Author's Note: This is crazy. But what the hell.
Disclaimer: I neither own Yu Yu Hakusho or Glee
Episode 1
There are good days, and there are bad days, and there are days like this when Kurama wonders if Koenma had any common sense at all.
The first thing that Koenma did wrong was to send Botan to call Hiei directly. It was a humid day, the kind of day that Hiei hated the most, and to make the day pass as soon as possible the small youkai was snoozing in peace on a tree branch outside Kurama's apartment when Botan Suddenly Swooped Down and summoned the apparition with such urgency.
Now, for all previous missions, it was always Kurama who broke to Hiei anything Koenma wanted them to do; this was a strategic move to let the youkai think he had the choice to agree. Hiei trusted Kurama. Somewhat. And Koenma, in turn, trusted this system. Well, he did, until the last mission when Kurama purposely left Hiei out (no, he would not drag Hiei's temperamental ass escorting mermaid toddlers from one end of a continent to the next). And now, Kurama feared, that just because Koenma wanted to make a point that he was the boss and it was not up to Kurama who to include on missions or not, he ignored this previously and perfectly working system.
The second mistake was phrasing. After they were all gathered in the briefing room (Hiei with a this-better-be-important-or-else frown), this was how the conversation went:
"We have urgent intel of a youkai disguising himself as a human, penetrating a high school in the United States," Koenma said without as much as a paude. "You guys are to be deployed immediately as exchange students to seek this youkai out as discreetly as possible."
"What kind of youkai?" Kurama had asked, knowing that the above sentence would never be enough in cooling Hiei's I-Could-Not-Care-Less-About-Humans head. Hopefully, the youkai would be challenge enough…
"B-class newt."
Great. Just great.
"All four of us. Going after a B-class newt." Hiei said slowly. Kurama knew Hiei enough to interpret this slowness as pre-Kokuryuha anger.
"Yeah, Koenma, why send us after something we have right here?" Kuwabara interjected, eyeing Hiei with an oafish grin.
"Or something you're about to be?" Hiei answered just as he leapt, sword aimed at Kuwabara's throat.
Oh boy.
This was the point when Kurama wondered about how hard Koenma's head must have hit the floor when he was dropped as a baby, hence his lack of foresight on putting this briefing together.
He looked at the infant and the demi-god waved an exasperated hand at him in permission to take control of the situation.
Kurama stepped closer to a struggling Yusuke (who was holding Hiei and Kuwabara apart), grabbed Hiei by the waist, and pulled him out of the briefing room.
"Let go of me, fool!" Hiei growled as Kurama continued to lift him even while walking along the corridors of Koenma's castle.
"No killing?" Kurama paused in his stride.
"Not for now," Hiei glowered.
"Good enough," Kurama chuckled and subsequently let go of the lithe demon.
They walked (stormed, for Hiei) towards the castle garden.
"I know what you're going to do," Hiei said right after they were within the middle of the plants. "Are they on?"
Kurama nodded as he let his powers through the plants and told them to hum so the walls can't hear their conversation.
"If you think you can talk me into this mission, you're even more insane than that brat in a royal high chair," Hiei grumbled.
Ah, Kurama noted. Grumbled. Not growled.
A sign that Hiei was more or less putting up this fight just to see how exactly Kurama was going to convince him to travel half a world away pretending to be a student at a US school to track a B-class newt.
Unfortunately for Hiei, Kurama had no tricks up his sleeve. Kurama smiled at the dragon-bearer.
"No tricks this time," Kurama promised. He wouldn't have used the word 'trick' if he didn't know that Hiei somewhat enjoyed them in the first place. "We'll have to do this mission. It's 100."
Hiei's eyes widened. "You mean-"
"Yup, tracked it all from number 1," Kurama interrupted. He sat down on a stone bench and looked back at Hiei. "We're one mission away from becoming free."
"How come Koenma never mentioned it?" Hiei asked, looking dubiously at the fox in front of him.
"I honestly think he wasn't keeping track anymore; he thought we weren't doing this as a punishment but because we honestly wanted to, having grown close as tantei and all," Kurama offered.
Hiei was silent for a while, and Kurama waited patiently for the demon's decision. At this point, he didn't really have a preference if Hiei agreed or not; either way could possibly work out for them…
"So," Hiei gruffed. "Where is this Ohayo?"
"You know what's awesome about this mission?" Yusuke exclaimed as they rode a van from the airport towards the school.
"Aside from being free from Shizuru?" Kuwabara grinned.
Yusuke promptly ignored the comment. "No uniforms. Finally."
"Didn't know you were so fashion-conscious," Kurama jeered the toushin.
"Not really," Yusuke grinned sheepishly. "But I always ruin them when I got into fights, ya know? And it's hard to explain to my mother why I always seemed to need a new set almost every week."
"We're near," Hiei said matter-of-factly.
Kurama nodded. He took a look outside the van windows as the vehicle made a turn and saw the beginning of a school ground. He looked up at the end of the road they were in and a red brick building sat at the top of a hill, with a few Caucasian students scattered here and there on the grounds.
He took a pillbox from inside his backpack, took out a couple of tabs, swallowed one and gave one to Hiei. At the front he saw his teammates also swallowing them.
"Wow. Does Koenma have French versions of these?" Yusuke asked in straight, American-accent English.
"But we study them together every night," Kurama replied.
Wow. Even he was slightly taken aback by how effortless he was able to pull that sentence out. I mean, he knew pretty decent English but these language tabs did the trick perfectly.
"You okay Hiei?" Kurama asked.
"What's the plan to get this demon?" the youkai asked suddenly, also in pure American-accent English. His vibrato fit well with the accent and Kurama couldn't help but blink at the niceness of the tone.
As Yusuke launched an explanation of how they first had to know everyone in the school to get a feel of what's normal or what's not, Kurama sighed and focused his attention back on the grass outside.
His focus wasn't on the students strolling around or the brick building becoming nearer and nearer though. In his mind, the thought that Hiei seemed to be so eager to get the mission over and done with bothered him. It didn't really sit well with him, but when he tried, he couldn't put a finger on why, exactly.
The four boys faced a bald-looking guy that was introduced to them as 'Principal Figgins'.
"Welcome to McKinley High," he said, eyeing each one from head to toe. "We have quite a few members of the Asian community but always good to add variety to our campus."
"Thanks, sir," Kurama took the initiative to speak in front of the whole gang. "We're excited to be here. We really felt welcome."
If the stares he got from Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei were daggers, he could have been dead by now. Kurama knew exactly what the looks meant. Once they got off the van and trudged the walk to the front door of the school, they experienced a few head-to-toe stares from the other students, particularly those who wore McKinley high uniforms; must have been varisty players and cheerleaders, Kurama had presumed.
"Anyway," Kurama rushed to displace the tension. "Thanks again. I guess we should be heading our way to classes now."
Principal Figgins handed out papers with their schedules printed on them.
"A few useful reminders," he said as he stood up and led them to the door. "There are restrooms at both ends of the hallways should you feel the need to wash yourselves or bathe."
Kurama found that last statement strange, but the moment they got ushered out of the principal's room, the sudden influx of Amreican high school made him forget whatever question he had about it.
He didn't know why but he lost Yusuke and Kuwabara in the flood of people on the corridors. The moment he realized it, he immediately secured Hiei's backback strap on his arm.
Okay, perhaps in a previous life, he was king-of-the-thieves youko. Or, even now, he was S-class demon Kurama. Or, back in Japan, he was campus-heart throb Minamino Shuichii. However, he was still half human, and a teenager. You couldn't blame him if he felt a little nervous standing in the middle of all these other teenagers buzzing about around him.
They were somehow being pushed and shoved. Was everyone is such a hurry?
"Hi there, you seem to be lost," a high-pitched voice said from behind them.
Kurama turned around and sort of spun Hiei around too.
"Hi, yeah, I think we need to head off to Spanish class," Kurama smiled.
"I'll lead you right to it," the woman nodded with a bright smile. "I'm Emma Pillsbury. Ms. Pillsbury, the guidance counselor. You guys are the exchange students?"
Kurama nodded. "My name is Kurama Minamino and this is Hiei Jaganshi."
"You seem to speak some awesome English," Ms. Pillsbury noted. "I thought you guys were from Japan?"
"We had American teachers there," Kurama lied without skipping a beat.
"They must have been good to teach you this level of articulation!" she clapped her hands in excitement.
"Basically they made us watch a lot of Friends and How I Met Your Mother reruns."
"Oh," she whispered. "Anyway, will you both follow me? I think Mr. Schuester – the Spanish class teacher – is about to kick the class off any minute."
Author's Note: Here we go. Second, much longer, chapter up next week.