hero King. "As ridiculous as it sounds, oui. I'm only thankful that it has stopped a few hours ago. I was sick of getting blood transfusions." He then patted Amy on the head. "And of course, I hate to worry you, my sweet little butterfly."

"Dad," Amy sulked. "The amount of blood you lost was outrageous. It doesn't make any sense." She stroked her chin. "There's something fishy about the whole thing."

Raphael crossed his arms and said, "Talim's cousin five times removed mentioned that she sensed a curse around me when she brought me to the hospital." He looked over at the priestess. "Do you sense the same thing, Talim?"

Talim nervously glanced over at Ivy before hastily shaking her head. "N-no, I don't sense anything unusal, Raphael. The wind around is still as black as ever." She didn't want there to be more tension between the two group, especially now that everything was over. Peace was better than war. But she was determined on reaching out to Zasalamel to get to the bottom of things. Ivy had agreed to assist her, and the alchemist frankly was too tired with her own failed experiments to deal with more drama.

"Is that so?" Raphael scowled. "Though it is nice to hear that the wind is as black as my heart, how is it that your cousin, is better at wind reading to detect a curse?"

Everyone there gasped as he basically just insulted her wind reading ability.

Talim turned bright red in the face and spluttered, "Sh-she... ummm I maybe you- mayb"

"I trust Talim's judgement," Kilik said supportively, putting a kindly hand on her shoulder. "She is after all, the official wind priestess."

"Maybe you just smelled," Ivy drawled. "Making Talim's cousin think it was a curse."

It was Raphael's turn to go red. "I do not smell!" He puffed out his chest proudly. "After all, I only use the most expensive French cologne there is."

Amy pursed her lips. "They don't always smell good, dad."

"Can we go back to sleep?" yawned Maxi, knowing that the conversation wasn't going anywhere.

Setsuka agreed. "We have to open up the daycare early tomorrow."

Everyone there began whining and sulking, wanting to leave and sleep so that they can deal with their crazy work schedule.

"I can't believe you value sleep more than my well-being," Raphael said, totally offended.

"You're not the one who has to wake up at 6am to do construction for a treehouse," Siegfried said grumpily.

"Fine fine, go away so I can rest," Raphael said, rolling his eyes. "BUT STILL!" Everyone jumped and he said, "I still think there's something abnormal about this nosebleed incident. Keep an eye on Team Draw." Drinking his milk tea, he waved them out. "Thanks for visiting, now goodnight. Get lots of rest and make me money."

Algol coughed. "You mean, the company's money to pay for Kratos's death incident."

"Yea, whatever."

Talim was the last to leave and she stopped when Raphael whispered her name and waved her over. Nervously, she quickly ran over and asked, "What is it Raphael?"

"Will you ask your cousin to visit me? I wish to thank her for saving my life," Raphael said, appreciation obvious in his voice. He then grinned and muttered, "She was a rather pretty woman... so very kind to have helped me. She had a very soothing voice as well. I even saw a halo of light around her head when she left. How admirable she didn't even ask for a reward. After all, I am rich."

Talim gulped and half wondered if she had cracked his head too many on the times on the stairs when she helped him for him to praise her this much. "Uhhhh... but Hilde and Siegfried helped too didn't they? I mean, that's what I heard," Talim said hastily. "Since during you moment of weakness, Taki and Aeon tried to attack.

Raphael sipped his tea and replied, "Oh I suppose. I am not an unfair man, so I have invested some of my own money into Wolfkrone and gave Siegfried and his mercenaries weekends off and an extra twenty minutes for lunch break."

That made Talim happy to hear, since she knew Hilde and Siegfried would have less of a burden on their shoulders.

Raphael coughed. "So, can you do that for me?"

Talim immediately turned red and shook her head. "S-sorry, but I heard she's here for some secret wind item gathering ritual... thing. I can't even track her down with the wind."

"That's unfortunate," Raphael muttered. "Anyways, you may go. Night little one."

"Nighty!" squeaked Talim, running off before her bad lying would blow her cover.

"Clean! We must clean this all up before Siegfried and his mercenary group come over to work on our treehouse tomorrow," Zasalamel barked, walking around their construction site of a living room. The place was covered in symbols, drawn by draining alot of tomatoes, raspberries and the entire ritual centered around a sacrificed frozen turkey Nightmare had bought at the supermarket. Xianghua was currently pulling at the turkey that was stuck on the wooden table that Yun-Seong had sanded and she huffed, "Why is this thing superglued to the table?"

Tira giggled as she slid past. The assassin had tied scrubbing brushes to her feet and was skating around to increase the cleaning speed. "I mistook the mayo sauce for super glue."

"I still can't tell if we were combining magic and cooking class together or just had a really weird food fight around a frozen turkey," Mitsurugi said dryly, scrubbing at the walls.


"Alright, on the count of three... one, two, three!"

Mitsurugi looked up to see a tomato hit him in the face and then pandemonium reigned as food flew everywhere. With a growl, he threw his banana and it struck Tira in the eye.

End of flashback...

"It worked now didn't it?" Zasalamel said darkly. "If only Aeon and Taki had managed to do their jobs right-"

The ninja appeared right behind him said lowly, "If it wasn't for that mysterious cousin of Talim, Raphael wouldn't have gotten away. After all, Nightmare and Tira arrived on the scene like five minutes later. We were doing a good enough job fighting against the Wolfkrone princess and her boyfriend.

Near the stairs to the bedrooms (that weren't done yet), Aeon held up roared in agreement, jabbing Nightmare in the back.

"Hey!" The Azure knight threw down his Soul Edge mop and said, "I had to go deliver the groceries, then head over to the fight. I can't run that fast you know? Besides, being five minutes late is perfectly reasonable."

Zasalamel held up a hand. "Wait a minute. I wanted the fastest to go." He stared at Nightmare. "Not you."

Hwang said, scrubbing at the walls with both hands (he and Rock underwent an intense two day extreme body building class at the local gym to lose weight and it paid off), "We're trying to be quick about the whole thing, since we didn't want anyone to take notice or catch Algol's attention. Cervantes can teleport, Tira is an assassin who's quick on her feet, Taki is a ninja so enough said, and Aeon can fly to skip over rush hour so they'd be the obvious four. How did the heavy haunted suit of armor come into the picture?"

Zasalamel and Taki both looked over at Tira. "Care to explain?" asked the black magician.

Tira pouted as she skated around him. "I wanted Nighty to get some blood pumping y'know? He's been moping around and everything since we've lost."

"He doesn't even have blood," said Yun-Seong, turning away from the cleaning.

"Augh! So you ruined the plan!" Xianghua pulled on the turkey so hard it flew out of the window of their treehouse. With that task done, she stomped over to her. "You've delayed our time to get back to our world!"

"Oh please, you just want to go off into the sunset with your Kilik bear!" Tira huffed, "I, care about Nighty's happiness. You don't even bother to think about the fact that the goody goody monk prefers this world."

Xianghua stomped her foot down. "He's just being self sacrificing! I'm worried for his health, which is why I want things back to normal! He's going to kill himself by working so much for that vain prissy vampire!"

The two began catfighting and Zasalamel wished for the millionth time that he was dead.


Everyone gasped when Rock shouted that. The caveman (who was now of course, back to his really buffed form) said angrily, "Compared to all of you, I have an even more urgent reason to return back to the old world. I have a kid who's... who's..." Rock bawled. "Abandoning the ways of the jungle!"

Cervantes raised his hands, flabbergasted. "Can't you take a plane to Brazil and trek around in a jungle, with man eating spiders or something?"

"It's not the same," sobbed Rock. "Instead of asking the spirits for guidance, he uses a GPS! And he's playing games or watching T.V instead of traditional training. At this point, if five men jumps him, he won't be able to fight back!" He tugged the rhino head over his head and continued sobbing. "Bangoo! I can't let him go down the wrong path! Before this whole thing, he could swim across an ocean and he hunted down plenty of animals with me! Like a lion or tiger even. If we do that now, PETA will sue us!" He shuddered and said, "I really don't want to go back to court. Oh spirits! What will I do if we can never go back?! BANGOO!"

Zasalamel held up his hands in exasperation, trying to calm everyone down as they all began chitchatting to each other about the possibility of not going back. "Everyone calm down. Listen to me." No one listened to him and a vein throbbed on his head. "LISTEN TO ME BEFORE I SUMMON A BLACK HOLE!" he thundered. That caught their attention and he said, "Obviously, we're not going to try another curse thing. That last one was a huge waste of food, is taking way too long to clean up, and we're at risk of being discovered. We have to go back to the old plan of mutinying at the party, and luring all of Raphael's members to our side." He began pointing to all of them. "If we can lure just three of their people to our side, we are golden. Now-"

"Oh my god!" Seong-Mina looked out the window and shouted, "Algol is heading this way!"

Nighty mopped like mad with his Soul Edge mop. "We're not done cleaning!"

Zasalamel chewed on his thumbnail, his mind working at light speed. If only Mitsurugi didn't hammer in his finger, they probably would have been finished cleaning up the evidence by now. After all, the samurai was a one man army. Damn it all, how was he going to delay Algol? Everyone here sucked at being a conversationalist. In fact, two of his members couldn't even speak (Aeon and Voldo), Tira was crazy, Nightmare was stupid, Taki was the silent stoic type, Cervantes couldn't say two words without offending someone, the trio of Koreans were average, Rock usually just shouts something about Bangoo, and... hey, where was Mitsurugi? "Where's Mitsurugi?" asked Zasalamel.

"Mitsu said something about being a distraction so that we can hurry and clean up Zassy!" Tira clapped her hands together and grinned.

"What?!" Running over to the window, he facepalmed as Mitusurugi shouted something about wanting to challenge the hero king and fight to the death and KAAAAAAAAAAATSSSS!

He didn't have much of a choice at this point and he hissed, "Voldo! Get the ceiling, Nightmare keep moping with that Soul Edge mop, everyone keep scrubbing!" He rolled up the sleeves of his robe. Taking out his scythe, he chopped up the wooden sofa and T.V that Nightmare had carved.

"What are you doing to my stuff?!" cried Nightmare.

"It looked ugly anyways and if we can't clean everything in time, we need to destroy it." In a few seconds Zasalamel reduced the wood to twigs and logs. Using his powers, he summoned a mini black hole to destroy the evidence.

"What the heck is going on up there?" Algol shouted, looking up at the racket in the treehouse while trying to fight off Mitsurugi, who had randomly challenged him.

Poking her head out of the window, Xianghua shouted, "We're just cleaning up! Don't want the place to be an embarrassment when Siegfried and his people show up!"

"It's like 4:30am!"

Xianghua stuck her tongue out at him. "They're supposed to be here like at six so what's your point?"

One hour and a half later...

Siegfried blinked, unsure if he was seeing things from lack of sleep or...

"Hey boss, this place sure is clean," said Salia, echoing his thoughts.

After climbing up the ladder and fitting like twenty grown men and one woman into the treehouse, while the rest remained outside, the people inside were currently staring at how sparkling clean the place was. Siegfried gingerly reached over and touched the wall with a finger. "That's really smooth wood? They did a pretty good job before we got here."

"And we expect the same quality now that you're here." Cervantes walked downstairs with Voldo and Rock. Tipping his hat, the pirate grinned. "We will be overseeing your work and letting you know where and what to build, pretty boy."

Siegfried stared. "Zasalamel put you in charge of us? What, is he blind?" He then pointed to Voldo. "Literally, Zasalamel must be blind to put a blind man in charge."

"No, he put me in charge because," Cervantes said slowly, "I'm the biggest and baddest pirate captain of the seven seas. My men fear me so much, they work double the hours of a normal man and if they don't do a good job, I throw them overboard. Like this." He took out his pistol sword and shot Siegfried square in the chest. The good news was that Siegfried was using his crystal armor as construction equipment for safety, so it protected him. The bad news was the impact sent him flying backwards and down the hole of the treehouse.

Voldo hissed and leaped up to the ceiling, looking down at them with his milky white eyes.

Cervantes grinned and said, "Voldo may be blind, but he's the guardian of the money pit. He'll make sure you don't steal any of our stuff and that you aren't being lazy by sneaking off to sleep or something."

Salia pointed at Rock, not really concerned about the fact that her leader just fell down a hole. "So why is he here?"

Rock grinned and dragged his son out from behind him. "My son Bangoo will be helping with construction. I want him to grow big, strong and responsible so I'm making him work and keeping an eye on him. He's going to be living HERE-" Rock glared at his son, "Instead of sleeping at his new friends' house. I thought he could live independently in the forest like before, but noooooooo, he didn't."

"Dad," Bangoo said, obviously not very happy about the whole thing. "It's not like I don't want to, it's illegal apparently."

"That's why we're going to go back-"

Cervantes quickly covered Rock's mouth. "Not so fast!" He glanced over at the staring crowd and barked, "You're not getting paid to stand, so hurry and start building." When they rolled their eyes and began their work, Cervantes hissed, "You almost blew our cover you wretch."

Rock mumbled an apology and shooed his son off to work.

At the SCII southern France mansion stage (Raphael) daycare...

"Pssst, over here little girl."

Stopping her skipping, Pyrrha giggled and looked behind her. "Oh, hi Nighty!"

Hiding in a berry bush, Nightmare hastily shushed her. Setsuka had half of the kids outside getting some exercise in the large garden and if he wasn't stealthy enough, he was totally screwed. "Don't call me Nighty, it's annoying enough with Tira doing that," Nightmare grouched.

Pyrrha bent down on her knees and blinked her large blue eyes at him. "Are you playing hide and seek? Your horn is sticking out. Here!" She grabbed a berry and pushed it on top of the horn of his helmet.

"Why you-" He shut up when he heard Setsuka calling for Pyrrha.

"Oh I gotta go Nighty. Good luck playing hide and seek," she said politely, making to run off.

"Wait wait wait," Nightmare said hastily. "I came to give you some candies, Pyrrha." He held out some wrapped candies, with pictures of Soul Edge's eyeballs on it.

Peering closely at it, Pyrrha said, "Is that from the candy shop in Soul Land?"

"Yea, so have some. Tira and uncle Nightmare bought them for you," he said, gagging on the inside as he tried to pretend to be nice.

Pyrrha sucked on her thumb hesitantly. "I don't know, mommy said not to take candies from stranger. And auntie Cassy said if that happens, I need to tell her so that she can kick their butts."

Nightmare grouched, "Look here kiddie, the Azure nightmare does not give candies to just any kids. You're a very special kid and it's not like you don't know me right?"

"You're not exactly a nice guy Nighty," Pyrrha said, shaking her head. "I don't eat candies before dinner anyways. Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii."

"No no no!" Nightmare hissed, trying to snatch at her but missing as she skipped away to Setsuka. Damn it, this was way too hard.

"What are you doing?"

He looked over to see Patroklos, looking at him suspiciously.

"You didn't see anything," Nightmare said quietly, picking up his portable bush and sidling away.

Patroklos blinked and watched him slowly leave. When Setsuka got to his side to get him to go take his nap time with the other kids, he said, "Miss, that bush Nightmare was hiding in walked out that way."

Under her umbrella, Setsuka wiped at her brows and said, "Nightmare can't possibly fit his gigantic armor body into a bush Patroklos. Now off to nap! Hurry hurry." She pushed him off towards Marienbard and sighed.

Popping up beside her, Maxi said, "Let's go get lunch while they nap. I'm pooped."

Setsuka agreed. "I need to eat and get back some energy before they clamor around me for my sword fighting lesson."

"They seem to like the class," Maxi said supportively. "Sophitia's boy seems to be the best at it."

"Speaking of him, he said something strange. He said Nightmare was hiding in a bush and then he left."

Immediately, Maxi began laughing. "Nightmare hates kids. Being this close to them might make him puke."

On the outside of Raphael's stage from SCII, Nightmare took off the bush disguise to puke into the trashcan in the back. "Kids are so gross!" Taking out his cellphone, he dialed for Tira. "Tira I need backup!"

"Shut up I'm busy." With that, gloomy Tira hung up.

Back at Raphael's castle...

"And if I find out that you were the one responsible or tried anything else to hurt Raphael and his team, I will make sure to tell my cousin to tattle to the Hero King. We all know he likes her for reviving his son. From, Talim's cousin five times removed," Talim said, walking back and forth behind Ivy as she typed up the email to Zasalamel. They were currently in Ivy's purple bedroom and the two were working on an email to deter the black magician from any more dark magic and

Adjusting her glasses, Ivy said, "And you think this will be a good way to caution Zasalamel and keep the peace, Talim?"

Bobbing her head, she said, "I'm sure it'll work. Zasalamel knows he won't be a match for Algol and for our team so he shouldn't try anything."

"It might work, or it might not," Ivy said, proof reading the email. "This might make Zasalamel just be extra cautious instead of stopping him."

Talim sat down heavily on Ivy's queen size silk bed and sat there gloomily. "I hope not... we're supposed to finally be at peace now."

Pressing the send button, Ivy then took off her glasses and spun around in her chair. "We sent a warning, but we should also be wary."

"So what should we do?" Talim asked inquisitively.

"For now, we have to keep this between ourselves since you want to keep the peace, and I have too many trial experiments to do." She said quietly, "Be careful though. Amy has very sharp eyes, she'd be the first to find out if we aren't careful."

Talim gulped, knowing that after living so long with Raphael, Amy had indeed developed very sharp eyes to try and keep him out of trouble. "Ok..."

"Anyways, off you go Talim. Go to your room and change and take the potion to continue the job search. We still have a long ways to go," Ivy muttered. "And remember to keep a low profile!"

Thirty minutes later... at the Wolfkrone merry-go-round stage in SCIV...

Talim stared with wide eyes as a portrait of her older self was taped on the decorative wall. Her eyes were practically bulging out as she struggled to read the words beneath her wanted posters while kids lined up around her to get on the ride.

Mysterious Savior Wanted

A graceful slender woman with long green hair, chocolate brown eyes framed by lacy black lashes, and traditional outfit, known as Talim's cousin five times removed. If you see her, I want her alive to thank her for saving my life. $50000 to the one who brings her to me.

Talim pulled at her long hair. "All I wanted was to find a job... why wind?!"

"There she is! Tis I, Yoshimitsu!" cried Yoshimitsu, flying above her head. "Miss, I need to bringeth thee to Raphael Sorel. It is merely a thank you invitation so I must therefore kidnap you!" His entire manji clan was running towards them from a distance and Talim gaped in disbelief.

"No, she's our!" Cassandra shouted as she and Sophitia showed up. "We even closed the bakery for today to look. With this, my sister can stop working so hard and can then spend time with her kids instead of putting them into daycare."

At this moment, Nightmare in his bush sneaked by. Hearing that, his eyes widened. Even though he wasn't very smart, he knew that if Pyrrha was no longer in daycare, he wouldn't be able to give her the Soul Edge candies to fulfil Zasalamel's plans. Quickly, he walked backwards and began dialling for Mitsurugi.

"This is Mitsurugi, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, my thumb got hammered in by Nightmare so I'm taking no calls while I'm at the doctor today. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."

"Drown in blood and darkness!" said Nightmare, leaving behind a rather meaningless message and closing his phone.

Drawing her sword out of her shield, the beautiful Greek mother smiled sadly and said, "We bear you no ill will and under other circumstances, we would never abduct a woman to give to Raphael Sorel. But this is for my children and he only wanted to thank you. I and my sister even personally made the sweets and cake he wanted to share with you."

Cold sweat ran down Talim's forehead. "Ju-just tell him it's alright, I really don't need him to thank me or cakes. I-I I'm on a diet!"

"Sorry, he's paying too well for us to pass this up," said Cassandra, standing side by side with her sister.

"No, this victory will be for Wolfkrone." Hilde was the next to show up. "For my country to be free from Raphael, I will have her and use her as a bargaining chip." Adjusting her helmet, she said, "Don't worry, cousin of Talim, I'll pass you some pepper spray before handing you over to him just in case." From behind the Manji clan, was Hilde's army charging at top speed.

At this rate, a crowd was beginning to take notice and Talim gulped as she backed away from them. What was worse when even Amy and Zwei showed up, along with all of Raphael's minions that he didn't send to assist with Setsuka's daycare. Drawing her rapier in a displeased expression, she said, "I will bring you to my father personally so that he won't need to waste the money."

"P-please, I don't want to," Talim protested, backing away towards the edge of the abyss where the stage itself, was happily spinning round and round. Before she knew it, a sudden bush rushed in front of her and Nightmare popped out like a rabbit.

Everyone gasped. "Nightmare?!"

"This way!" Grabbing the woman with his mutated arm, he dragged her and they jumped towards the spinning stage that they originally fought on in SCIV before Raphael made his new world.

"You're not getting away! Take this!" Cassandra jumped, slamming her shield into the stage to shake the entire place. This caused the kids there to begin crying and all the guests there quickly grabbed their kids off the merry-go-round to leave.

Nightmare swung the blunt side of his Soul Edge into Cassandra's stomach, sending her flying. "Haha," he said smugly. He raised up his sword and said, "Soul Edge, the ultimate weapon, cannot be defeated by the likes of you inferior wretched humans-" Before he could finish, Yoshimitsu dropped on him from above, Hilde struck his chest with her lance, Sophitia slapped him in the face with her shield and last but not least, Amy pierced fifty holes in his armor.

Looking down, Nightmare screamed. "I've been uglified! Ahhhhhh!"

"Annoying." Not looking, Amy raised her leg and kicked him into the abyss. Her eyes cold, she said, "Where did that woman go while Nightmare was distracting us?"

"There she goesth!" cried the Manji leader.

Talim gasped and quickly backflipped away from Yoshimitsu who had teleported in front of her. Drawing out her elbow blades in midair, she deftly guard impacted his attacks before spinning on her feet, cutting at his flag. Kicking her leg up high, she knocked his mask off and he had to hastily cover his face before others could see it.

"My face!"

"Sorry, but I'm not coming with you," she apologized, elbowing him in the stomach and knocking him away. The wind then picked up from her right and she did a split, dodging Hilde's lance. Pushing off from the ground, she kicked off from Hilde's shoulder and twirled into the air. Landing gracefully, she shouted, "Wind! Sudden gusts of wind picked up, sending dust, dirt and Soul Land's litter into their face and she quickly seized the chance to run for it. As she ran, she couldn't help wonder why she had fought so well. Could it also be an effect from Ivy's potion? Her eyes widened briefly as she felt the distortion in the wind. Touching her medallion, she looked up, confused.

Amy coughed, holding a sleeve to her nostrils. "What a nuisance." She hopped off the stage and to safety and said, "We'd better hurry, Zwei. Father isn't a patient man."

"Amy, your father is the most impatient and grumpy man I know," Zwei said dryly, looking rather bored about the whole thing.

"The cake will spoil if we don't hurry," Sophitia said worriedly, coming along as well when the wind died.

After they all left, Nightmare shouted from down below, "Hey! Isn't anyone going to get me? Hello?! HOW DARE YOU PEOPLE LEAVE THE AZURE KNIGHT LIKE THIS!"

At a coffee shop in Soul Land...

Zasalamel sipped his black coffee, reading the email he just received. Slowly, he lowered the cup and narrowed his eyes. He had only narrowly evaded the Hero King's questionings, and thank the stars they managed to clean up the evidence in time. Good thing Mitsurugi was still a difficult opponent to deal with even though he has a broken finger. But now, Algol was definitely suspicious, even though he didn't have any concrete evidence. If this person who called herself Talim's cousin, was to tattle to the priestess, his last resort to returning things to normal was over. He had better be careful. But of course...


The korean yawned, looking up from his own coffee. "What?"

"I've asked you to come here for an important mission," replied Zasalamel, not happy that Yun-Seong was dozing off.

He yawned, "So why isn't Mina and Hwang here? We're a trio."

"They'll be helping you, don't worry," said Zasalamel. "But right now, they're with Tira. I asked them to look for Talim. Then, that's where you will come in."

Yun-Seong blinked. "Come in where?"

The dark magician's smile widened. "I have already targeted a few of their members. Sophitia, Kilik, Hilde, Setsuka and Talim. Minimum, we need only three. And you... will be the one to recruit the wind priestess."

"Because we're friends?" asked Yun-Seong, looking perplexed. "I don't know man, we're cool and all but Talim really cares about peace and stuff. She's pretty happy with this world so I doubt she'd join our side, even if we're friends. It hasn't happened before so why would it now?"

"Because she's a young girl in love, and would surely listen to her new boyfriend."

Now, Yun-Seong was even more confused. "Tal is in love? With who? When did she even get a boyfriend?"

"That new boyfriend is you." Pointing to Yun-Seong, he said, "You need to go be with her, and drag her over to our side, understand?" Zasalamel closed his eyes when Yun-Seong spat out his coffee and into his face.

"Are you insane?!" He leaped to his feet. "Tal is my friend, I refuse to hurt her feelings like this."

"Have you never considered dating her?" Zasalamel wiped at his face. "You two were travelling companions after all. I know for a fact, she harbors a crush for you. Why not try dating her yourself, to see if she's the one?"

Yun-Seong bit on his lips. "There's... someone I already like."

"But you're not officially with this person," Zasalamel drawled, knowing that the kid liked Seong-Mina. "Why not give Talim and yourself a chance? It's good for the team, and good for her. If it works out, we gain another member and you gain a good relationship. If not, Talim can give up on you and move on for her own sake."

Yun-Seong glared at Zasalamel. "Since when did you become a matchmaker?"

"Last night sometimes when Nightmare hit me in the head with his Soul Edge mop." Zasalamel rolled his eyes. "It's not like I want this job. Being a matchmaker for Xianghua is especially tiring." He took out his cellphone and showed the Korean the number of messages that were made in the 'Marrying Kilik Success Plan'.

"59, 887 messages?" gasped Yun-Seong.

"Hopefully, matchmaking for you won't be as annoying," muttered Zasalamel.

At Algol's office...

Algol stood before his large windows, taking in the magnificent view. It was certainly nice to have some time to relax. That whole visiting Raphael in the hospital thing, to going over to Team Draw's treehouse had messed up his sleep schedule. For now, things seemed semi-normal but who knows what would happen next.

"Hey daddy!" Kami opened the door and skipped in, wearing a huge grin on her face. Behind her, Arcturus tagged along.

"My son and adopted daughter!" Algol turned around, opening his arms to hug her.

"Sorry we're late dad," Arcturus apologized sheepishly.

"No worries! Things are finally calm between Raphael and Zasalamel's team, so I can finally spend some time with you two," Algol said happily, putting a hand on his son's shoulder.

Kami hopped in between the two. The oni girl then held up a poster and said, "Actually dad, instead of hanging out, let's do this instead!"

Algol took the piece of paper out of his daughter's hand and mouthed, "Woah... that's alot of money to spend to say thank you."

"Must say, Raphael Sorel certainly can be rather appreciative to those who helps him," said Arcturus.

"Who cares."

The two men shook slightly when Kami raised up her giant mace-like weapon. "Let's get that money father, brother. I want to buy some cool ancient magic demon artifacts and I need that money."

"I could use the money to help Talim pay off some of her debts," Arcturus said with a smile. "I heard she was having a hard time finding a job and I'd like to help the girl who revived me."

Algol sighed. "Well, at least we're spending time together I guess. Let's head out then." He ripped off his suit to reveal his SCIV 1p outfit. "I'm ready."

Kami stared. "Do you really wear that under your outfit everyday?" She sighed in embarrassment before looking over her shoulder. "Well, until next time readers. We're off bounty hunting and we're probably going to run into a few others as well. So wish us luck! Don't hold back on laughing JV! It's good for you and good for us!" Kami laughed.

Algol then grinned and said, "I'm sure someone will probably will snap being around a guy like Raphael. It would be amusing to see when that happens and he gets the punch in the face like he deserves." Algol pursed his lips. "I feel sorry for this cousin of Talim... but money is money. Thanks again Keyboardsaurus! Apologies to Lucky Lucy for removing your reviews, but Darkwings13 wanted to keep the review section clean. She is still very appreciative of your time for reading and reviews. And everyone, Nov 30 is a special day so celebrate and be happy. For it's the day Soul Calibur Lost Swords dies!"

Arcturus suppressed the urge to barf at the name of the worst edition to the Soul Calibur series of all time.

Darkwings13: Don't take candies from Nightmare I mean strangers XD