I am terribly sorry for being inactive for so long. Thank you so much for continuing to read my stories, even when I was unable to continue writing them. I'm not trying to give any excuses to my absence, but I was hacked and have not been able to get back on to my account until now. I don't understand why someone would hack into my account, as I have done nothing wrong to a single soul on this website. I do have a few suspicions.
I will leave this account up, until I have found and collected all of the chapters from my stories on here. When I have, I will be posting them on the account I made a month or so ago, Horanx4xHoran. If you would like to read more recent, and more improved, stories of mine, please do on FictionPress (Horanx4xHoran), Wattpad (Nukkss) and Mibba (Horanx4xHoran).
No worries, I'll leave all of these stories up, but will not be continuing until I've gathered all of my stuff.
Thank you. Love you. Don't give up on me?
P.S. I am no longer depressed.:) So for those of you who were here for me... Thank you so much.