So… first story. And it's kind of cheesy. Enjoy. I don't own YJ.
~"Your landing could've collapsed the bridge,"
"yeah, but maybe you could, you know, help me figure that out"~
"Huhh," sighed Superboy as he turned in bed again. He still wasn't used to having a bed but that wasn't the reason he couldn't sleep. It was Superman and what he had said when they were in Metropolis; it kind of hurt. Superman had just completely rejected him again; at least he didn't look like he despised, or was disgusted with, the boy. After a few more minutes of restlessness, Superboy looked at his digital clock on his nightstand. It read 1:37 AM. Knowing that he would never be able to fall asleep at this rate, Superboy grabbed his iPod and his blanket and went to sleep in his closet.
-In Gotham-
Batman and Robin had just gotten back to the cave after stopping a minor robbery. Even so, Alfred had some first aid ready and a pot of tea.
"Would you like some tea sir?"
"No thanks Alfred," said Batman
"And how about you young master?
"No thanks Al," said Robin
"Very well, sirs, can I get you anything else?"
"No thanks Alfred, we're good, you can go to bed," said Batman
"Good night then," said Alfred
After Bruce and Richard changed out of their uniforms Bruce began asking about what else had happened earlier that evening.
"Well, the truck that me and Superboy were chasing got attacked by Robo-monkeys and Superboy jumped off his cycle without switching it to combat mode and it nearly ran into me." he started.
"Then?" Bruce inquired.
"Then Superboy went chasing after the monkeys and I used the monkey's navigation system to track 'em down, then me and KF met up on the highway to Gotham and went to my school."
"What happened there?"
"Somehow either Superboy or Amazo crashed into the trophy case and dented my trophies...and when we got down to the gym the guy started comparing Superboy to Superman saying that Superboy's abilities weren't good enough to copy and some other things that set him off," said Richard as he finally finished his abbreviated narration.
"Speaking of those two, have you noticed Superman's behavior towards Superboy and how he's dealing with him?" asked Bruce.
"Of course I have," said Richard, "he's ignoring him and pushing him onto you, Red Tornado, and Black Canary."
A moment passed before Richard spoke again.
"We should fix that," he said, a small mischievous smile forming on his face.
"So how're you planning on doing that?" asked Bruce, somewhat amused at the idea his adoptive son was getting at.
"What do you mean, "You?" You're going to help me!"
"But do you have a plan?" Bruce asked.
"Not yet, I'm workin' on it," said Richard.
"Okay, let me know when you have one, in the meantime, get to bed, you have school tomorrow," said Bruce.